Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2485: Soldiers and civilians protect their homeland

Sister Xiangyun stopped crying and fell into deep thought. Liu Yu's voice was impassioned, echoing in the small square around the big tree, "At that time, the demon thief first emerged and killed the children of the Wudi family, so the place occupied by the group of demon thieves There is a mixture of fish and dragons, and where the army is conquered, it is inevitable that there will be excessive actions. However, because of the behavior of some people, it is said that the entire Beifu army is a brutal army that is powerless to kill thieves and will only harm the people. Then I firmly do not agree. In the final analysis, the suffering of the people is caused by the chaos of the monsters, and cannot be attributed to the Northern Army."

Xiangyun's wife gritted her teeth, "But the one who killed my husband, took my son, and sold me as a prostitute was not a thief, but..."

Liu Yu said in a deep voice, "This was the reason why fish and dragons were mixed, and the leader took the opportunity to retaliate. When Sun En was in trouble, he killed a lot of people, but left you only because you surrendered to him at the time, and the army When you fought back, because you had once submitted to the monsters, so you did not ask for the slaughter like this. Although this was only a minority of people, it was also not tolerated by military law. If such a person was in Liu Yu and Liu Zhenjun’s army, Liu Zhenjun would be early I killed him. I also countered the rebellion in the Beifu army at the time. I can tell you responsibly that I did not receive such orders to slaughter the people and plunder women and children. The soldiers of Dajin were to protect the country and the people. Exist, not to harm the people! If the Northern Army does not come, can you live well under the rule of the monster?"

"The demon thief forced the people to eat the meat of the slain officials and soldiers, and forced the women to perform the rituals of **** with them that day. Men would also confiscated thieves, and children would be detained for slowing down the march. Throwing into the water, it is said that it is an early ascent. These are all what we have witnessed along the way. If the officers and soldiers do not come, I am afraid that your family will encounter this kind of tragedy soon. If you don’t believe me, you can Ask the people from all over Jiangbei. Many of them have followed the army of monsters and were later pardoned. Ask them, have they experienced these things?!"

Shen Mufeng sighed, "No need to ask?   There are more than a dozen people like this in Li Village next door, and everyone has experienced the things Brother Liu just said. Xiangyun's wife?   Even if you stayed in the city at that time?   a few days later If the demon thief opens, your fate?   will not be better than it is now."

Sister Xiangyun sighed, "Oh, these **** things, fighting around, but it's hard for us to rise to the bottom!"

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Liu Yu said in a deep voice, "Now the demon thief has been put down for us?  Fight away?   will not come to harm you again, but this Jiangbei land will be your hometown in the future?  There will be no demon thief to harm you?   But, Hu Is it possible for the prisoner to go south?  This point?  It's not a rumor."

There was a commotion in the crowd, and many people exclaimed, "What?   Hulu will come, really?"

Shen Mufeng also widened his eyes, "Da?   Guard Liu, you, are you right? Hu Lu, Hu Lu can really come, can he really hit here?"

Liu Yuzheng said, "If we are not united internally, and we do not trust the court and the soldiers, then the Hulu may drive straight ahead and hit the Yangtze River. This country, this world, is not the property of those emperors and generals. There is also a share for all of our civilians. Everyone emigrated here, left their hometown where they lived for generations, and was assigned to the land here. They also received the imperial court’s tax exemption and exemption policy, so that you can live, work, and live well here. And the guarantee of your life is the soldiers stationed in Jiangbei. If you only think that these soldiers will only escape into the big city when they encounter foreign enemies, or they will take advantage of the war to rob and harm you, the soldiers and civilians. Centrifugal, how can you win the battle?"

Sister Xiangyun gritted her teeth and exclaimed, "What can we people do to help the army? We can't fight a war here except for more than a dozen offspring."

Liu Yu said loudly, "Information, logistics, these are the support of the people and the strength of the people. You may not be able to fight, but the strong can act with the army, and the women and children can withdraw to the south of the Yangtze River or retreat into the big city, leaving no food for the Husmen. Replenishment, if the Hus started to become more powerful, our Jiangbei garrison might temporarily retreat to a few big cities due to military needs, but they will never leave you behind. Those who flee, engage in military law! The soldiers of Dajin will never leave their people behind, and I hope you can support them! Defend your home and country."

There was an excited voice from the crowd, "Protect our home, defend our country!"

Liu Yu looked at Sister Xiangyun, "Sister Xiangyun, I know, these words are still difficult for you to agree with for a while. The previous wars caused you too much damage, but brothers Shen Mufeng and I can guarantee that if there are any more Hulu Coming offenders, our soldiers in Dajin will do our best to protect you from the recurrence of the previous tragedies. I hope that everyone can obey the arrangements of Brother Shen and act according to the instructions. As long as the military and civilians are united and the three services are used, it will be Nanyan’s Murong, we can definitely defeat it!"

Xiangyun's wife gritted her teeth, "The Liu Zhenjun you said did save us. I believe him. But if he really will protect us, why not come to Jiangbei?"

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly. "Because Liu Zhenjun wants to protect the safety of the capital, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Huanxuan made a chaos, and he was just wiped out by his army, and his camp is located at Jingkou, a river away from Guangling. , Is that if there is a Hulu invasion, he can deploy troops to help at any time. Of course, it may take some time. Hulu’s cavalry runs fast and may bypass the cities of Pengcheng and San'a and attack the Guangling area, so , You need to protect yourself first and obey the imperial court's orders, because at this time the order must have been issued by Liu Zhenjun."

A burst of cheers broke out from the crowd, and even Xiangyun's wife held their head excitedly, "Fat Doctor, I believe you and Liu Dawei, we will definitely cooperate with the court according to the arrangements of the court."

Liu Muzhi nodded his head with satisfaction and stood up. "As for the rumors you have heard this time, three points are true and seven points are false. I am afraid that the person who said these things to you is also a spy sent by Hulu. To spread panic here in Jiangbei, you only need to understand one thing, that is, the court and Liu Zhenjun will not leave you alone anytime, and will definitely protect you. As long as the military and the people are united, the Husbands are not a problem. You today I will respond to the high officials in the court when I say these things to me, and Liu Zhenjun can also hear your voice!"


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