Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2661: Beat the town

Ding Mi laughed and said, "I will remember this in my next life, Brother Jinu, if you hadn't protected me, I would have died then, not today."

Liu Yu nodded, his eyes flashed coldly: "Very well, in this battle, I need you and General Hu to protect me. General Hu holds a bow, and you hold a shield by my side. My safety, and Shuaiqi's safety depends on you!"

Ding Yi and Hu Fan looked at each other as they slapped their palms and laughed: "The commander is too polite. It is our honor to be able to learn how to fight by your side."

Having said that, Liu Yu looked at Wang Zhen's evil and said: "Suppress evil, this battle, I hope you can be with me, help me pass orders, and tell me, I want to hear your opinion, how about it?"

Wang Zhen's face changed slightly, and then he smiled: "It's an honor for me to learn the art of war and take part in command with the general, but I don't know the champion..."

Liu Jingxuan smiled and said, "It is your luck that the commander values ​​your kid. I have no problem here."

Wang Zhenya quickly said, "Then I will follow the command of the commander."

Liu Yu smiled slightly and turned his head to look at Liu Muzhi and Yu Yue: "Liu Changshi, Yu joined the army, are you willing to be on this high platform and follow me to see the development of the battle, fat man, this battle I think Please personally record the whole process. Regardless of victory or defeat, this record will also inspire future generations."

Liu Muzhi nodded: "I'm so happy."

And Geng Yue also hurriedly bowed his hands and said in salute: "Yes, the subordinates will let all the trilogy guards obey the instructions of the rider, and the subordinates themselves will stay here and be with the rider."

Liu Yu looked at Wang Miaoyin and whispered softly: "His Royal Highness, the battle is approaching, would you like..."

Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "I'm here to be your Majesty the Emperor, watching this battle with my own eyes, Liu Cheqi, please don't refuse my mission."

Liu Yu nodded: "Guardian Ding, you have to guard the Queen and Queen every step of the way, and use your life to protect her. If there is a slight difference, I don't need to say the consequences."

Ding Yi quickly picked up a big shield, stood beside Wang Miaoyin, and said loudly: "As long as I have a breath, I will protect the Queen's Royal Highness!"

Liu Yu and Wang Miaoyin looked at each other, their eyes intersected, in the beautiful eyes, the affectionate money, thousands of words, all without saying.

Liu Yu quickly avoided Wang Miaoyin’s scorching gaze, and instead thrust the dragon-cutting sword into the ground, and said in a deep voice: "In this battle, I will encourage you with all the monarchs. If you win, you will share your brilliance with you. If you are unlucky, you will use your sword to cut yourself off. On the road to Huangquan, you will not make all the monarchs alone. Beifu Army, destroy Hu!

All the generals saluted in unison: "Fight for the Great Jin, fight for honor, kill Hu, kill Hu, kill Hu!"

The sound of the war drums sounded and the semaphores were flying. The ministries had begun to assemble in different positions according to Liu Yu's just now. The generals bowed down one by one, stepped on the horses, cherished each other, and then ran towards their commanding position separately. Soon, there were only a few people left on the battle platform. Liu Yu glanced at Wang Zhenye, who was already holding a small command flag and standing behind him, and sighed: "Suppress the evil, you know, Why should I keep you by my side?"

Wang Zhenya lowered his head and whispered, "Because I violated your order at Muling Pass and sent troops without authorization. Is it against the military order?"

Liu Yu sighed: "What the military wants is order and prohibition. Military orders are like mountains. You are indeed talented. But if you are talented and arrogant and have no military tactics, that is another nature. If everyone thinks that their ideas are right, you can. If you don’t follow the orders and do what you want, how do I order the three armies? Since you have a deep understanding of the art of war, you should know that strict military discipline is the most important thing in running the army."

Wang Zhen gritted his teeth: "But, at that time, I was in a hurry, and you also gave me to do things cheaply..."

Liu Yu said solemnly: "At that time, the enemy's situation was unknown. Whether the enemy troops in Shannan were evacuated or lurking. I didn't know whether the prisoners' confessions were true or false. It still needs to be verified. The Raptors were ordered by me to grab the water. Fast through the gorge, and your task is to defend the Muling Pass and open a passage for the army. In case the enemy retakes the Muling Pass, and even sets up an ambush, then our army will face a huge risk. Back then, the Shu Han The prime minister Zhuge Liang, his army-in-arms, has a deep knowledge of the art of war, but he is self-righteous, self-righteous, and does not listen to orders. Although Liu Bei reminded this person to be useless, Zhuge Liang still disagrees and entrusts him with a heavy responsibility. , Ruined the entire Northern Expedition. In the end, Zhuge Liang had to slay the horse with tears. I don't want such a thing to happen again to you and me in the future."

Wang Zhen was so evil that he was sweating coldly, UU reading www.uukanshu.com hurriedly knelt down, and said: "The last will be terrified, let's be the military law."

Liu Yu looked slowly, patted him on the shoulder, and lifted him up from the ground: "If I really want to punish you, I just ordered it in front of the generals, although you violated the military order and caused a certain amount of damage to the army. But I think you are also for the sake of the army. If you want the tyrants of Shanbei to be attached in time and create conditions for the army to go forward, you will not be punished for your merits and demerits, but you will not be given special rewards."

"You are among the forwards. There is no room for you to play. Liu Guanjun has experienced many battles and is brave. No matter what kind of strong enemy you encounter, you can deal with it. This is a head-to-head contest, and you don't need too much advice. , But stay by my side and look at the whole battle from this position. You will be a commander in command, not as an army who wants to be anxious to serve the army. Just look at the one in front of you. Suppress the evil, you have a big deal. He knows the art of war, and the future is boundless, but don’t miss the overall situation by only focusing on the immediate part and temporary benefits."

Tears gleamed in Wang Zhenye's eyes: "I will remember the teachings of the commander today in the five inner circle. In this battle, I will follow you to learn how to control the overall situation."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Let's learn from each other together. In this battle, our opponents are unprecedentedly strong and fierce."

Having said that, his smile gradually dissipated and turned into sadness. He stepped forward to help Meng Longfu's identity full of arrows, and hugged him to his handsome chair. The movie was already well set. On the seat of, let Meng Longfu's body remain sitting, muttering: "Brother Raptors, let's go to Linqu together."

After that, Liu Yu sat back on his commanding position, picked up the dragon-slashing knife, and the light flashed. Accompanied by the sound of the dragon's chant, the long sword came out of its sheath, pointed straight ahead, and said in a deep voice: "Beat the drum, march !"

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