Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2625: Move the town to Guangling to discuss the north march

Guangling, Jiangbei Camp of Beifu Army, Temporary Camp of General Chaqi.

In the army’s commanding tent, Liu Yu was dressed in armor, surrounded by seven or eight energetic subordinates, with piercing eyes, staring straight at a sand table in front of him, with mountains, rivers and mountains on it. From the north, to the south of the Yellow River, the entire Qilu area has a panoramic view, and everyone's eyes are focused on the mountain that is separated from the border between Jin and Yan --- Daxian Mountain.

Liu Yu's gaze fell on the Hangou Canal, straight to the north, to the Xiapi area of ​​Pengcheng, where a large number of troops and flags were already assembled, he hooked his mouth: "Ling Shi, Raptors, yours The army, has it reached Xiapi?"

The armored Meng Longfu said in a deep voice: "Since receiving the command from the general, our troops in Donghai County have been traveling day and night, and arrived in Pengcheng in two days. After I handed over the troops to General Yang, Just come here for military discussion as you ordered."

Zhu Lingshi smiled slightly: "Chao Shi is in the army now. The eight thousand men and horses in Dong'a County were originally subordinates of General Tan Daoji. According to your order, after the handover of the army, he followed Liu Jingzhou to Jingzhou for garrison. And these eight Thousands of people have also arrived in Xiapi, waiting for your order from Master."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Very well, this time is a great battle for the Northern Expedition. I have brought all the elite soldiers and powerful generals that can be used. Zhong De, you are the first to come. Let's talk about your thoughts."

Wang Zhongde nodded, and said calmly, "From the current intelligence, Nan Yan did not expect that we would actually start the Great Northern Expedition, let alone that we would move so quickly, in five days. With 40,000 troops assembled in the Pengcheng area, plus the 20,000 elite soldiers assembled in Guangling, they can take the waterway to Xiapi within three days. Now Nanyan is still the 20,000 light cavalry who came to rob last time in Linqu. In addition to Linqu city’s own guard, Duan Hui’s more than 10,000 troops, no more than 40,000."

Liu Yu laughed: "Then these 40,000 horses will be concentrated in Linqu on standby, or will they gather in Daxian Mountain and prepare to block the mountain for defense?"

Wang Zhongde pointed to the direction of Daxian Mountain: "In the more than ten prefectures and counties in Shannan, such as Lunan and Linyi, they have been in panic. The people are fleeing around, and the defenders are also concentrated in the county. I think they are in Waiting for Murong Chao’s order to decide whether to withdraw or defend. The total number of enemy troops in these places is no more than four or five thousand, and most of them are peasant people temporarily recruited by prefectures and counties. They have little fighting power. Even if they defend the city, our army can do it. Put them down in about ten days."

Liu Yu shook his head: "Ten days are too long. It will leave time for the thief army to deploy. Whether it is blocking Daxian or solidifying the wall and clearing the field, it will cause us trouble. Send the general Yang Muzhi ahead, Zhuge Changmin assassin, let them Don’t wait, Zhuge Changmin’s 5,000 troops from North Qingzhou attacked first, and Pengcheng’s 30,000 troops followed them. They swept and captured these prefectures and counties in Shannan. All the rebels were wiped out, those who fell were saved from death, the Han stayed behind, and the Xianbei people. Those who are willing to stay will stay, and those who want to go back will be put back. In addition, **** and looting are strictly prohibited. Anyone who violates the military order will be killed without pardon!"

He turned his head and said to Liu Zhong, standing behind him: "After the meeting, Chijie went to the Zhuge Changmin Army and told him that this is an opportunity to commit crimes. As long as you win, there will be benefits. Don’t be greedy for a little profit. Bad thing for me!"

Liu Zhong smiled and said: "General Zhuge has always fought bravely, but he is allowed to take captives. Probably only the emperor's scepter can make him scrupulous. The commander should be considerate."

Liu Yu sighed: "There are many martial arts high-powered men from Jiangyang thieves and horse bandits around him. They usually need to use evil men to deter the enemy at the border. The act of killing grass valleys has long been accustomed, but this time is different. We are Wang Shi. If you are doing more than the robbers, how can you convince the people? You go with the Scepter of the Son of Heaven. If necessary, you can kill a few Liwei. When passing by Pengcheng, let General Kuai En Lead two thousand soldiers and horses to follow you. If you don't follow, you can cut first and play later."

Liu Zhong put away his smile and promised.

Liu Muzhi said on the side: "How much do you want to bring with you? What if you encounter the Xianbei army to fight for it?"

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Liu Yu raised his eyebrows: "Now Xianbei has only more than 30,000 people in Linqu, and the army has not yet moved south. With the habits of Xianbei thieves, they just grabbed something and have to go home to divide the spoils. It’s not enough within ten days. Therefore, I gave Zhuge Changmin ten days as the limit. I must attack the entire states and counties in Shannan. Those states and counties are not strong cities and there is no danger to defend. Our army is going out for revenge, and the defense of the mobs is lax. The city, not to mention, if there is a stubborn resistance, after breaking the city, kill all the defending officers and pass the other city as a deterrent. I believe it can be passed. After the city is broken, UU reading www.uukanshu.com will close the library. , Use Beiqingzhou officials to temporarily manage these places, and wait for my follow-up army to arrive."

Liu Muzhi nodded: "I will streamline the first batch of officials who went north. Yu Yue and more than 30 family nephews and nephews have gone northward as you ordered yesterday. You can let them take over the management of Pengcheng and let Yang Mu Zhi and Pengcheng officials went north."

Liu Yu nodded: "It's arranged like this. Now, let's discuss the next issue, Daxian Mountain. Zhen Evil, Ling Shi, you are older than Junlue. Tell me what you think."

Zhu Lingshi's face was calm and said: "In this battle, we have to make a quick word. In my opinion, after sweeping the Shannan counties, the Zhuge governor should not stop. It is best to concentrate two to three thousand elites and fight straight. Muling Pass, although Muling Pass is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but without a large army garrison, it can be broken in one fell swoop when the troops are insufficient. This battle depends on courage and momentum. Once Muling Pass is handed, then Daxian is a natural danger. It's half broken!"

Wang Zhen said in a deep voice: "Ling Shi made a lot of sense. It is useless to attack Shannanzhou County. The focus is on Daxian. In my opinion, even Linyi and Yongqiu do not need to be hit. They jump over. Go straight to Daxian. As long as the savage soldiers attack Muling Pass, they can prevent the Yanjun reinforcements from Linqu and other places from going south, and Shannan Prefecture will naturally break without attack!"

The generals' expressions changed. They did not expect that Wang Zhenye would propose such a radical play. Wang Zhongde frowned: "Is this too risky? If the Shannan thief army blocks or flanks our army's wings , There is a risk of failure. Besides, it’s not in line with the art of war if a lone army goes hundreds of miles deep."

Liu Yu smiled slightly and turned to look at Liu Jingxuan who was staring at Mulingguan on the side: "Ashou, what do you think?!"

Liu Jingxuan raised his head and hit the palm of his left palm with a right punch: "Go!"

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