Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2492: 0 years of big plans

Liu Yu's heart was agitated. At this moment, he suddenly understood the real greatness of the great man who pioneered the world. Give up the power in their hands and popularize the culture to the whole people to replace the landlord class who controls power by monopolizing knowledge. Only in this way can the people's power and wisdom be truly liberated, and the progress of the people can be truly realized, not the feudal dynasty. In the family world, a voice in his heart shouted: Liu Yu, can you do it?

Liu Yuping recovered his feelings, looked at Liu Muzhi, and said calmly: "Fatty, don't put a high hat on me, I will ask you, if I do this, do you support it? Don't forget, you are also a scholar. People, you still marry a big family like the Jiang family. It can be said that you know the position of the high family of the family best. You can even say that you are one of them. Do you really agree with this?"

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "In the long run, if you really want all the people in the world to read literacy and hyphenate, and to control the power of the scholars, it is tantamount to canceling the scholars and nobles since ancient times. It’s not a few generations, hundreds or even hundreds of years. At least, you have to change the cognition of the entire world. If you really get to this point, I’m afraid you have to go back to the ancient three emperors and five emperors, holy kings and sages. Now you Without this appeal, you can only take it step by step and change the perception of society first. Moreover, you need to be behind you and me, and there will still be someone who inherits and continues your ideas and practices. Send slave, you are sure Do you want to do such a thing?"

Liu Yu fell silent, and his heart was dark: Yes, I have passed through thousands of years and have already accepted the concept of equality for all in later generations. However, in this era, people generally still think that the monarchy is granted by gods, shepherds from heaven and family The nobles of the high school may not believe this, but they have long been enlightened so that the people all over the world agree with this value concept. The so-called Wanghou Jiang Xiangning has a kind of thought, although it will be used for rebellion, but even if it is successful in rebellion , Will also become the new king and general, instead of letting the people of the world be free and liberated. This cannot be reversed overnight.

In his own time, the people of the world have this awareness of equality for everyone. After hundreds of years of ideological enlightenment in the West, but also experienced drastic changes in China for nearly a hundred years. Finally, great men founded the country, popularized education, and followed the will of the country. It can only be achieved by forced implementation. I am already middle-aged and my life can only be several decades. Can I really accomplish this great task?

But Liu Yu suddenly laughed and said to Liu Muzhi: "It's man-made. The ancients still had fools to move mountains. Why can't we do it? But there is hope to make our children and grandchildren infinite. We can't let all the people in the world. Tzu accepts this, but at least we can let our children and grandchildren understand this through family history. As long as more and more people accept our concept, there will always be a day when it will be realized."

Liu Muzhi sighed softly: "Send slaves, isn't it the most difficult thing about children? If you really make all beings equal, without father and no emperor, then you will deprive future generations of being able to attack. After you have granted these privileges, what hurts you the most is not the nobles of the family, but your descendants. Even if you live in Zaifu in the future, your descendants cannot inherit your power. Are you sure your successor will be the same as you? Are they sure they won't act on your children and grandchildren?"

Liu Yu's heart was shocked and he couldn't respond, but Liu Muzhi continued to say in a deep voice: "This world is not without people with good ideals, such as the former Han general Huo Guang, who returned to the emperor. It can be said that he is a model of the powerful minister. In the end, the family was still slaughtered by the Han emperor. This is because in front of power, any noble morality is unreliable. Once you hand over power, you will be slaughtered by others, just like you, asking you to give up power now. , Can you really do it by handing it to a family master or Xi Le?

Liu Yu sighed, a trace of loneliness flashed in his eyes: "I don't know if I teach my nephews to be loyal and filial to the country and treat the people with kindness and righteousness from an early age, can they stop being tools of power? I don't want my children and grandchildren, Like the descendants of those great families, they didn't want to make progress, but they didn't let go of power, and finally became a scum for disaster."

Liu Muzhi laughed: "You don't have to think too much about these things, just do it right now. If you really want to popularize education and let the world's people literate and hyphenate, then you can do it in your lifetime, even if you have made great contributions to the world. The Qin State and Shang Yang reforms allowed all Qin people to abandon the inherent custom of courage to fight privately and be afraid of public wars. The whole people divided land and judged by merit. From then on, everyone was willing to serve the country. Its legal system has continued to this day. Some things are man-made. If you can do this, the credit won’t go to Shang Yang. Of course, don’t be as harsh and unkind as him, just do it yourself in the end."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "It's better what you said, so let's take this step by step now. First use this printing technique to make a lot of books, and then let the disciples of Confucian classics go to various prefectures and counties to run prefaces and establish rural schools, starting from Jingkou. Starting with the six counties of Jiangbei, let the children of meritorious officers and soldiers receive education, and then let these new students who are knowledgeable in writing and breaking their children to build more Xianxu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ educate more people, I I think that within ten years, we will have enough people to be qualified for the entire Dajin's grass-roots village officials, instead of relying on the children of the family."

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "This is okay, and at the beginning, in the name of rewarding the nephews of meritorious soldiers, this kind of education was partly engaged in, and it would not be noticeable. The children of the high school of the family are favored by the DPRK. Power and the industry in the capital, for the villages in the north of the Yangtze River, and places like Jingkou, do not care too much, and those scholars of Confucian classics have been marginal figures for many years, as long as you don’t let them suddenly become high-ranking officials. No one cares about being a teacher in the country, but this printing technique..."

Liu Muzhi's brows frowned: "If you do this with the power of the country, I'm afraid it will arouse the vigilance of many people, and..."

Having said that, he looked at the rolling pattern on the ground and frowned: "Can this thing really be made out? I have to go back and try it. After all, I haven't seen this kind of drawing before."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Then try it first, and I can give you three hundred craftsmen, including stonemasons, carpenters, as well as those who specialize in carving steles and making stamps, and those who make ink. Let them try this. I can also send you things, including painters and dyers. As long as this can be achieved, everyone can give them a great reward and treat them as meritorious soldiers!"

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