Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2548: Suffering from hand care

When Murong Lan woke up again, the whole room, as always, only the evil breath of the black robe, and his tall figure, all disappeared. Only He Lanmin was smiling, sitting in front of her, looking at her. His eyes were full of complex expressions.

   Murong Lan's eyebrows frowned slightly, then she sighed softly, "Are you here to see me making a joke?"

He Lanmin shook his head: "I said, Murong Lan, we have been like sisters and enemies for half a lifetime. As for now, will we fight back and forth? You and I are involuntary, poor people controlled by fate. , Why hurt each other?"

   Murong Lan turned her head: "Oh, you want me to believe that you are not a black robe's local envoy, and you don't serve him?"

He Lanmin laughed: "Don't you also want to control your own destiny? The black robe is indeed the most evil in the world, but fortunately, he is only one person and cannot be everywhere. The reason why I stayed here to look at you, It's because he is going to other places to deal with more important things."

   Murong Lan closed her eyes and sighed: "Could it be that the battle between Jin and Yan really cannot be stopped like this? Is it true that our Murong clan will really be finished like this?"

He Lanmin said calmly: "In fact, I have never understood that you and I are all women, or women who are used as tools and chess pieces by their own families and tribes. Why should we be so devoted to the family that used us and ruined our lives? People’s lives are their own, even if their parents gave us their lives, it doesn’t mean they are qualified to take them back at any time."

"I was forced to learn witchcraft since I was a child, and became a witch. I was dedicated to the Tuoba tribe to become their priest. Finally, I helped the Tuoba tribe leader ascend to the position of sweat, and then became his woman to further strengthen the Tuoba tribe. I can’t have my own life or love with the postscript!"

"You are the same as me, so I hate the Helan Department, I hate my parents, I hate my brothers, hate them more than hate Tuoba Si, this unfortunate person, I think you have the same reason to hate you. Two elder brothers, Yan Guo who hates Murong clan, at this stage, why bother to be sad for their survival?"

Murong Lan turned her head, looked at the woman in front of her, and sighed softly: "Life is alive, and you never exist alone, just caring for yourself, so how can we talk about our family and country? We have grown up as nobles, more than those slaves We don’t know how many times we need to be lucky. How can we resent our parents because we have to bear the responsibility of being a princess? The Murong clan died when I remembered, but every Murong’s descendant, Don’t forget the shame of subjugating the country and want to restore the country, and you have never experienced such suffering in the Helan Department since childhood. What are your complaints? As a princess, our marriage should not be for our country. Will the tribe come for welfare?"

   A frightening light flashed in He Lanmin's eyes: "This is not the fate I want, I want to control my own destiny, dare to love and hate, not at the mercy of others!"

Murong Lan sneered: "Your resentment can only be directed at your parents and Helan tribe. The person who really controls you now is the black robe. The person who hurt you the most in this life is Tuobagui. You can't get rid of them. control!"

   He Lanmin laughed suddenly: "Eighteen years ago, I have made the determination to get rid of them, Alan, have you forgotten the time we worked together?"

   Murong Lan's face changed, and she sat up from the bed all of a sudden: "That time, you weren't..."

He Lanmin smiled slightly: "Yes, I mean to use the true dragon element to open the eyes of the future. You saw what you want to see, but I forgot to tell you that the true dragon element will continue to stay in my body. , And, become a child, now this child has grown up, I have been desperate to nurture him since childhood, now he inherited his father's toughness, wisdom, bravery, just like Liu Yu would change the entire south, mine Tao'er will definitely change the whole world!"

   Murong Lan bit her lip tightly: "Your son, isn't it Tuoba Shao?"

A horrible look flashed in He Lanmin's eyes: "He is not Tuobagui's son, why should he use the name this man gave him? Just like Liu Yu can dominate the destiny of Jin Kingdom after he seizes his own world, I Once a child is king, he will change his name and start a new life."

   Murong Lan murmured: "Tao'er, you are, are you going to make your son Tuoba Tao? Are you going to kill Tuoba Tao?"

He Lanmin smiled slightly: "Why not? Tuobagui ruined my life and caused me all the humiliation. The most hateful thing is that I gave everything for him. He not only betrayed me, but also thought that I was dirty, and would rather go to someone else. People, don’t want to see our mother and son, so mean and unkind, how can I miss him?"

Muronglan gritted his teeth: "Can you kill him? Over the years, he has almost always beat your mother and child into the cold palace, without seeing each other. Helan has already suppressed and divided him. It can almost be said to have been wiped out. What's going to harm him? Tuobagui is not Sima Yao~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He has high martial arts, and the masters around him are like clouds. Although your skill is good, it is absolutely impossible to hurt him up close!"

He Lanmin smiled triumphantly and said: "There is no road to heaven. Tuobagui had too many injuries before. At that time, his relationship with me was okay, but I kept my mind and healed him. Some ingredients of five stone powder are added to it."

Muronglan’s face changed: "What, Five Stone San? You used Five Stone San for Tuobagui before? Are you crazy? Don’t you know that although this thing can relieve pain, it will produce hallucinations, serious? Will it cause people to lose control of their emotions, go mad, or even kill them desperately?"

He Lanmin nodded: "Of course I know, but he suffered a lot of injuries back then, and he couldn't lie down to recover from illness. Once he let his subordinates know that he was seriously injured, I was afraid that many people would abandon him, so he wanted me Using witchcraft and magic medicine to treat him, it can be said that from the beginning, he didn’t really love me, but was just using my maiden status and medical skills. I didn’t expect so much at the time, but just wanted He got rid of the pain early, so he added a small amount of five stone powder to the medicine, so that he could not feel the pain, hehe, unexpectedly, it was a mistake, and now it has become a weapon for my revenge!"

  Speaking of this, He Lanmin suddenly burst into laughter, endless resentment, sorrow, but some pride, all in this laughter, echoing in the house, going around the beam for three weeks, endless!


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