Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2525: The troubled mandarin ducks meet again

Upon hearing this, Liu Yu's heart was tingling, and a great sadness came to his heart. He sighed: "Mother, don't ask, my dear relatives and Alan are fate. We worked hard. , But there is still no way to change. After all, she is Princess Nanyan and wants to be with her own people. And I was born to be a hero of the Han people and regain lost ground. Now that I live in two places, I see each other like victory. No, it’s better to be passionate than ruthless, maybe, it’s the best ending for us."

Xiao Wenshou gritted his teeth: "She once said that she would abandon the identity of Princess Yan and become Zang'ai relatives. As your wife, you will stay with her for life. I have lived with her for so many years, knowing that this child is not an unbelieving person. Why is this?!"

Liu Yu sighed quietly for a while, "She said that it was because Yan was in trouble, the country was ruined, the family was destroyed, and the people of the tribe were scattered. She had to go back to protect her people. That's why she left me and Xing. Brother, leave alone."

   Brother Liu Xing’s voice sounded in the courtyard outside the door: “No, it’s not like that. My mother never goes back. Isn’t it because of you?”

   Liu Yu's face changed slightly, while Xiao Wenshou said excitedly: "My brother Xing, you can come back, hurry, come in the house!"

   A woman wearing a cloth, lifted the curtain and walked in. Even if she barely put on powder, she still can't hide her delicate color. Isn't it Liu Yu's eldest daughter, Liu Xingdi?

   After Brother Liu Xing came in, he bowed to Liu Yu and bowed himself, then went forward and knelt down to Xiao Wenshou, and knocked his head: "Di Xing has seen grandma."

Xiao Wenshou's hands were trembling, and he stood up and helped Liu Xing's brother: "My little Xing brother, it's been a long time since you married your grandma. You know how much grandma misses you." She said At this moment, tears were about to fall, and he kept rolling in his eyes, while holding Liu Xingdi's hand, shaking constantly.

   Brother Liu Xing also had a grudge on his face, with tears shining, turning his head to look at Liu Yu: "Isn't you the one who made my mother unable to come back?"

   Xiao Wenshou's face changed: "Xing brother, don't talk nonsense, you rarely see your father once, how can you..."

Liu Xingdi suddenly said loudly: "Yes, since I was young, I have rarely seen him once. My dad is a great hero in the world, a great general that everyone admires, and the protector of our Han people. He has all his time, life, All his energy was spent on his great cause. Not only did he throw grandma and my daughter aside, but also forced my mother to leave, because mother knew that there was no way to stop him from attacking his country!"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "Xing brother, say what you want to say today. Dad deserves to be worthy of the country and Dajin people, but he owes too much to you. No matter what you want to say, Dad will not Blame you."

Brother Liu Xing took out the hand held by Xiao Wenshou and turned to face Liu Yu: "Father, I have never told you these things before, but now my daughter is married as a married woman and went to Xu's house. I wonder if there is still a chance to see you in this life. How much, if you don’t say it again, I’m afraid I won’t have the chance to say it in this life. My daughter doesn’t blame you for not seeing me in this life. I don’t blame you for not giving your daughter family happiness. I only ask you one thing. , Meet on the battlefield."

   Xiao Wenshou's voice choked and weakened: "Xing brother, you, don't think about it, this is impossible, your father, he will never talk to your mother..."

   Liu Xingdi smiled miserably, and a drop of tears fell from the corner of his eyes: "Grandma, don't deceive yourself like this, ask Dad, will he admit this?"


After a while, Liu Yu shook his head: "I can't guarantee this. I can guarantee. Only I will abide by the agreement between Murong Bide and I. As long as Nan Yan doesn't come to violate my big promotion and harm my people, I will He won't attack Nan Yan actively. But if Murong Chao doesn't know what is good or bad, and takes the initiative to attack, then there will be a battle with Nan Yan!"

Having said this, he looked at Xiao Wenshou: "Mother, this is a military matter and national justice. It must be placed above the child's family. Please forgive the child for his unfilial piety. I admit that now Alan is going to Nanyan to discourage Murong. Super, don’t die by yourself, but after all she is a female stream, she may not be able to really stop it, once the two swordsmen meet, I and her, maybe a showdown on the battlefield, is our destiny, mother, child love Alan, Will spare her life to save her, and this is the only thing the child can promise you."

Xiao Wenshou sighed faintly: "Xing brother said it is right, you really only want the country, not a small family, including us, but also to be your model when you implement the national policy. In order to make the villagers willing to send their nephews to study and calligraphy. , You have to take Brother Xing back, in order to mobilize everyone to live in Jiankang City, you also want me to leave here and move to Jiankang, Dalang, mother knows, you are for the prosperity of the country, for the great cause, So, no matter what you want to do, my mother will support it, but, my mother still wants to say one thing in the end, your relatives will always be the ones you can't give up in this world, blood is thicker than water, and they can be taken care of appropriately without violating national justice. When I look at my family, my mother asked for this."

   Liu Yu gritted his teeth and bowed: "My mother's teachings, children, remember!"

Xiao Wenshou straightened up and walked towards the back room: "Mother, I will go to pack up the moving things. I will go to Jiankang within three days. Tomorrow my mother will go and see your dad~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don’t know if I will come back to see him in the future. You and Brother Xing haven’t seen each other for a long time. Let’s have a good chat.

   Liu Yu kept saluting until Xiao Wenshou left, until the door of the back room, he looked back at Liu Xingdi: "Kuizhi didn't come with you?"

   Brother Liu Xing shook his head: "I came back alone first. Now he also helps his father-in-law with official duties and rarely goes home."

   Liu Yu walked straight out: "Go for a walk with dad, relax and talk."

The two of them walked one after the other to the river. The abandoned barn, Liu Yu did not look back on the road, nor did he say a word to the daughter behind him. When the two walked into the barn’s gate, There is no millet here, nor the weapons that were once hidden, Liu Yu sighed quietly: "In fact, we really broke up from here, right, Alan."

He turned around and looked at the people behind him. Murong Lan had already taken off the mask on her face. That stunning face was shined by the moonlight on her face through the roof of the barn, so white. , Her watery eyes were full of sadness and sadness: "We shouldn't be together from the beginning, Brother Wolf, do you know, what am I looking for you this time?"

   Liu Yu nodded: "I was here to assassinate me, just like you accepted your elder brother Murongchui's order to take my life, right?"


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