Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2609: The family has no surplus

Liu Yu nodded: "Xianzhi, what you say is out of public mind. I am very grateful. Does anyone have any opinions? Who agrees and who opposes?"

Xie Hun said coldly: "Liu Zhenjun, this officer doesn't approve of this dispatch of troops."

Liu Yu said softly "Oh", "Xie Pushe has any ideas, but you can speak bluntly."

Xie Hun cleared his throat and said, "Actually, the only Northern Expedition in the past 20 years in the Great Jin Dynasty was led by our Xie family. Back then, the Lord Xianggong formed the Beifu Army, and the Zhenjun, Yuzhou and Jiangzhou you These current generals and marshals were all enlisted in the army that year. You should be able to know if what I said is true."

Liu Yu nodded: "Xie Fushe said rightly. Although the sergeants of the Beifu Army were the people of the Dajin Dynasty, almost all of the weapons and food were provided by the Xie family. Of course, in addition to the Xie family, other families also contributed a lot. Many. This is because the state treasury income was insufficient, and the major families had a large number of manors in Wudi, which accumulated a lot over the years."

A hint of triumph flashed across Xie Hun’s face: “According to the ancestral system of the founding emperor of the Great Jin Dynasty, the manor of Wudi was reserved for the meritorious ministers of the Great Jin Dynasty. Back then, the Yongjia Rebellion in the Central Plains, the Shenzhou Lu Shen, we belonged The ancestors gave up their foundation in the north, came to follow the emperor, and helped the emperor to defend against the Hulu and the Nanping bandits, and finally established the one-hundred-year foundation of the Jin Dynasty. These rewards were bestowed by the Emperor Yuan to commend the merits of our ancestors. The Zhenjun always said that there is no reward for no merit and no reward, even if it is based on your statement, it is not a problem for our major families to receive these national favors."

Liu Yu said calmly: "At that time, there was no problem, but I also ask Xie Fushe to pay attention. Any kind of country cannot last more than a hundred years. The ancestors' credit cannot be said to be enjoyed unconditionally by the descendants of a hundred years later. It is necessary. The New Deals in the past few years do not mean that the estates of the major families have been deprived, but that they are redistributed according to everyone's title. Only by making contributions to the country in the future can we exchange the corresponding fields."

Xie Hun twitched the corner of his mouth: "This official doesn't have any opinions on the New Deal, and I also ask the generals of the town army not to misunderstand."

Liu Yu nodded: "It's good now. The children of the aristocratic family have also joined the army, taking on what they can do. Over the past year or so, the appearance of the children of the aristocratic family in Beijing has also changed. This is a good thing. As for the titles of the soldiers of the Beifu Army, and the land according to their titles, this is also the rule. They can't pass them down to their descendants. If they want to keep them, they have to make new contributions."

Xie Hun said in a deep voice: "But the soldiers of the Beifu are from warriors after all, maybe they are farming by themselves. I don’t know how to organize the manor and irrigate these. It’s not that we have other meanings, but the same manor and hand it over to the soldiers of the Beifu. When the output is far inferior to those of our great families, the generals of the town army probably cannot deny this fact."

Liu Yu's brows frowned slightly: "This matter seems to have nothing to do with the Northern Expedition and Nanyan, and we are trying to solve this matter. Now as far as I know, many Beifu soldiers leased the manor to the family. This is mostly the case in Wudi and Jiangbei."

Xie Hun smiled slightly: "These two things seem to have nothing to do with each other, but if you really want to start a war, it is the same thing. Liu Zhenjun, as Xu Changshi just said, the current grain, grass and ordnance can only Supporting an army of 60,000 to 100,000 in fighting for three months, are you sure that with an army of this size, you can destroy Nanyan within three months and regain the entire Qingzhou?"

Liu Yu calmly said: "Everything is expected to allow the enemy to be lenient, and we must prepare for the worst. If the Nanyan Army really sticks to Daxian and avoids a decisive battle with our army as you have just analyzed, it will take three months to six months. The war between left and right is at least."

Xie Hun nodded in satisfaction: "Liu Zhenjun is really refreshing, but I'm a little surprised. You know that the military ration is only enough for three months, and the war must be planned to last for half a year, so why insist on fighting this battle? Where are you going to get food for three months?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Originally, these are military secrets, so it is inconvenient to disclose them, but since today is a big dynasty discussion, we will disclose these plans to everyone. After all, you are the pillars of the Great Jin Dynasty. It's up to you to do it."

The middle-level and lower officials of the Manchuria saluted in unison: "To serve for Dajin, to share the worries for your majesty, I am duty-bound."

Liu Yu nodded with satisfaction, and said, "In fact, there is nothing to hide. If there is a real war, it must be the power of the whole country. If you have money, you have to give money.

Xie Hun's expression changed, and then he sneered: "So, by then, the major families will be required to pay for their people? If the treasury does not have them, they need the support of the families?"

Liu Yu calmly said: "Just now Xie Pushe also said that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ During the Battle of Feishui more than 20 years ago, the major families made a lot of contributions to the preservation of Dajin. Now that people have money to give money, and some people come out, they are now facing the same situation. If you want to expedition to the north, shouldn't the major families serve the country?

Xie Hun laughed and said, "Liu Zhenjun, Liu Zhenjun, you finally have your heartfelt words. If you want to fight this battle, you still have to let all the big families take out their laurels. It's just that the Qin army went south to destroy my great advance, and even At that time, the residences of Emperor Xiandi and Lord Xianggong in Chang'an were all repaired ahead of time. At that time, the wealth of the families of the major families was considered solid, and they could get money and food to form a large army. Protecting the country and protecting the family, plus this ability, so the Beifu army, With the military journey of the town’s army, it can be said that the time, the right place, and the harmony of people are indispensable."

"But is the current situation still 20 years ago? In the rebellion of the Tianshi Dao, all the eight counties in Wudi were fired by soldiers, and they are now dilapidated. There are thousands of miles of barren fields. There are even many bones that have not been buried. The granary is now empty. We don’t even get the seeds for spring plowing. Even if we have the heart to serve the country, we don’t have this ability."

Xi Sengshi followed and said: "Xie Fushe said it well, not to mention that most of the manor fields now belong to the heroes of the Beifu. Most of the children of the aristocratic family were killed and injured in the last chaos, and the rest can only rebuild their own. Little Zhuangzi, there are not even many tenants and tenant farmers. A few nephews of my family have to go to work on their own. Some of them are even worse. They even rent the land of the heroes of the Beifu to grow. Unheard of in the century since the founding of the Great Jin Dynasty, Liu Zhenjun, if you want us to take out the grain and grass now, it is better to forcefully recruit soldiers from the descendants of the family and let us all join the army, so that at least there is still a place to eat."

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