Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2602: Ignite war

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Outside Guanggu City, Sanli, Yunmen Mountain. On a barren ridge, the black robe stood shoulder to shoulder with Tao Yuanming, watching the lights of thousands of families in Guanggu city in the distance, and the bonfires in the account of Xianbei account on the plain outside the city, cheerful music and singing. , Reverberating in the empty night sky, and the smell of roasting sheep and roasting beef also came down the wind. If it were not for this strong city, it would give people the illusion that this is a grassland beyond the Great Wall. Heipao's nose twitched, and he murmured: "After so many years, the Xianbei people still haven't learned to live like the Han people. In their opinion, this is still a grassland." Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "The northern war has been in chaos for many years. A lot of arable land is deserted. Even the Han people, many of them are hiding in the mountains and standing in the docks. The plains are left to these Xianbei aliens. Otherwise, they have no place to graze their horses. Fortunately, the Han people can still plant They don’t have to raise too many cattle and sheep like the grassland. It seems that their lives are still going well.” Heizhao sneered, “This kind of happy life will not last long. In a troubled time, don’t expect to be comfortable.” Tao Yuanming said softly, “Oh”, “Master brought He Lanmin back this time, is he trying to lead the Northern Wei Dynasty to attack Nan Yan? Plus He Lan Lu last time. The enmity of tens of thousands of people in Qinghe is captured, enough to make Tuobasi raise his army to fight." Hei Pao shook his head: "No, Tuobasi has just ascended the throne, and his footing is not stable. During the national funeral, it is not appropriate to use swords and soldiers. And, if you think about it, the Helan tribe has betrayed the Wei for many years, and Tuobagui couldn’t attack. The two swallows of the south and the north have always existed. What do you think is the reason?” Tao Yuanming said sternly, “Because he wants to conquer the south swallows. Or for the Northern Expedition, the Northern Yan must use Hebei and Youyan as the forward base. You need to collect food and troops here, and then wait for the opportunity to dispatch the army. From the Northern Yan, you have to go to the land of Liaodong, the mountains are high and the road is long, and the army is extremely difficult to move. . And Nan Yan here, although the road is closer, but after all, Nan Yan also has hundreds of thousands of troops, as well as powerful armor, which is not so easy to deal with. If you really want to destroy the country, you must raise a large army." "But Wei The country’s army is scattered among various tribes, scattered on the Monan grassland thousands of miles away. These tribes only want to prey in the Central Plains, but do not want to live in the Central Plains. After all, they want them to change their nomadic lifestyle and switch to farming. Many people are unwilling. Unless they are like these Xianbei people in Nanyan, who do not do production and come to the Central Plains as nomads, they are only responsible for sending troops to fight." Heipao smiled: "So you want to say, now all the adults He may not be obedient like he was afraid to obey Tuobagui. Tuobasi is afraid he may not be able to command them, so he cannot send troops for the time being, right?" Tao Yuanming laughed: "Tuobagui is not all relying on letting the adults be obedient. Cruelty is easy to kill, and more is better. After the swallows were destroyed, they occupied the north and used the properties of the Central Plains to supply these tribes, so everyone was happy to work for them. However, the Han people in the north were not willing to suffer such oppression, and there were fewer Han people. It’s okay to say that the land of Binzhou, but the land of Hebei, those Han families will be led by those with the surname Cui and Lu, and they will violate the Yang Fengyin of the Northern Wei Dynasty. This time the Qinghe County incident is a clear proof. They are playing the Northern Wei Dynasty. The banner is actually in a semi-independent position, so even if it is as fierce as Tuobagui, it is impossible to arrange a large army in Hebei, because that would mean the migration of millions of people outside the Great Wall to Hebei. The current conditions are still immature. Hei Pao nodded his head with satisfaction: "Yuan Ming, your analysis of military affairs has improved a lot now. If He Lanmin had half your vision, things won't be messed up this time." Tao Yuanming nodded: "The military system of the Northern Wei Dynasty is still that of the grassland tribe, with Tuoba's headquarters as the core, as the troops directly under Miyagi, two to three thousand horses, controlling the drafting and uncles. Close relatives of the tribes, controlling the 70-80,000 horses of these tribes, and relying on the 100,000 or so soldiers and horses to suppress the tribes of foreign surnames such as Daxi, Yubu and Erzhu. "As for the Han people in Hebei, they are given full local autonomy, as long as they provide food and taxes. If the two swallows attack Hebei, the troops of the various ministries will be rescued, and they are basically not stationed in the army. Burden is also a kind of comfort to Han people. After all, the demise of Houyan was due to their excessive oppression of the Han people in Hebei, and the clan wars, so the families like Cui and Lu switched to the Northern Wei Dynasty. "Tuo Bagui is surrounded by Antong and Cui Hong, who will make him understand these truths. Therefore, after entering the Central Plains, he will fight steadily, not eager to expand, and even the two swallows of the North and the South are not eager to wipe out. He just wants to destroy Hebei. After the land is completely stabilized, we will pursue the great cause. "Hei Pao's eyes flashed coldly: "So, you think the Northern Wei Dynasty will not attack Nan Yan in the past two years. Even if Nan Yan publicly shelters He Lanmin, he will not send troops, right? Tao Yuanming said sternly: "Whether Nan Yan shelters Helanmin or not, they are all dead enemies of the Northern Wei Dynasty. I don't care about this. Helan Lu is now the general of Yan Nation and the commander-in-chief of the Northern Defense Line. The deeper the enemy, the better, UU reading www. uukanshu.com cut any possibility of his return to the Northern Wei Dynasty. However, the Northern Wei Dynasty did not make enough preparations for war in Hebei, and it was impossible to raise large troops to attack Nanyan. Therefore, at most there will be some frictions on the border between the two countries. It's not that easy. "Hei Pao laughed: "The Northern Wei Dynasty did not have the strength to attack Nan Yan, or in other words, the Northern Wei Dynasty did not attack the current Nan Yan, who now holds hundreds of thousands of troops and is powerful in Nan Yan. However, if Nan Yan was attacked from another direction at the same time, and even Helanlu had to withdraw his troops to fight, then do you think the Northern Wei Dynasty would just ignore Wu? Tao Yuanming's expression changed: "Master, what do you mean, Liu Yu?" "An excitement flashed in Heipao's eyes: "When you started in the Northern Wei Dynasty, my arrangement here in Nanyan has also been activated. The foolish and inexperienced Murong Chao has sent more than 20,000 Qingqi from Daxian to the south. , Attacked the Huaibei area of ​​the Eastern Jin Dynasty, looted the food and population planted by Liu Yuxin’s Jiangbei immigrants. Hey, listen to the latest military reports and reaped a lot. Liu Yu’s Jiangbei immigration plan will be completely ruined. Duan, I am afraid that new immigrants from other counties will want to flee back to the south because of panic, because Liu Yu cannot protect them as promised. "Speaking of this, Heipao looked at Tao Yuanming: "It's time for you to play, let the Eastern Jin Dynasty chaos more thoroughly! Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "That's exactly what I am good at, as you wish!" "あヤ~7~1~7~(www).qq7(1)<First issue, domain name, please remember

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