Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2543: Invasion of Jiangbei Captive 0 Surname

Heipao laughed suddenly, the rough, low and hoarse voice echoed in the whole hall, Muronglan frowned, looked at Heipao, and said coldly: "The national teacher seems to disagree with my suggestion. , May I ask where is the problem?"

Heipao put a smile away, and looked at Murong Lan gloomily: "Wei is strong, with the ability of the first emperor, and Dayan's national strength when he was strongest, he is not an opponent. Even in the battle of Bai Si, you will also personally princess Lan. Participation was a complete defeat in the end. May I ask you how confident you have come to fight against Wei at this time? Are you familiar with the mighty powers of Hebei, and the Lord Wubao? How many of you can help you when you really want to go to war?"

Muronglan said calmly: "As long as the direction of the battle is determined, we can naturally do it according to this goal. The Northern Wei Dynasty has been aggressively conquering in Hebei for years. The people are not living, and the uprising continues. What we have to do is not to fight immediately, but to recuperate. If you do this, the Han people in Hebei will definitely come to vote. When the people want, they will go to Hebei and they will succeed in one fell swoop!"

Heipao shook his head: "If it was so easy as you said, Dayan wouldn't collapse back then, and we won't be trapped here now. The terrain of Hebei is a thousand-mile plain, and the iron cavalry can gallop back and forth, which is extremely suitable for cavalry-based. The Northern Wei Army fought, and you just said that the Jin country is not peaceful and Liu Yu has many enemies. This is his weakest time. As long as we can push forward and destroy his Jiangbei immigration plan, it will cause Jin country In a series of internal battles, at the lowest level, you can also warn Jin, and never think about being an enemy of Dayan!"

   Murong Chao's eyes lit up, and he quickly said, "Guo Shi, what are the good ideas? Come on."

The black robe smiled slightly, and his white eyebrows raised lightly: "As your Majesty said just now, Liu Yu immigrated to Jiangbei and stationed in the land to consolidate his army in preparation for cutting down on my Dayan. I am afraid that even Princess Lan can't deny this. Many promises, but with the character of the Beifu sergeant who is eager to make contributions, once the troops are sufficient and the food is abundant, he will definitely take the initiative to fight. Liu Yu cannot act against the army. If he really does not attack, there will be Liu Yi. People like He Wuji take advantage of the trend to replace him, Princess Lan, are you too much to trust the fate of your country on a man’s promise?!"

Murong Lan gritted her teeth: "Liu Yu has always made promises, and he will never let himself be emptied. The plan of emigrating to Jiangbei is more to shake the foundation of the Wudi family and transfer the manpower and material resources of Jiangnan to Jiangbei. Not to attack Dayan!"

Hei Pao said coldly: "But this plan is very unfavorable to Dayan. If Jiangbei has enough grain and grass and is rich enough, it can support the resources needed for the Northern Expedition. And such a large piece of fat is placed on us. In front of me, isn't that just the provocative and robbing Xianbei man? Your Majesty, you said that the tribes and soldiers of Dayan in the south can really obey orders and not rob Lianghuai?"

Murongchao shook his head: "Dayan has always had more than 200,000 soldiers and horses, but because of the limited output of one state, many times they cannot provide food and wages. The sergeant needs to solve it by himself. Over the past year, the border There hasn’t been a great war, but small frictions continue, and I can’t completely restrain it. Since I can’t pay military pay, I have to restrain military discipline. Aunt, this is really too difficult!”

Murong Lan said solemnly: "In this case, Chao, you should retreat and return to farming and let the soldiers go back to farm. Now the vast areas of Qilu land are barren and there is no farming, but at the same time, you must maintain the 200,000 troops. This is absolutely unnecessary!"

Heipao said coldly: "There is the Jin Kingdom in the south and the Northern Wei Dynasty in the north. Two tigers and wolves are staring at you. Now you want Dayan to disarm? Not to mention the 70,000 defenders in the north, just say that the south border guards the 60,000 in Jin. Soldiers and horses, do you retreat as soon as you say? After retreating, what should the Jin army take advantage of the northern expedition?

   Murong Lan gritted his teeth: "There is a natural danger in Daxian Mountain, and it is enough to leave 20,000 soldiers and horses. If the Jin army is invaded by a large scale, then it will be too late!"

Hei Pao sneered: "But we Xianbei soldiers have no habit of farming with peace of mind. For hundreds of years, Xianbei men have always believed in winning by force over hard work. You want Liu Yu to prove his sincerity and make sure he doesn't come. If he violates us, then he should be called to tribute one million stones every year to provide my southern military supplies, Princess Lan, this request cannot be overstated!"

Muronglan smiled in anger and said: "This is not too much? His own army is short of food, so he has to emigrate from Jiangbei to farm and reclaim wasteland. Last time all the grains in Jiangbei were given to us with a million stone, which is regarded as an apology for Liu Jingxuan. Zhili, this time you want him to give one million a year, are you trying to force him to sever diplomatic relations and start war?"

Hei Pao smiled slightly: "If he doesn't give it, then we will just go and get it. We need to teach Jin to let them know that Jiangbei immigration is a dead end, and any attempt to threaten Dayan will inevitably result. Our resolute counterattack!"

   Gongsun gave an excited high-five on the fifth floor: "Okay, you should do this!" Murong Chao also smiled and nodded.

   Murong Lan said loudly: "Never! This means that we voluntarily missed the appointment. This will really give Liu Yu an excellent excuse to attack us!"

   Murongchao sneered: "I'm really afraid that he won't come! I didn't teach him last time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This time, I will definitely show them the true strength of Dayan!"

Hei Pao smiled and said: "What you want is your majesty's aura. However, this time only needs to punish Jin Elementary School, and don't overly irritate Liu Yu. As for him, he runs Jiangbei without our consent and collects food. We need to let the Jin people remember. The royal band gave it to Hou Qin. As your majesty, we must not be rude to the music education for a day. Therefore, we can attack Donghai County, break his counties, and capture some The Chinese people, come back to train as a new royal band. In this way, they won't fight against Jin, and they can warn Liu Yu about the consequences of going against us!"

Murong Lan stomped her feet with anger: "The consequence? The consequence is that Liu Yu will definitely raise the army to avenge you! You don't understand Liu Yu at all. He loves the people like his family, and the most common people in his life are not to be bullied by the Han people. Attacking states and counties and looting people will trigger a full-scale war!"

Hei Pao said coldly: "I just said that this will trigger a series of reactions from Jin. Liu Yu had previously guaranteed the safety of Jiangbei immigrants, but as long as we retreat quickly and come back before he fights back, then It proves that his protection of Jiangbei is just a lie. The family has suffered losses and will no longer trust him and will definitely want to withdraw to Jiangnan. At that time, what Liu Yu will do is not to avenge the Northern Expedition, but how to appease the family. La!"


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