Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2602: Small abacus

Xi Seng was itching with hatred: "This Liu Yu is too shameless. He will still occupy this Yangzhou governor in the Northern Expedition. How can there be such a reason? I will write to your majesty and let your majesty and Langyao. The king decreed to dismiss Liu Yu's memorial to Yangzhou governor. Even if Sima clan find someone in the clan, such as Sima Xiuzhi as the Yangzhou governor, it cannot fall into Liu Yu's hands!"

Meng Chang said coldly: "Huituo, don't be impulsive. We all know that Dajin has always said that it is a remote leader. Besides, Liu Yu first added a chariot general to himself, and then led the Northern Expedition to lead the post of Yangzhou provincial governor to mobilize. Yangzhou’s manpower and material resources can’t get any handle. Now that Liu Yu has great power, He Wuji is also standing with him, insisting on confronting him, even if he will be charged with undermining the plan of the Northern Expedition. Even the current official can't keep it."

Xie Hun looked at the dumbfounded Xi Sengshi, and his eyes flashed coldly: "This Liu Yu is indeed deceiving too much. If he insists on going his own way, then we have to do as the court meeting began that day. Our family is overwhelmed. Yuliang cannot support his Beifu army. Even the immigrant manor of the six counties of Jiangbei in the name of our family did not give him a grain of rice or a dime. This three years tax exemption in Jiangbei was his own rule, and he wanted to expedition to the north. It's his business, we don't serve!"

Liu Yi's brow furrowed, and he looked at Meng Chang without accepting his gratitude, "Is that all? Did Liu Yu do anything to appease?"

Meng Chang nodded: "Yes, he gave Wuji a Su Wu Festival to commend Wuji's mother for her loyalty in building justice. This order was issued through the Queen and the Su Wu Festival was also based on the Sima clan. Earned in the name of the royal family. I think Wuji will be very touched when he hears this news. In addition, Wang Hong and Chang Yu in Liu Yu’s general mansion will be transferred to Wuji’s Zhennanjiang military mansion. The prefects and long history of prefectures, prefectures and counties."

Liu Yi sneered: "Sure enough, it's the same old thing. First draw Wuji. Hmph, this time he is a soldier of the Northern Expedition. He doesn't want any food for Wuji. Instead, he will give him Su Wujie and give him powerful men. Ji won't oppose him anymore. But what did he give me?"

Meng Chang said sternly: "He said that he would make a request to the emperor to appoint you as a general guard and be responsible for guarding the rear during the Northern Expedition."

Liu Yi's eyes lit up: "What, General Wei? That is to say, the defense of this capital is given to me?"

Meng Chang nodded: "Exactly, including Jingkou, Jiankang, and your original Yuzhou defense are now yours. It can be said that Liu Yu asked for a nominal Yangzhou governor, but during his Northern Expedition, The important task of keeping your hands behind and controlling the capital is in your hands, Liu Xile."

Xie Hun said dissatisfiedly: "If your name is not correct, your words will be unsatisfactory. This is to use a slow strategy to temporarily win over and appease Xi Le. Let us not make trouble with him at this time. When he returns from the Northern Expedition, we will definitely take back this power. , He wanted to provoke our internal disputes and use Heile to suppress the high-ranking families in the city."

Xi Seng said bitterly: "Xile, I think that Ji Fang gave it to you, and even the king and queen will go with him. It is better for us to issue an edict in the name of the emperor and let Liu Yu stay no matter whether he wins or loses. In the north, if Nanyan is defeated, he will be appointed as the governor of Qingzhou. He will be out of Qilu, and the general mansion of Cheqi will be moved to the town. If he loses, there will be more reasons for him to commit crimes and stand in Pengcheng for a long time. Ways to clean him up."

Meng Chang shook his head: "How can it be so easy? Now that Xu Xianzhi is the king of Langyan who joins the army, it is equivalent to Liu Yu's **** set before the Northern Expedition. With him, it will not make Sima Dewen so easy to listen to us. Besides, the families of the soldiers of the Beifu Army are all in Jingkou. If you don't let Liu Yu come back, or let the tens of thousands of troops come back, you are not afraid of the soldiers directly mutinous?"

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Xi Sengshi was so speechless that Meng Chang looked at Liu Yi: "Xile, I think that the arrangement of sending slaves, although it is to comfort you, but it also gives us a face. He was in the northern expedition. During the period, you can justify the defense of the capital, and you can use the resources to support the Northern Expedition to allocate the Wudi area to some of the industries of the Beijing Eight Brothers, and slowly transition to the hands of the family. This time the Northern Expedition to Qingzhou, if you win , There will be a large number of newly occupied land to relocate heroes. If they fail, many brothers will die in battle, or be defeated and seized the title. For the Wudi family, it will be an opportunity to expand the industry."

Liu Yi smiled slightly: "Furthermore, in the name of conscripting to support the frontline, I can recruit and form a new army, select elite and talented people to join my men, and strengthen my strength. There is no good reason to expand my army in peacetime. , And even have to disband many soldiers and horses because of temporary peace, but this time, with the righteous name of the Northern Expedition, I can train 30,000 to 50,000 elite soldiers in about a year, plus my current soldiers. The horse is enough to fight against the slaves. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM"

Xie Hun gritted his teeth: "But, what good does this do to the stellar family of our family? Didn't Liu Yu say that he will be given a title only if he wins battles and meritorious service, and only with the title can he occupy the land. Thousands of people have won the land, don’t they just come back to grab our turf?"

Meng Chang said indifferently: "So the non-cooperative approach you mentioned just now is a big mistake. Being meritorious does not necessarily mean going to the court to kill the enemy. It's also a credit to be able to pay for food in the rear. Look at Yuyue. This time, I brought hundreds of Ding Trilogy to Liu Yu’s military mansion, in order to reap enough benefits for myself during this Northern Expedition. Xie Gong, Xi Gong, now the times have changed, the previous family is high The good days of doing whatever they want are gone. Liu Yu can complete the Northern Expedition without your support. If he wins, he will let more people participate in the Northern Expedition to share your interests. I advise you to stay away. It's good to fight him on this kind of thing."

Xi Seng said bitterly, "Why don't you just let him be at his mercy and bow your head to him?"

Meng Chang shook his head: "No, it's nothing more than giving him some military rations, symbolically giving some civilian husbands, so you should save some food and give some villagers a three-month leave. This will not cause you much loss. . If you win, you are the ministers of merit, and you will get more benefits and benefits included in Qingzhou and Jiangbei. After the extermination of the Yanyan, a large number of strong and strong men from the enemy army will be your new manpower. If you defeat, it is. Liu Yu’s responsibility, and you pay for the country’s grain, you can also take the opportunity to ask Liu Yu to compensate for his losses and assume responsibility. Even if he cannot be ousted, you can force him to give up more power, for example, in the Jiangbei area. Letting out more land to compensate for your losses, no matter how you look at it, it's a good thing to make a profit without losing it."

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