Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2539: In-law recounts the past

An hour later, Liu Yu stood silently on a small **** next to Liu Huaisu’s house, watching the family members in Liu’s courtyard who were wearing sackcloth and filial piety, crying and crying. The river wind blew his face while beside him, Xu Xian, dressed in casual clothes, stood shoulder to shoulder with Liu Yu, and sighed softly: "Everything is impermanent. I can't think of the separation three months ago. It will be a goodbye. I am late and I haven't seen Huai Su's last side!"

Liu Yu closed his eyes and murmured, "Xianzhi, do you know what is the last thing Huai Su can't worry about before leaving?"

Xu Xianzhi nodded: "Huaisu has no children, and the most reassuring thing is probably the matter of his heirs. If it is a lifetime of hard work, and finally pay for it, I am afraid that no one will be reconciled."

Liu Yu opened his eyes and said calmly: "In addition to this, he has talked a lot with me. In his situation, although he is unable to recover, he can still last a few more days, because he said in one breath. Too many, and he just left. In the end, what he couldn't let go of was his family love! Not his own merits."

Xu Xianzhi murmured: "Family, alas, I really want to envy your Liu family at this point. Your brothers are all......"

Liu Yu shook his head: "Xianzhi, why are you talking to me now and have been born like this? What is your Liu family? Since childhood, when did you start to put me in your position as an outsider?"

Xu Xianzhi’s face muscles jumped slightly, and shook his head: “Brother Ji Nu, it’s not that I want to meet and give birth. When we were young, we can speak innocently. You have always been my most respected, reliable, and always protective. My eldest brother even said that you have been protecting me from this life to this day. However, we are no longer children. My surname is Xu, your surname is Liu, and even our children..."

Liu Yuzheng said, "Is it true that only the same surname is a relative? Our children have become a family. We have been in this life-and-death relationship since we were young. Why do you and I become outsiders now?"

Xu Xianzhi replied without hesitation: "No, of course we are not outsiders. We are still brothers and friends, but you are in control of the world after all. If I talk about the family at this time, would it be suspected of clinging?"

Liu Yu shook his head: "Xingdi and Kuizhi came together, not like that kind of marriage between families, but because they were childhood sweethearts, have a good affection for each other, and shared life and death in the military disaster, and escaped together, so they will stay forever. They are like this, so why are we not like this? We grew up together, and worked together as adults, putting down the monsters and fighting against Huanxuan. In the years and years of fighting against Huanxuan, we worked together. Now we succeed in building righteousness, and in my hands The power of all the brothers has worked together, including the one you envy. Are we not relatives now?"

Xu Xianzhi lowered his head and was silent for a long while before sighing faintly: "Brother Ji Nu, in fact, there are some things that I don't need to say. With Mu Zhi by your side, I will..."

Liu Yu smiled and said, "So what? Do I have only one friend and one helper for a fat man in my life? A good guy also needs three helpers. Back then, when I was in Jingkou and Xi Le and the others were in a serious fight. There are dozens of little brothers, why didn't you say that there were two pillars beside me, and you didn't need you?"

Xu Xianzhi raised his head and said with a smile: "Just like when I was a kid, winning when I was a kid was nothing more than a few more Trojan horses and toys. But now, the power in his hand is the power of life and death for thousands of people."

Liu Yuzheng said: "Because we now have power, which is related to the life and death of thousands of people, we must be in awe of these powers, and we must be aware of our own responsibilities. Every decision we make may change a lot. Human life. We rise up to seize power and overthrow Huan Xuan, not for our own enjoyment of prosperity and wealth, but to allow our life’s ambitions to be displayed, and will never be interfered and hindered by conspiracy organizations like the Mafia. Could it be that today, you Has this ambition changed?"

Xu Xianzhi said loudly: "No, my thoughts have never changed. Brother Jinu, do you know? Since you were young, you have said that you want to expedite the Central Plains, seize the world, and rescue all the Han Chinese people in the world, but these have never really moved. After me, what you really touched me is that when you were in Jingkou, you clearly had the strength to take the lead. He could obviously be like Xi Le, leaning on his fists and collecting money from various shops and small stalls. Let your family live a good life, but you didn’t. You chose to protect the weak and offend strong enemies. For these small stalls at the ferry, you fought with Xi Le, Changmin and the others, and were wounded. From that moment, I determined that you are someone I can rely on in my life, because you are not only strong, but also benevolent!"

Liu Yu smiled and said: "This is my creed of life. My mother taught us since childhood. In this life we ​​must be loyal, spine and courage. You are all my folks. It is not easy for everyone to discuss life. I can't control other places. But in Suanshan Township, Qilidu, I always have to help. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com hopes that they will go into big business and collect money from the rich. I have no objection, but all of you are. My family is poor, and I can’t make a lot of money by yelling at the ferry every day. It would be too much to collect your filial money again!"

Xu Xianzhi shook his head: "Xile is not the kind of bully who collects everything. He is more of a land grab. It's his business to accept it. But this place must serve him. The root cause of his conflict is the same even today."

Liu Yu sighed: "Before in Jingkou, we fought for more than ten years, and finally we have coexisted peacefully. Now I believe it can be the same. But, envy, listen to you, can it be that I am now and the one who protected you back then? Jingkou Liu Da, has there been any change?"

Xu Xianzhi nodded and said sternly: "Yes, now you have gradually lost your heart. For your ideals and for your achievements, you start to force others to change your life, shed blood and sweat. You no longer protect the weak, but drive the weak without being righteous."

Liu Yu frowned: "This is not driving the weak. I didn't let them pay more taxes and collect more Dings than before. Even now they immigrate to the Tuntian households in Jiangbei, I also let them be tax-free for three years. I don't understand, why is this driving the weak and not benevolent?!"

Xu Xianzhi laughed: "But, your final goal is for the Northern Expedition. As soon as the end of the war begins, the countless people will be trapped in water and fire, using the corpses and tears of tens of thousands to realize your childhood dreams, really Okay?"

Having said that, he turned his head and pointed at Liu Huaisu's house: "Before the Northern Expedition, Huaisu died for your great cause. How many more such things are there?!"

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