Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2647: Dark knot riding array to lure the Raptors

On Jumi Shuibei, on the Qinglu Plain, the Yanjun Cavalry Formation has been deployed. Three thousand cavalrymen, with two wings spread out, each with five hundred horsemen, and two thousand cavalrymen form a riding circle in the center. The flag on the fifth floor of Gongsun is The center rises, the drum horns are noisy, and the sky is ready, three thousand pairs of eyes, staring at the Menglong Talisman two miles away, all the way to here!

On the hill on one side, the black robe is riding the black dragon war horse, carrying a mace, looking coldly on the battlefield, while Gongsun has a pony on the fifth floor, standing beside him The two bright red whip marks on his face were particularly conspicuous. When the wind blew, it was a hot pain, causing his facial expressions to be distorted.

But on the fifth floor of Gongsun, he covered his face and opened his eyes. He looked at the Meng Longfu who was rushing here, and muttered: "Who is coming here? Is he crazy? I dare to chase a thousand soldiers alone. Wanma?"

Hei Pao sighed: "This person is the vanguard of Liu Yu's account. The governor of Guangchuan, known as the raptor, and General Long Xiang, Meng Longfu. I have long heard that this person is brave and martial, but there are thousands of people. He is known as an enemy of the world. When I saw him today, he really deserved his reputation."

Gongsun gritted his teeth on the fifth floor: "I recognize him. It was him. The first one rushed into the forest. It was him. He killed more than a dozen of my guards with his own hands. Is he mad? Do you dare to fight alone?"

Heipao sneered: "This person is not a brave man. Look at his horse, named Xueyunju. It is a pegasus from the West River Tuyuhun. It can travel thousands of miles every day, Meng Long Fu rides this horse through hundreds of battles. At the time of Jingkou Jianyi, he galloped for eight hundred miles in one day, rushing in and out of the enemy formation seven times back and forth. Although he was covered in wounds, he still rushed out safely. Strong horse fast, in the army, if you give him a chance to get in, it will be difficult to find him even if there are thousands of people. He is obviously aimed at you this time!"

Gongsun touched his neck on the fifth floor, with lingering fears: "Fortunately, the national teacher came to help in time, otherwise, or I'm afraid I will catch him up sooner or later, and this life will be gone."

The black robe nodded: "He just thought you were defeated and wanted to chase and kill along with the lost horse. Maybe his horse rushed too fast and the companions behind didn't have time to keep up, or he thought that he was riding solo. It’s easier to rush into the enemy’s formation, but he expected you, a cowardly man, to be the coach, and he only needs to hunt down all the way, but he didn’t expect that I was here waiting for him!"

Gongsun's eyes on the fifth floor lit up: "Guo Shi, what do you mean..."

Heipao sighed: "I originally had a illusion that Liu Yu would come in person, so I set an ambush here to seduce him. Unfortunately, Liu Yu didn't come, only Meng Longfu..."

Gongsun's eyes widened on the fifth floor: "What, national teacher, you, do you want to use me as a bait..."

Heipao sneered and said: "As a bait, you are the most suitable. If Duan Hui or Helanlu is to perform this task, they will definitely fight to the end. Liu Yu will wipe them out at Shuiyuan, and there will be no more chasing in. My ambush here has no effect. Only you, General Gongsun, can escape so real and so hard, not to mention Meng Longfu, even Liu Yu himself will be convinced!"

Gongsun's face flushed on the fifth floor, and even the two whip marks were not so obvious: "But, but do they really dare to rush into an army of thousands of people alone?"

Heipao smiled slightly: "It will definitely be, because I will make them feel that although the enemy has a large number of troops, they have lost their courage, and your former subordinates are now doing this!"

As he said, he pointed to the wilderness. The thirty riders who had followed Gongsun's fifth floor had already turned their heads and rushed towards Meng Long Fu, but judging from their turning and impact movements , Obviously has been a lot slower, even some people didn't go to meet Meng Long Talisman at all, but just walked away from a distance and prepared to act.

Gongsun's fifth floor suddenly realized: "This, this is to deliberately let these people go up and fight. They must have been scared and afraid to do their best. This will make Meng Longfu think..."

The black robe nodded with satisfaction: "Let him think that the enemy has thousands of horses, but only a few dozen horses and the courage to turn around for a battle, and these cavalry who turned around for a battle..."

Before he finished his words, he only heard the roar of Meng Longfu echoing over the entire field: "Just punish Gongsun, don't ask the rest, and those who block me die!"

Accompanied by the sound of long arrows breaking through the air, I saw Meng Longfu bowing from side to side, shooting from the galloping horse, and shooting at him. The four horses in front of him all turned over and fell. It was the captain of this wave of cavalry. He stopped the horse quickly and was about to shoot back with the bow, but before he even pulled the bowstring halfway, he hit the door with an arrow straight to the face, pierced his head, and took his entire From the horse, the man flew seven steps and took up a **** arrow. UU reading www. uukanshu.com hit the other rider again, and both of them fell to the ground. They didn't even make a scream, and stopped moving.

Heipao frowned, and sighed, "Sure enough, he is a peerless warrior. I can't imagine that among the Han people, there are people who are so good at riding and shooting. Liu Yu's soldiers from the Beifu are so strong, it seems that no matter how overestimated, they Not too much."

As he spoke, the remaining twenty-odd riders dared to fight against the killing god, uttered a whistle, and collapsed like this, disappearing into the smoke and dust.

Hei Pao nodded: "Very well, let's watch here, the two armies are facing each other, but Meng Longfu can only see the smoke and dust. Perhaps the most clearly he can see is the Gongsun flag in front."

As he said, with a wave of his hand, a messenger under the mound immediately waved the small flag. Almost at the same time, the Gongsun flag in the opposite cavalry array also fell down. The three hundred cavalry in front The waiting lineup became scattered, seeming to be running aimlessly, leaving only a channel, straight to the big flag that has fallen!

Gongsun exclaimed excitedly on the fifth floor: "Okay, great, perfect arrangement, as long as Meng Longfu rushes into the formation, it will be impossible to escape!"

A cold light flashed in Heipao's eyes: "Send the order, let the flag guard sergeants continue to run around with the obliquely fallen banner, arrange for more than 20 warriors to come forward to fight, and trap me Menglong. Don't let him run away!"

Gongsun said in surprise on the fifth floor: "This, do you have to worry about it? Wouldn't it be over with the arrow?"

Hei Pao said coldly: "His horse is too fast, and he has to get into the battle and fight for a while and consume horsepower. There is only one goal in this battle, and that is Meng Long Fu. No matter how many people die, it is worth it. Gongsun , Remember it, any method can be used as long as it is for victory, all subordinates are your pawns!"

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