Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2480: Li Yue conquered the emperor

Yin Zhongwen cried and said, "But, but now I'm going to the table to persuade you to go in. That 80% is to die. Even if you show your attitude, Liu Yu is unlikely to claim the emperor right now. It is very likely that he will kill first after testing the reactions of all parties. I."

Tao Yuanming smiled mysteriously: "Smart people want to fight wits but not strength. Don't be so simple and direct, Gong Yin, did you ever think of a sentence called Liyue conquest from the emperor?"

Yin Zhongwen's eyes lit up: "You mean...?"

Tao Yuanming stroked his goatee with satisfaction: "Gong Yin, a few days ago, the master of Nanyan, Murongchao, sent Shangshu to make Han Fan an envoy to Qin to discuss the matter of bringing back Murongchao's mother and wife, do you know? What conditions did Hou Qin mention?"

Yin Zhongwen was surprised: "I don't know, hey, Tao Gong, you have resigned, how can you still know these things?"

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "In the beginning, I left some eyeliners in Qin State in order to make an envoy to Post-Qin. Now they are reporting some military information of Qin State to me. This is a formal court meeting of Qin State, and it is not a secret. Even in our Dajin, high-level generals like Liu Yu and Liu Yi should have known it a long time ago. Of course, Gong Yin is not in the court now, so it’s not surprising that you don’t know about these foreign affairs."

A trace of jealousy flashed across Yin Zhongwen's face, and he turned to smile: "Then, please tell me, what conditions Qin Guokai has been in the center for a long time, my eyes and ears are almost gone."

Tao Yuanming said sternly: "Later Qin master Yao Xing has two conditions for opening. One is that Nanyan needs to be a minister to Later Qin, and the other is that Nanyan needs to hand over the former Dajin royal band that he has kept. people."

Yin Zhongwen widened his eyes: "Ah, what you said is the other way round. The royal band that has been passed down from generation to generation since the Eastern Han Dynasty symbolizes the dynasty, and the royal band that is almost comparable to the jade seal of the country is now actually It was in Nanyan. I still remember that when Murong De entered Qidi, he relied on this band and said that he was Zheng Su, and many local clans gave up resistance and took the initiative to join."

Tao Yuanming nodded: "Yes, music itself doesn't mean anything, but since ancient times, ritual and music conquests have been created by the emperor. This band represents the positive retrospect. Even Huluqiang thief like Yao Xing, the post-Qin master, knows this. Point, in fact, Liu Yu has no ink in his chest and is a big boss. He himself may not realize this. He used to be in the army for a long time, and he didn't know any other music except for military drums."

"But you can just take this opportunity to admonish Liu Yu, saying that since Yongjia, China has been lost and rituals collapsed and music has collapsed. As a result, a great rebellion like the Huan family once usurped the country. Therefore, now the country is stable and needs to be remade. Military conquests also require high-pitched and exciting music to inspire and inspire people. Therefore, please order him to be responsible for the formulation of the ritual music, select musicians, retrieve the scores of the previous generation, correct the accent, and rebuild the Dajin band."

Yin Zhongwen laughed: "I'm the best at this, all kinds of ancient elegant music, I have a lot of scores here, even the scores of Guangling San, I still have them here, I used to just entertain myself. , But since we want to rebuild the royal band, it couldn’t be more appropriate."

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "Now Queen Wang is unable to find a chance to fight back. You go to Liu Yu and say that you want to remake rituals and music and educate the people. Even if Liu Yu doesn't understand it, Queen Wang will definitely understand what it means. At that time, she will definitely agree to your request. If this thing is done well, it will be loyal to the queen again and gain her trust, and you can also take this credit and ascend to the aspect. At that time, whether Liu Yu or Queen Wang, she will definitely entrust you to contact the major families and stand in line to persuade Liu Yu to take the throne. Only in this way can you get rid of Liu Tingyun's threat to you."

Yin Zhongwen gritted his teeth and just wanted to take the tea cup in front of him and drank it, but when he thought of something, his brows were frowned: "No, Tao Gong, you just said that because of the lack of ritual and music teaching, Huan Xuan usurped, in order to teach the people, it was necessary to remake ritual and music, but in doing so, Liu Yu himself also usurped the throne, then this ritual and music..."

A cold light flashed in Tao Yuanming's eyes: "Gong Yin, gong Yin, you have to know that this time the Queen was responsible for this. She can take care of your majesty's diet and daily life every day, as long as a little..."

When he said this, he stopped his mouth, and a wicked smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Yin Zhongwen gritted his teeth: "She, does she really have such a cruel hand?"

Tao Yuanming sneered: "This world has always been the most poisonous to women's hearts. Those female historians are looking for good ones. The former Jia Nanfeng, in order to protect his position and protect the wealth of the Jia family, manipulate Huidi, and poison the prince. , And our first emperor Zhang Guiren can suffocate the emperor with a joking, and finally retreat. In the game of power, all relationships and family relationships are pale and weak. The queen and Liu Tingyun have a deep hatred. If you want to protect yourself, you can only help Liu Yu ascend to the throne with all your strength, and then get rid of Liu Yi and his wife, so that you can never suffer from future troubles. If you think that the usurpation of Huanxuan is not pleasant, you can not mention it."

Yin Zhongwen no longer hesitated. He raised his head and drank the current cup of tea. While wiping his mouth, he said solemnly: "Last time you helped me a lot, I didn't get an official position for you. What do you want in return for helping me this time?!"

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "The last time I helped you, I was also helping me. Later, I relied on this credit and asked Liu Yu for the opportunity to join his shogunate. I wanted to make a contribution under his shogunate, but found out that he was not in line with my philosophy. So now I don’t cooperate with him, but if you can help him ascend the throne by this matter, and then advise him not to abuse the power of the people and govern the country with benevolence and justice, then I am willing to work for him. When that day comes, you only have to recommend me to be a royal Doctor Shi, patrolling the world and begging for orders for the people, even if I have a long-cherished wish in my life."

Yin Zhongwen smiled and shook his head and said: "Tao Gong's talent is really the pillar of Zaifu, a censer is enough~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At least, at least you must be six books to live up to your talent!"

Tao Yuanming smiled and waved his hand: "Oh, yes, I forgot to remind you, this admonishment, you have to face Liu Yuti, and you cannot pass that Liu Muzhi."

Yin Zhongwen was taken aback for a moment: "Why is this again?"

Tao Yuanming sighed: "This person is narrow-minded. I don't see any talent and merit above him. Before and after Qin's mission last time, he sent people to monitor me and collect evidence against me. If you say something, Liu Yu formulates rituals and music. He will definitely understand its intentions. Before you do this, he will find your handle and cause you to die. Therefore, this matter must be reported to Liu Yu secretly, and Liu Muzhi must not be allowed. Know, let alone let people know that I gave you the idea, otherwise, I am afraid that a catastrophe is about to come, remember!"

Yin Zhongwen nodded vigorously: "Follow Tao Gong's teachings, and I will visit Liu Zhenjun tomorrow!"

A smile flashed across Tao Yuanming's face, and he lifted the tea cup in front of him: "I wish Yin Gongma every success!"


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