Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2483: Rumors confuse the public

Shen Mufeng blushed in a hurry, and was about to speak, Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Shen Qiukui, you may not know something. During the war, Liu Changshi was a long history of logistics in Guanjun, but the battle was over. It’s about to be disarmed and returned home. You see, you became Qiu Kui, and he went home and became a medical officer. The letter you sent to the original army was transferred to Liu Changshi, a few of us, this time The commander sent to protect Liu Changshi. Oh, he should be called Doctor Liu now."

Shen Mufeng nodded excitedly and said, "Big brother, what you said is so good, fat, Dr. Liu, thank you for coming this time, folks, have you all heard that, Dr. Liu not only Will heal the disease, and you can talk to the current high-ranking official. If you have any grievances, just tell him."

Lu Lao San gritted his teeth: "Then I'll just say it, Fat Doctor, since our brother Shen believes in you, then we all believe in you. If you think what you said is good, you should report it to the official. If you think you can't mention it Yes, needless to say. Even if we have a chance to vent our anger, it is good."

Liu Muzhi smiled and walked under the big tree, crossed his legs, and sat on the floor: "Okay, I'm here today to listen to the opinions of the big guys, you have any grievances, but it doesn't matter."

Shen Mufeng hurried up, trying to help Liu Muzhi: "Oh, Fatty, Doctor Fat, the ground is dirty, how can you..."

Liu Muzhi smiled and waved his hand: "Mu Feng, when we were marching and fighting, it was common to sleep on the muddy ground. This is nothing. You don't really think that I became a doctor and became a particular person. The dust can't be dyed."

Shen Mufeng was embarrassed to stand aside, and a group of people quickly gathered around. Liu Muzhi's behavior naturally made them feel very affinity, and they really believed that this fat man is not a big official, but Like a brother, willing to listen to them.

A black-faced thin man named Li Qizhi said loudly: "Fat doctor, the court let us come here to farm, will it really protect us?"

Liu Muzhi's brows frowned slightly, and he turned to laugh: "This brother, why do you ask? Isn't the court now sending soldiers to protect you? Whether it's Guangling City or other places in Jiangbei, the court has soldiers. The horse protects you."

As he said, he pointed to Shen Mufeng: "Like Shen Qiukui, he used to be a soldier and fought in wars. There are a few small thieves. If he dares to come, he can bring a dozen strong men in the village to fight back. Right. , Mufeng."

Shen Mufeng laughed and said, "I can fight a dozen or so little thieves by myself, and I don’t need other offspring. However, over the years, I have been training the offspring in the village according to the training method in the army, Ergou, Si Mazi, Li Da, and Li Er, all came out to show the fat doctor to see your skills."

Six or seven young people were about to stand up. Liu Muzhi smiled and waved his hands: "Okay, well, I believe in Mu Feng's training. Since there are young people in the village who have practiced, I remember that when I emigrated to Jiangbei, I also gave it to you. Ten sets of leather armor, five knives, three spears, six bows and arrows, and two shields were issued to each village. With this equipment, the thief is here and he is not an opponent at all. So what are you worried about?"

The young man named Ergou, with a mole the size of a mung bean on his brow, grabbed his head and asked, "But, it is not a thief who is going to attack us, but a Hulu. I heard that, The Nanyan of the Murong clan has millions of soldiers and horses, and there are 400,000 light cavalry. The whole Jiangbei seems to not have so many people."

Liu Muzhi laughed: "Who told you this, Brother Ergou."

Ergou happily said: "At least three people have said so, there are other villagers from the north back to the south, there are storytellers, and there is a hawker who sells needles and threads."

Liu Muzhi furrowed his brows and looked at Liu Yu, and said, "Is there a man in his forties, with a medium height, a darker complexion, and a goatee, tell you this?"

A trace of confusion flashed across Ergou’s face. They looked at each other with a few other villagers, and still shook their heads and said, "No, this person you said has never seen before. Those who tell us about this are just ordinary The trafficker's **** is not a scholar."

Liu Muzhi's eyes rolled and he laughed: "Since he is an ordinary citizen, how can he know these things? Nanyan was founded by the Murong clan. There are indeed more than 100,000 soldiers, but he has a hundred soldiers. Ten thousand, hundreds of thousands of cavalry, that’s bragging. Then Nanyan occupies only the land of Qilu, a Qingzhou, and the place is similar to the six counties of Jiangbei. How can there be so many soldiers?"

The man named Si Mazi is a red-faced burly man who is about 30 years old. He has two bear tattoos on his arms. He looks stupefied. There are four pockmarks on his left cheek, which look particularly eye-catching. He exclaimed: "But , But this Murong family cavalry, I heard that the world is invincible. Even the former General Huanwen and the one hundred thousand army that led us to the Northern Expedition were defeated, and the former Yin Xianggong and Chu Xianggong were also given these surnames. Murong's fight was terrible. By the way, we knew when we were in Wudi, even Xie An Xie, General Xie Xuan Xie, and the Beifu army who swept the world. They also gave these Murong surnames. Defeated. Brother Shen, I'm not bragging this time."

Shen Mu said in a desperate manner: "Those, those are not exactly what you said, it is Murong's deception, laying traps, using fire to attack, this is not counted, fighting, just have to..."

Liu Muzhi waved his hand and prevented Shen Mufeng from continuing. He calmly said, "Brother Si Mazi, there is no problem with what you said. Murong's cavalry are indeed elite soldiers in the world. We have been defeated many times in the Northern Expedition. In their hands ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this is not a lie."

Si Mazi laughed and said, "That's it. If even the Beifu Army loses to them, then we..."

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "But what Shen Qiukui said is also true. The defeat of the Beifu Army in Yecheng was not a head-on battle, but an ambush was set up for them and our army was set on fire. Yes, this shows that they no longer have the strength to confront us head-on."

Speaking of this, Liu Muzhi paused and said: "A dozen years ago, after the defeat of Yecheng, the Western Yan cavalry of the Murong clan wanted to offend me in the Central Plains and seize me from Luoyang. Our current General Liu Yu Liu Zhenjun brought him Thousands of veterans rushed to Luoyang to defend, and tens of thousands of Xiyan cavalry were almost wiped out by us in the first battle. From then on, Murong clan dared not fight the idea of ​​Lianghuaijiangbei. Otherwise, how can the place you are farming be safe? "

Speaking of this, he pointed to Liu Yu behind him: "This Liu Daliu guard, who participated in the battle back then, knows the strength of the Murong Cavalry best!"



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