Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2631: Take it for granted

Murong Chao smiled slightly and looked at Helan Lu, who had been silent for a long time, and said, "General Helan, you have followed the Northern Wei Dynasty and fought Dayan before. Of course, at that time you were a tyrant Tuobagui. You are not to blame, but from your point of view, as Wei Jun at the time, how did you feel when you encountered Dayan's strong and clear style of play?"

Helan Lu frowned and said: "In the beginning, all parts of our grasslands entered the Central Plains. We thought we could eat the enemy forces just like in Bingzhou. As long as we smashed the prefectures and counties, there would be food supplies in the warehouses. The Han people in China will also welcome the army. Therefore, in order to pursue the speed of attack, we did not even bring too much food and grass. We attacked Hebei in multiple ways from the Great Wall of China and Taihang of 800 miles."

"But in the end I ran into this hard-walled and clear-field style of play. The farmland was harvested in advance and there was no food left for us. The main force of the Yan army retreated into a few big cities, and the Han landlords retreated to the fortresses and settled on the mountain. Defending, we forcibly attacked Yecheng, the core cities of Zhongshan could not be defeated, and entering the mountains to clear up the Hanren Wubao also had little gain. As a last resort, we had to withdraw and return to the grassland. This also gave the Yan country a chance to breathe. I have concentrated more than 100,000 steps to fight the battle of Bai Si."

Murong Chao said softly "Oh", "So, is this style of play still useful?"

Helan Lu sighed: "It was only useful for a while. At first, the Wei army was not prepared enough. He wanted to pay for the Yan country, so he suffered a loss because he failed to attack the city. But after returning to the grassland, Tuobagui ordered that all tribes must The fortresses are concentrated within a hundred miles of the Great Wall, while most of the cattle and sheep are turned in for military use. Sure enough, when he invades Hebei again, he will drive millions of cattle and sheep for military needs. It was Yan's turn and could not stand it. After the Wei army won the battle of Bai Si, the Yan army retreated to the major cities again, but after half a year of besieging the city, they fell one after another. Even the Han Wubao masters in the mountains later switched to the Wei army. This hard-walled and clear-field game is to kill a thousand enemies, hurt yourself 800, and lose a lot of your own side. If you don’t have a strong people’s will, you can resist the whole country to the death, and you will fail in the end."

Gongsun’s expression on the fifth floor changed: "General Helan, the Jin army is not the Northern Wei Dynasty. They don’t have so many cattle and sheep to drive away, and the Han people in Dayan are also loyal and righteous people. They are definitely not comparable to those of the Hebei family who are in trouble. When Liu Yuruo came, this situation would never happen. Besides, even the Northern Wei Dynasty was not well prepared in those days. When he retreated once, Liu Yu's preparations were probably even more inadequate. He sent troops without even being mobilized for war, and had enough food for half a year. In half a year, we are enough to get rid of him. No, as long as one month, one month without food, it is enough to defeat him!"

Helan Lu said coldly: "Your Majesty asked me, I naturally respond as I thought. This is a national matter. A carelessness may lead to defeat and the country. General Gongsun, you are so sure that the Chinese people will Stand by Dayan's side instead of falling to Jin country?"

Murongchao frowned and said, "Well, General Helan, I have already understood your thoughts, Gongsun, what is your next move?"

Gongsun said sternly on the fifth floor: "This is a bad policy. It is not to stand firm and clear the country, nor guard Daxian Mountain, and let the Jin army come in. Within a day or two, they will come to Linqu. At this time, if our army gathers more than 100,000 cavalry, it can Face Liu Yu in a decisive battle. If you win, you can wipe out the Jin army and capture Liu Yu alive. If you lose, you can at least rely on Linqu to retreat to the city and stand firm. At the same time, you can mobilize your troops again in the north and wait for an opportunity to counterattack!"

A smile bloomed on Murongchao’s face: "You said this is the worst strategy? But in my opinion, this is the best strategy. Liu Yu's troops are no more than 50,000 or 60 thousand, and they come from afar, attacking the south of the mountain and crossing Daxian. The spirit has been lost, and when I reached the city of Linqu, it was at the end of the force. But I, Dayan, owns the land of Qilu, with tens of thousands of horses and thousands of miles of wheat. Why should the enemy be scared to cut wheat and emigrate before the enemy? :

"The Huaibei water network is vertical and horizontal, which is not good for the mobility of the cavalry. If we go to Daxian to compete with Liu Yu, even if we win, we will not be able to wipe him out. Liu Yu will suffer a small loss and will inevitably come again every year, and we will have to stay for a long time. Shannan gathers cavalry and sees with it. We Xianbei's ministries will come if we are profitable, and we will complain if we don't. If we can't give them enough victory and benefits through the war, then we will get into chaos before Jin, so the best way is It is to let Liu Yu in, and then ridden him, defeat Liu Yu, together with his elite Jin Guo, and then take advantage of the victory, force Jin to surrender, and ceding the six counties of Jiangbei. This is the solution once and for all. !"

Muronglan's expression changed, and she said, "A Chao, absolutely must not, this kind of play is tantamount to gambling the country in a battle, in case you lose..."

Murongchao sneered and said: "Lose? We Dayan cavalry has always been advancing and not retreating, how can we lose? Wei Lu also used some tricks, coupled with Dayan's own internal strife, and a traitor like Muronglin came out, UU reading www.uukanshu.com will only lose for a while, but over the years, under the management of the first emperor, we have great swallows and warriors everywhere, without any disadvantage, even the Wei Jun has defeated us many times, and a large county like Qinghe can also give We were swept away. Those Wu Yue soldiers of Liu Yu could only fight in the south. When they came to the north, they gave us the life of a horse. This has been won countless times in the past few decades. prove!"

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Having said that, he looked at Murong Zhen triumphantly: "King Guilin, you have also fought against the Jin army under Emperor Wucheng and Emperor Xian before. As far as you are concerned, what I just said, right?"

Murong Zhen was Murong De's deputy for many years. Now he is over sixty years old. He has made great achievements and can be described as the number one general of Nanyan. Since Murongchao took the throne, he has not only been a Shang Shuling, but also has taken the highest military position in the country, and Murong. Lan cooperated with each other and personally led the troops to quell the rebellion of Murongfa, Duan Hong, Feng Song and others. At this moment, Murongchao asked him face to face, not only for military considerations, but also for him to express his stance and set off on the army.

But Murong Zhen still sighed. As a veteran for many years, he knew that at this time, if he couldn't even tell the truth, the country would really be in danger. After all, Liu Yu was capable of fighting more than once. Have seen.

Mindful of this, Murong Zhen said solemnly: "Your Majesty, if you really want to concentrate on the iron cavalry and fight Liu Yu decisively, it is better to guard Daxian Mountain first, and then go out to fight against Liu Yu. If it is unfavorable, you can also retreat into the Muling Pass and stick to it, so that the entire country will not be in danger. After all, Qilu is a plain. If you lose here, you don't have much chance to come back!"

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