Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2618: 3 people in Jianjing Temple

Liu Yu's brows frowned. He seemed to have heard something wrong. He was about to say something, but Liu Muzhi said with a serious face: "The town army, now that your majesty and the queen have made their orders, please officially announce this time. Let’s make a decision so that you can understand your responsibilities and make preparations early."

Liu Yu stood up, and he suddenly reacted. Liu Muzhi said this, obviously he had already passed the anger with Wang Shenai in advance, and Wang Shenai’s going to march with the army as a queen this time seems to be related to Murong Lan. Maybe This pair is also an enemy and a friend, and the two most important women in their lives that have been entangled for decades are just like the national fortunes of Jin and Yan. They will eventually come to an end. As for the true thoughts of Wang Shenai, Only ask it afterwards.

Thinking of this, Liu Yu turned around, facing the officials of the Manchuria, and said in a deep voice: "From now on, within one month, all the soldiers in Yangzhou, all registered soldiers, will report back to the ministries and count the warehouses in each state and county within ten days. All military rations and ordnance will be transported to Pengcheng Camp within half a month for concentration. The edict is Pengcheng guard Yang Muzhi, Beiqingzhou governor Zhuge Changmin, Donghai, Xiapi, Guangling three guards Meng Longfu, Wang Zhongde, Shen Tianzi , Immediately led all his troops to gather in Pengcheng. Within a month, he started to ride 50,000, rations 1.5 million shi, 5,000 chariots, and the Northern Expedition!"

All the civil and military people of the Manchu dynasty promised, Wang Shenai stood up and said in a deep voice: "From now on, before the expedition, the palace will personally stay in Jianjing Temple to pray for this expedition. Loyal ministers and good generals, fulfill their duties, and under the leadership of Liu Zhenjun, make new contributions!"

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Having said this, her gaze swept across the audience, and finally she met Liu Yu inadvertently, and all her thoughts were silent.

At night, Jianjing Temple, small courtyard.

Liu Yu, dressed in a black costume, stood with his arms folded and looked at the big elm tree in front of him. He was silent. On the one hand, Liu Muzhi was eating a white-faced bun. He ate and smiled: "Jinu, this Roujiamo is really delicious, and it is convenient to make dry food. This time we can make this in large quantities when we go on the expedition."

The corner of Liu Yu's mouth was hooked, turning his head to look at Liu Muzhi who was eating his mouth full of oil, and said in a deep voice: "Fatty, you are telling me the truth now, this time you have discussed with Miao Yin, why did you want to hide it? Why do you suddenly propose that she is going to march with the army?"

Liu Muzhi put down the bun in his hand and looked at Liu Yu calmly: "Send slave, do you think we will cheat you and harm you? As soon as the news of Nan Yan going south is out, I know you will definitely send troops, so I've been helping you plan the dispatch of troops all this day. As for why Miao Yin did this, I think she has enough reasons to explain to you. Now we are here, isn't it just waiting for this explanation?"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "Intuition tells me that Miaoyin's mentioning this time has something to do with Alan. Tell me the truth, is there any new information?"

The fat on Liu Muzhi's face shook slightly, and he glanced at Liu Yu, he stopped talking, and sighed: "When the wonderful sound arrives, you will understand."

The voice of Wang Shen's love sounded in one side room, and the sound of the door turning followed her unique orchid fragrance: "Brother Yu, don't get me wrong, this time I am not jealous for the sake of fighting for wind."

Liu Yu turned around, and saw that Wang Shen loved the dress of a court lady, with a lot of money, and his big eyes shone like the stars in the night sky. Liu Yu's brows frowned: "It's rare to go with the army as a queen since ancient times. Are you afraid that doing so will arouse criticism?"

Wang Shenai sighed: "So, in addition to saying that I am going to expedition on behalf of the emperor today, I also want to emphasize the identity of my Wang family daughter. Although my public identity is now the daughter of uncle Wang Xianzhi and Princess Xin'an, I cannot emphasize the Xie family. But the Langya Wang family can still have the righteousness to regain the hometown of Qingzhou. I say this, and there will not be too many people thinking about other things."

Liu Muzhi twitched the corner of his mouth: "Send slaves, there are not many people who know that the queen is a good voice. The Wang family is very strict about her identity. However, this time, the good voice will go with the army, I am afraid that it will also be mixed with Xie. Is it relevant. What's the matter with the Xie family? Isn't the madam unable to suppress Xie mixed?"

Wang Shenai shook his head and looked at Liu Muzhi: "Isn't this thanks to you?"

Liu Yu frowned: "What's the matter with us, isn't it just to enroll the heroes' children? I think this will not completely offend the noble family."

Wang Shen'ai sneered and said, "Really? It was released that the Confucian disciple who had been suppressed for many years by the Jin emperors and the noble families of the past, and the exile of the Confucian disciple, served as the doctor of Hou Xu, sacrificed wine, and used printing techniques, and wanted to copy a lot. Books, Brother Yu, Brother Yu, do you really think that there is no expert in the family and you can't see your intentions?"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "If I don't do this, do I always have to look at the faces of the children of the aristocracy? Let the scholars and heroes at the bottom learn cultural knowledge, UU reading www.uukanshu.com has the ability to govern the country It’s not a bad thing anyway. Aristocratic children can join the army to make merits. After the martial artist, they should also have the right to read and calligraphy. Could it be that only the aristocratic family’s collection of books can make people read rationally?"

Wang Shenai sighed: "Brother Yu, I am definitely not against you. But you know who the Dajin family is. Even if they don’t make merit, they don’t want others to replace themselves by making merit. So, now In their view, you just want to start anew, you just want to use Confucianism to replace metaphysics, and to replace them with the middle and lower gentry. To be honest, Xie Hun only recently learned about the printing skills of brother Mu Zhi, so he panicked. God, because the number of Confucian students is limited, letting go of teaching will not spread the knowledge, but if everyone has the four books and five classics in their hands, then the family will have no advantage at all. Therefore, Meng Chang came with them!"

Liu Yu's expression changed: "Meng Chang Meng Yanda? He is an ally of Xi Le, why would he come with his descendants? As far as I know, Xie Hun, Xi Sengshi has always looked down upon him. Especially Yu Yue. ."

Wang Shenai sneered: "Now Liu Yi is out of Yuzhou, thousands of miles away. In the capital, Meng Chang is the ally. And Meng Chang is capable and ambitious. Talents like Wang Hong and Zhang Shao are also Coming from his sect, Xie Hun, they are now cooperating with him more than contradictory, because Meng Chang and Liu Yi rely on the power of the family to compete with you, and you want to break the foundation of all the family."

Liu Yu sighed: "I don't want to go to the opposite stage with Meng Chang. He is different from the younger brothers of the family. He does have very outstanding talents. This time he is going on the expedition. You must keep him guarding the court. You are not here. Something happened."

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