Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2620: Targeting Tao Yuanming

Bai Hu's face changed: "Master Xuanwu, what do you mean..."

Xuanwu's eyes flashed coldly: "What do you think Liu Yi would think of black robe?"

Suzaku was surprised: "Didn't he say it above? The black robe is the enemy and it must be left for Liu Yu to destroy. I think this should be his heart. In this place, he even wanted to be the leader of the family. The thoughts are public, it is unlikely to lie."

Xuanwu said coldly: "I didn't think he had a strong desire to put the black robe to death, but from what he meant, it seemed that he wanted to use Liu Yu's Northern Expedition to test the fineness of the black robe. After all. , This black robe was made public for the first time during the Northern Wei Dynasty’s palace change, and we are not even sure whether this black robe was the one that we had contact with before. Master Qinglong, What do you think?"

Qinglong said coldly: "From this person's shot, and the long-standing forbearance and ability to take Tuobagui's life and stir up several major civil disturbances, I don't think anyone else can do it. I don’t even think that there is such a coincidence in this world. There are two peerless conspirators from the south and the north who call themselves black robes. Last time we confirmed that it was this person who instigated Liu Jingxuan in Nanyan. This time, it’s just more clear, it’s just me. As shocked as Liu Yi, even Murong Lan is his own."

Bai Hu looked at Qinglong: "Have you been in contact with Black Robe?"

Qinglong shook his head: "No, since the last time we met, I have never contacted this person again, nor have he come to me. At first, I wondered whether he felt that our attitude towards him has changed. Let him be alert, but now I understand that it turns out that he went to the north to do things and has no time to deal with us."

Xuanwu sternly said: "This time it depends on the situation of his fight with Liu Yu. If he fails again, then the North will have nowhere to go and will return to Dajin. What I am worried about is that if he comes back again, I am afraid not. We will find us who know each other, but will..."

Suzaku snatched: "Instead, he will find more powerful and have the same goal as him, that is, Liu Yu's Liu Yi and Liu Xile? And his fake mafia?"

Xuanwu sighed: "Yes, if Nan Yan can't help him to stop Liu Yu, then he can only find a conspiracy organization like the Mafia to help him get things done. Now we lose the power of the Mafia before, and I'm afraid to follow him. It's also a conflict of interest, because no matter how we can, like Xi Chao, disregard the country and the world, just for our own personal benefit."

Suzaku frowned: "Then you said, if this black robe really escapes to Dajin as you imagined, will he betray us to win Liu Yi's trust?"

Xuanwu pondered for a moment, and then said: "It's hard to say, I think with his old and insidious, it is very likely that two sides bet and use each other. If we betray us directly to Liu Yi, he also loses the restriction Liu Yi, or He said that he has lost the ability to bargain. He has not disclosed our existence to the world for so long. I am afraid it is also out of this consideration."

Bai Hu suddenly said: "Master Xuanwu, have you thought about what Liu Yi and the others said just now? That night when Huan Xuan escaped from Jiangling, the two waves of men and horses killed each other. The only one who saved Huan Xuan was Black Robe. Xuan's assassin, who would it be?"

Xuanwu frowned: "Master Baihu, what do you think about this? Some of us were in Jiangling at the time. Could it be that some of us made the move?"

Bai Hu shook his head: "None of the four of us had the motive to kill Huan Xuan. At that time, Huan Xuan was completely defeated. The best result was to escape to the Later Qin and become a chess piece that contained the Da Jin. Hei Pao wanted to save. He is understandable at this point, but some people want to kill him, but they don't just kill him and make meritorious deeds. This is one thing I still don't understand."

Qinglong said suddenly: "I think, maybe I can understand this somewhat now."

The eyes of the other three people lit up, they all looked at Qinglong, and Xuanwu said solemnly: "What do you mean by this, do you know who started it?"

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Qinglong smiled slightly: "On the face of it, Liu Yi and the others sent troops to fight against Huan Xuan, all in order to kill or capture the usurper of the throne on the battlefield in order to gain credit, so they have no reason to assassinate Huan Xuan. Huan Xuan. Xuan is a mortal enemy of the Mafia, but we successfully used Sima Yuanxian last time, Sima Shangzhi and others convinced him that the Mafia is dead, then even if there is an accomplice around him, he is at best a black robe, but the black robe did not attack him. Betrayed our existence, otherwise we would have been killed by Huan Xuan a long time ago. Therefore, Huan Xuan’s death is not about the need to kill people and keep secrets. The person who stabbed Huan Xuan will only have one possibility."

Bai Hu said in a deep voice, "He who stabbed him will be Heipao's subordinates or allies. The purpose of killing Huanxuan is to stop Heipao's plan, that is, to prevent the fleeing of Huanxuan to a foreign country. Make the right plan."

Suzaku shook his head in disbelief, "This doesn't make sense. If it's Heipao's subordinate, then why go against Heipao's intention?"

Qinglong sighed: "Originally, I didn't dare to draw conclusions because I couldn't think through this level. It was not until this Northern Wei Dynasty incident that I realized that the black robe may not be able to control all of his subordinates. In this world, truly The hardest thing is to completely control a person, especially to force this person to do what he doesn't want to do."

Xuanwu thoughtfully said: "Master Qinglong is right. If Murong Lan can openly oppose Heipao, He Lanmin can secretly have his own Xiao Jiujiu, and other Heipao men can do the same. He is in the north. At least these two women are working for them. In Dajin, he cannot be the only one. There must be other subordinates, and even the contact with Huan Xuan may be carried out through this subordinate."

Bai Hu laughed: "If he really had this subordinate in Jingzhou at that time, would there be anyone else besides Tao Yuanming? Even later, he would save Wang Miaoyin and protect Sima Dezong and Sima Dewen from fleeing, instead of letting people escape. Hijacking the abdicated emperor of Jin to Hulufan State, I am afraid it is also out of the same consideration."

Qinglong said sternly: "I think Master Baihu’s analysis is the closest to the truth. Tao Yuanming is an unfathomable person. When he appeared, he helped Huanxuan sweep down the white tiger Yin Zhongkan, seized Jingzhou, and then usurped power. He should have instructed him to do these things, but after Huanxuan's failure, Tao Yuanming decisively wanted to kill Huanxuan and stop Heipao's plan to continue to use Huanxuan or Sima Dezong to flee foreign countries. Everyone said, What is this for?"

Xuanwu said solemnly: "I think it is for two reasons, one is self-preservation and the other is ambition!"

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