Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2517: Unwilling to retreat

   Huang Hunan, Beifu Army Camp.

Among the handsome tents, there are coughs one after another. Even among the armored generals in this tent, it is difficult to conceal their yellow faces and lost eyes. There is a small furnace in the corner of the tent. Above, the medicine was being decocted, and the strong smell of the medicinal soup stimulated the sense of smell of everyone in this tent, making them even more coughing.

Liu Jingxuan’s forehead was tied with a medicinal belt, and the smell of herbal medicine was exuded all over his body. He was originally a big man who looked like a bear and tiger. Now his face was sallow and his eyes were sunken. The coach is still like this, let alone the rest. Anyone who glanced at him would be deeply moved, and then deeply worried about the fate of the army.

Liu Jingxuan's gaze swept across the faces of the generals under the tent, Shi Yanzu, Wen Chumao, Bao Lu, and finally fell on Mao Xiuzhi's face, and he sighed: "Xiuzhi, can't I still break the enemy today? ?"

Mao Xiuzhi gritted his teeth: "Brothers have tried their best. Today, there are less than 300 soldiers who can stand up to fight. The enemy has dug three trenches overnight. We only filled the outermost one and gave it a random arrow. Forcing it back, I will ask the general to punish you."

Liu Jingxuan sighed: "Time is also fate. I thought that this time Wen Zuo’s suspicious soldiers would go abroad, and our army’s main force would go out of the waters, and they would be able to beat Chengdu in one go. But I didn’t expect that there would be traitors who would report in detail and let the enemy do it early. It’s a precaution. It seems that God doesn’t want us to do meritorious service!"

Bao Lu followed with a long sigh: "I said long ago that we must be fully prepared for the expedition in Western Sichuan. We must be fully prepared and fight steadily. General Xiao Mao was eager to take revenge, and rushed all the way, but did not pay attention to the details of the army and took the opportunity to leak us. At the beginning, you always blamed me for not willing to help you send troops to avenge you, saying that I was old and useless, but you know, I was because my son was like you, and wanted to do meritorious service. In the end, I was in an ambush and almost broke the town army. The great cause of this is not to listen to the old man’s words, and the disadvantage is in sight."

Mao Xiuzhi looked ashamed, he knelt to the ground, took off his helmet, choked up and said: "Marshal, all the responsibility this time lies with the general. The enemy is not strict, he did not guard against the spies, and attacked too quickly. The intentions of the army have been exposed, so please use our military law to thank the whole army!"

Liu Jingxuan shook his head: "At this point, it is useless to punish you. In the enemy army, there seems to be a powerful figure pointing. With the ability of the Shu army, it is absolutely impossible to set up such a company in this yellow tiger. If there is this The ability will not be the Shu people who have always been weak in combat power."

Liu Daogui, who has not spoken all the time, seemed to be the one with the best expression among these people. He nodded and said: "Yes, generally Shou Neishui will be in Pengmo, but although Pengmo has a fortress, there are large fertile fields around him. , We sent troops this time and prepared for the battle in Pengmo. Even if we can’t defeat the enemy in one fell swoop, we can at least harvest the nearby grain and set up camp on the spot to wait for the follow-up. But this yellow tiger is surrounded by mountains and rivers. Without people, even if we want to collect food on the spot, it is impossible. The Shu people have always pursued comfort and are unwilling to fight in this difficult place. Needless to say, come here in advance to set up a company. This time, we must underestimate the opponent. "

   Badong Prefect Wen Chumao also said: "Yes, and this time there is actually a post-Qin soldier and horse aid. If it weren't for the cavalry charge, we could break the enemy's barracks the day before."

Suo Miao hooked the corner of his mouth: "This ghost place doesn't even have a pasture. Our army has just disembarked and lacks grass. Otherwise, relying on my three hundred cavalry, we will definitely be able to defeat the veteran cavalry. Marshal, How about we bypass the enemy company battalion on the front, turn around behind the enemy, and try again if we can move to Pengmo?"

Liu Daogui shook his head: "Now there is no such possibility. The enemy's reinforcements are continuous and there is sufficient food and grass. Even the Qiu Chi soldiers and horses are getting more and more day by day. It is not something you can solve with 300 cavalry. If we drag it down, I’m afraid that the enemy’s troops will break the way for our fleet and if we even retreat, it will become a luxury."

Liu Jingxuan’s eyes gleamed, and a look of unwillingness flashed across his face: "Your eldest brother has such trust in me, and in such a difficult situation in the country, he has allocated a large army to let us fight against Shu, and give me the opportunity to do such a merit. Returning halfway, what face do you and I have to go back to see him? What face do you have to meet my Dajin people!"

Liu Daogui gritted his teeth: "If there is still the possibility of victory, even if there is only a tiny bit, you have to stick to it to the end. But the current situation is that there is no possibility of even the slightest. If you don't withdraw, you will all die here. Now it is not only a shortage of food. , The epidemic is even more prevalent, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter, people eat less, the body is not good, and it is easier to get sick. Only by withdrawing the army early and returning to the Baidi can you save your life and have a chance to make a comeback!"

   Liu Jingxuan gritted his teeth: "This is the only way to do this. Then, the withdrawal of the army is about the overall situation. If the Shu army pursues it, we need to make arrangements for it."

Liu Daogui said indifferently: "UU Reading www.ukanshu.com wants to use the best troops to break the army and let the old, weak, sick and disabled go first, but this time we came by water. Although the Shu army is crowded, there are not many ships. It doesn’t need to be this way, as long as you prevent the Qiu Chi cavalry from chasing. I mean, leave the baggage and some ordnance that can’t be taken away in the camp, and attract the enemy to grab it. I personally took three hundred elite soldiers to ambush in the surrounding mountains. Here, when the enemy enters the camp and robs, they suddenly come out. The enemy is unprepared. They must think that our army has an ambush and will retreat in a panic. At that time, I will lead this queen's army to board the ship and leave for a few days. Inside, I'm afraid that the enemy will not dare to come to our army's empty camp again, so that our army can save it."

Liu Jingxuan nodded with satisfaction: "Very well, Qiu Chi's soldiers and horses are all barbarians. Seeing the treasure and ordnance, they will looted and will no longer be an army. However, the Shu army only seeks self-protection and lacks war horses. Chasing far away, as long as the Qiu Chi cavalry is not chasing, then we are safe. If it weren't for the **** disease and weakness, I would like to break the queen with you."

Liu Daogui smiled slightly: "The general is the head of the three armed forces. It is not advisable to commit danger with his own body. If there is a mistake, the morale of the soldiers will be low or even collapsed. Leave this task to me. Xiuzhi, are you willing to help me? What?"

  Mao Xiuzhi said loudly: "I would like to lead the soldiers to obey orders, and make the merits and crimes!"

   Liu Jingxuan stood up and said in a deep voice: "The generals follow the orders, go back to the camps, count the horses and soldiers, and we will go home for the second shift tonight!"


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