Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2507: Slavery is also a minority

Liu Yu sighed softly: "Is this a murder and Liwei? When I killed Wang Yu and other families, it was not for Liwei, but just to avenge the family of the Tingyun Brothers. Now I want to come, maybe. Some impulses, after all, have not been tried by national law."

He Wuji smiled slightly: "You didn't go through the national law trial just to save Xi Le, so you don't want to talk about Liu Tingyun, send slaves, our brothers won't talk about this. If these people deserve a million deaths, then what crime will they kill? Is it still important? What's more, this time Yin Zhongwen’s matter is not to blame him for weaving. He offered gifts and music to the courtiers, which is an unruly and conspiracy. You can kill him at that time!"

Liu Yu's brows frowned: "Nevertheless, it would be a bit too much if you really start. After all, if there is no clear evidence, you will have to commit murder with conspiracy. Doing so is against morality. It will also be in the family. There is a lot of uneasiness between the doors."

He Wuji sighed: "Ji slave, the biggest problem with you is that you are too principled and lack flexibility. Those who make big things don't stick to small things. This time, I am afraid that the matter is the same as Tao Yuanming leaving from you. The aristocratic families that regained power or the Mafia and other organizations attacked and tempted us. If you accepted the score at that time, it would inevitably conflict with me and Xi Le. If you only drive out Yin Zhongwen like now , Instead of holding him accountable, the family will think that you are actually dissatisfied, but you don’t want to show it all at once, and you have to test it. Then there will be a steady stream of people who persuade you to enter. You understand ?"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "Come here and I will drive one away? If the truth is blatant, then deal with it according to the national law, can't it? Yin Zhongwen is just offering an ancient music from the family? Just kill him by this? It’s not in accordance with the law."

He Wuji said solemnly: "When did the Mafia attack us before? When did you talk about the legal principles? When Huanxuan was in power and massacred our Beifu brothers, he could even justify inventing a new law. It was you who killed the king. When you discovered the whole family? They were charged with treason? Didn't you install the evidence of treason?"

Liu Yu was speechless for a long time, before he sighed: "Wuji? Have you discussed with Xi Le? You must attack Yin Zhongwen?"

He Wuji nodded: "Yes? When Xi Le took me to Jianjing Temple? I already made it very clear? This person turned out to be extremely flattering to Liu Tingyun, but after Huanchu's demise, he immediately Turned to the Queen and Queen. After hitting a wall here, I went to Jianjing Temple to meet the lady? Whether it was Mrs. Xie or Queen Wang? He might not only seek protection or ask for mercy? He wanted to provoke both. The relationship between this woman? It triggered a new round of conflict between you and Liu Yi, and their hearts are shameful. Such a person? Can you still stay?"

Liu Yu's eyes sparkled, and there was no answer.

He Wuji continued to speak: "You are going to expedition to the North next. I will be out of town when A Shouyuan is in Xishu. Xi Le may also guard Jingzhou or Yuzhou. Our Beifu brothers are all outside, Jiankang. The city will become the world of the aristocratic family again. If they attacked behind and seized their rations, or staged a coup to control the emperor and the families of our soldiers, what would you do? The scene of Guan Yu losing Jingzhou, I am afraid it will repeat itself. "

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "No need to talk about it. In fact, from the beginning to the end, Xi Le wanted Yin Zhongwen's life, right, or his good wife, I don't see Yin Zhongwen going to curry favor with Miao Yin and Mrs. Xie!"

He Wuji sneered and said, "So what? I agree with him. This time he humiliated me like this. He didn't have you or me in his eyes, and behind him, someone instructed that if we don't resolutely fight back on this matter, we The split of Beijing Basanju is right in front of us, and they will support one of us separately, and make the internal fighting bigger and bigger. Do you want to see this result?"

Liu Yu sighed: "According to the rules of the Big Three in Beijing, the two of you are already in agreement. Then you have to come to me and show your views directly. Even if I disagree, I can only obey."

He Wuji smiled and took Liu Yu's hand: "Xile thinks so, but I don't think so. Anyway, we are brothers who live and die together. We discuss things together. Don't make two people deliberately. Regarding another person, to be honest, last time you gave A Shou’s soldiers and horses to me and did not discuss with Xi Le. This was a great stimulus to him. Maybe, you and him are in this way now, it’s just this way. Mistakes will happen."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "It's great to have a brother like you. I know that you are here this time to reconcile our relationship and make up for some of the misunderstandings that our brothers have caused due to separation over the years. However, about Liu Tingyun. , I’m afraid it’s not easy to solve."

He Wuji hooked up the corner of his mouth: "Let's not talk about this matter. Xi Le seems to like this woman very much and does not allow others to move her. This matter can only be discussed in the long term, and you should not take the initiative to ask Xi Le to clean up her affairs~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ so as not to intensify the conflict. In any case, Yin Zhongwen's instigation between Liu Tingyun and Wang Miaoyin is a very dangerous signal. Women can't achieve the mind and rationality of our men. It is also a sign of getting rid of him earlier. attitude."

Liu Yu frowned: "Then what crime should I use to get rid of him?"

He Wuji sternly said: "Did not Liu Huaisu put down the rebellion of Huan Xianke and others in Jiangxia recently? He said that he had seized some letters from the rebels that communicated with the enemy from Yin Zhongwen, and left the matter to the literati in my house. If you can verify the evidence, you don’t have to worry about it. As long as the evidence is submitted later, you only need to nod your head and agree to take Yin Zhongwen for interrogation. There are 10,000 ways to get him to plead guilty, you know."

Liu Yu sighed: "Since you have already decided, I can't stop it, but I have to say that this time it was Yin Zhongwen who had a wrong heart first. If he kills it, he will kill it. In the future, if you want to use this trick to frame Zhongliang and create an unjust case. , Even if I turn my face against you, I will not hesitate!"

He Wuji laughed and said, "Don't worry, we are not such a person. These methods are only aimed at enemies, not friends and good people. Okay, this is the end of the discussion. Next, I want to talk to you about another thing. This is the reason why I didn’t call Xi Le this time. I would like to officially ask you to transfer Huai Su away from Jiangxia and return to Jiankang. I don’t know this requirement, can you meet it?"


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