Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2615: 50,000 tigers and wolves dispatch troops

Liu Yu smiled slightly and said with a serious face: "The Dao regulations are very good. Before we send troops, we must cut diplomatic relations. We must arrange domestic and foreign affairs. If we send troops, we must first consider where to recruit, where to gather, and where to go. Let’s go. Let’s talk about food and grass later, let’s talk about soldiers and horses first. Now there are more than 30,000 troops in Jiangbei. In addition to the remaining troops in various places, they can dispatch 20,000 to 25,000 soldiers and horses for the purpose of destroying the country. At least 80,000 troops are needed, and there are 20,000 permanent troops in Jingkou that can be deployed, plus the 5,000 Jiangbei troops and horses in Guangling, and another 30,000 troops need to be recruited."

Liu Yi said in a deep voice: "Yuzhou troops can dispatch about 10,000, and Yanzhou can also support 5,000, but if there are more, I am afraid it will be difficult, and we also have to defend the post-Qin and Northern Wei here, and even the southern swallows. Pass the front and send iron cavalry to attack from the flanks."

He Wuji gritted his teeth: "Jiangzhou can also return to the division for 10,000 support, but the troops need to be transferred from Xiangzhou to return support. This requires changes in the entire defense line, so..."

Liu Yu waved his hand, and said solemnly: "No need, Wuji, Xi Le, thank you for your kindness, but you are in an important position in the country, you may fight at any time, especially in Jiangzhou, 30,000 soldiers must defend from From the East China Sea to the Lingnan area for thousands of miles, there are only a thousand people scattered all over the place. Wuji, the soldiers and horses you can directly command, but the five thousand veterans in Yuzhang. In this case, you can defend You don’t have to send troops to the Northern Expedition."

Liu Daogui frowned: "But in this way, you can only recruit soldiers in Wudi and Jingkou, not to mention whether the number of 30,000 is enough, even if you recruit 30,000, the combat effectiveness is far from the Beifu veteran. Can it really work?"

Liu Yu smiled and waved his hand: "If you have 50,000 to 60,000 people, you can leave the army. As for the remaining 30,000 soldiers and horses, you can talk about it later. 80,000 people will kill Nanyan, but it does not mean that you will have 80,000 when you start. what."

Xie Hun's expression changed, and he said in a deep voice: "Liu Zhenjun, are you inconsistent? Start with 50,000 people? It's a lot short of what you said about 80,000. You didn't have this force when you set off. How come there will be later?"

Meng Chang’s voice sounded slowly on the side. This was his first utterance today: "Xie Pushe, maybe you don’t know it. The Beifu Army has always been invincible. The soldiers can fight more and more as long as they win the battle. , The enemy’s prisoners can be incorporated, and the local people will come to join the army, but it is not necessary to recruit troops from the rear to supplement the front line."

Xie Hun opened his eyes wide: "This, is this also OK?"

Liu Yi smiled slightly: "It is indeed feasible. When we succeeded in building righteousness a few years ago, Huan Xuan fled back to Jingzhou. At that time, Wuji and I led our troops in pursuit. We had less than 10,000 troops when we set off. But after two years, we When Huanchu was wiped out and Jingzhou was put down, there were already a hundred thousand troops under him. In addition to incorporating Huanchu’s descending troops, there were also loyal soldiers from all over who came to join the army, and there were also reinforcements from the rear to supplement. Now we are staying in Jiangzhou and Yuzhou. The troops of Jingzhou and Yanzhou are divided into towns by these 100,000 horses."

Xi Sengshi hooked up the corner of his mouth: "However, this is based on the Xizheng Army's continuous victories under the command of Liu Yuzhou, and its morale is like a rainbow, but is it really okay to fight Nanyan? Even if Liu Zhenjun just did it. Analyzing, Nan Yan can also dispatch more than 100,000 troops at any time. 50,000 horses go to the plains to fight hundreds of thousands of cavalry. Can they really win?

Liu Yu said calmly: "Xile and the others faced three times more enemy troops when they expedition to Jingzhou to eliminate Huanchu, and they all won. Just now I analyzed that Nan Yan’s armor and cavalry outfits were only two. Most of the 30,000 horses are concentrated on the front line of Guanggu City. Our army marches forward. If the speed is fast enough and quickly pass Daxian Mountain, it will hit Linqu City. It will be about half a month. At this time, the enemy's armor may not be able to fully assemble. , As long as we take the opportunity to defeat the local garrison, or even take Linqu, the morale of the enemy will be taken away. We can conscript the local army. If we wait for the following 30,000 horses, we will drag one or two. Months, the enemy army made preparations early, and the army assembled on the front line of Linqu early. Whether it is harvesting food or seizing water sources, it will cause huge difficulties to our army. This is the so-called military speed!"

Liu Daogui laughed: "Big Brother said very well. If Nanyan has no time to assemble his own troops, then Qin will only be able to save it even more slowly."

Liu Yu nodded: "Hou Qin does not have the strength to rescue Nan Yan on a large scale now. Last time, in order to deal with Hu Xia, Post Qin contracted the line of defense and even gave up on the 12th county of Nanyang. But even so, they treated Hu Xia. In the past few years, the battle is still at a disadvantage, often with heavy forces, but can not capture the main force of Hu Xia. General Qi Nan is a famous general of Post Qin. He once led his troops to defeat Hou Liang and made great achievements. UU看书www. Uukanshu.com Megatron Longyou was also captured while fighting Hu Xia."

"Yao Xing couldn't take advantage of Hu Xia's place, so he moved his mind again and sent his son Yao Bi to lead an army to attack Nanliang’s Guzang City. Nanliang took the initiative to claim his court to the Qin Dynasty and gave hundreds of thousands of cattle. Sheep and war horses were exchanged for Guzang City. This kind of sneak attack on the vassal country was not rational and even more unrighteous. The name of Xiaofujian, which Yao Xing erected in more than ten years, was completely destroyed because of this. In the summer, all soldiers rose up against the Qin Dynasty. Yao Bi’s army defeated Nanliang. If it weren’t for the Lord Nanliang’s bald hair and netting and let Yao Bi go back, I’m afraid these tens of thousands of horses would also be sent away. Now and later Qin is suffering from internal and external troubles. In addition to stability in Lingbei, the great city of Yinping and Ping is almost in the hands of Hu Xia. Yao Xing himself had to personally lead troops to Lingbei to fight against Helian Boss. How can there be spare energy to rescue Nanyan?"

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Liu Daogui hooked the corner of his mouth: "The eldest brother said that although it is true, it is not necessary to pass the soldiers and horses in Guanzhong to rescue Nanyan. After Qin is in Hedong, there are still many states and counties in the Central Plains with tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. It is feasible to send one or two thousand elite soldiers to rescue Nan Yan from the Central Plains, or send traitors such as Sima Guofan and Sima Chuzhi as the forerunner to attack Yongzhou, Jingzhou."

Liu Yu laughed and looked at Lu Zongzhi who was standing at the lower head, and said: "Lu Jishi, if Qin Rudao said, 20,000 troops attacked Yongzhou, can you stop it?"

Lu Zongzhi laughed: "Liu Zhenjun, since I was guarding Yongzhou, what I think about every day is how to fight Hou Qin and regain the land of the Central Plains. Yixue previously lost the shame of Luoyang because of the civil war. As long as Hou Qin does not send out the army of Guanzhong, it is only by The soldiers and horses of the Central Plains, how many come I will destroy them!"

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