Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2675: The striker wins the right wing together

Wang Miaoyin's expression changed slightly, and Yu Yue rushed to ask over there, "Marshal, what's wrong?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "It's nothing, that's it for the front. As long as we can't hold on, the enemy will have to withdraw these 30,000 infantry sooner or later and replace them with other troops. It's just the enemy's two-wing attack, suppressing evil, what do you think? ?"

Wang Zhenye said without hesitation: "The right-wing General Zhuge, Zhu Sima and their line are very stable. Don't worry, the enemy cavalry dare not step forward. They just shoot cold arrows outside and bluff. I expect that the enemy's right wing is just a feint. The gallop of their cavalry can only take fifty or sixty steps, which is obviously not a fine cavalry. With such a troop, it is impossible to break through our army's chariot formation."

Liu Yu nodded and looked at the car formation on the right wing. The bows and crossbows were fired in succession. Almost every round of volleys, there would be fragments of cavalry falling down in the smoke and dust on the opposite side. After all, the range was as high as one hundred and fifty steps. The above six-stone infantry crossbow is almost a one-sided slaughter when dealing with archers that can only shoot at a gallop. Sometimes a few teams of cavalry want to rush forward and shoot at close range, but they often just rush out of the smoke and they will be prepared for it. Good crossbowmen aim and shoot straight, just as easy as training to shoot targets.

Liu Yu smiled and stood on a large cart, holding a big bow that was one person tall. Every time he draws the bow and releases an arrow, there must be an archer who rides down on the opposite side, saying: This kid, it made him cool today. It's easier than usual to practice arrows."

Hu Fan smiled slightly: "Xiao Xu's archery skills are unique to the whole camp. Even if compared with me, it is not too much to do. As long as he is allowed to practice on the battlefield for two more years, he will become a generation of arrow gods."

Liu Yu nodded: "It is rare for him to have such a legendary archer from the Xu family's generation of scholars and scholars. Xianzhi has been asking me to take care of Xiao Xu. It seems that there is no need for this. Give him a chance and he can always do meritorious service. At the moment I watched it today, he has shot and killed 29 enemy troops."

A long arrow pierced the air with a "Woo", and another Yanjun knight who just rushed forward, brandishing a big axe, trying to cut the chains of the two workshops, was shot through the head with an arrow by Xu Chite, and fell directly downside down. , The twenty-odd riders who charged behind him were still aggressive. When they saw the leader fall from the horse, how could they dare to go up again. Even the body of this person could not even be snatched. He turned around and got back into the smoke and dust. The sound of horseshoes also faded away, and the Jin army in the car array burst into cheers. Many people raised their bows and shouted: "Chite shot, Chite shot!"

Xu Chite smiled and waved the one-man high bow, and said with a smile: "It's all my fault, shoot them away, so that everyone has no chance to kill thieves and make merit!"

Liu Yu shook his head, and the corner of his mouth hooked: "It's not a good thing to be proud of your merits. It is not a good thing to be careful for the generals, to win or not to be discouraged, Chite, this kid, you have to give it a hard hit, beard, you will pay attention in the future. "

Hu Fan sternly said: "I must follow the command of the commander."

Liu Yu calmly said: "The enemy rider on the right wing should have already been defeated. It seems that they dare not launch a large-scale charge. Zhuge Changmin was sent to order him to shift the lineup and let the first-line soldiers take a drink and rest. The archers are on guard. By the way, beware of enemy sling attacks. Prepare more draperies and blankets."

Having said that, he no longer looked at the right wing, but turned his gaze to the left wing. Yu Yue smiled and said: "The enemy ride on the right wing has retreated. It seems that the enemy on the left is not much better."

Having said this, his face suddenly changed and he was surprised: "Hey, what's the matter, why are our army's bows and arrows so weak, and only a few dozen steps before they land."

While talking, I saw a Yanjun cavalry captain holding a military flag, rushing out of the dust, and waving the military flag provocatively at the Jin military vehicle array more than 80 steps away. Suddenly, three crossbows shot at him, but he was He arrogantly raised the flag with one hand and akimbo, standing still, motionless.

Two crossbow arrows fell to the ground less than five steps away from him. The last crossbow bolt hit his chest impartially, and a burst of exclamations with different meanings erupted from both sides. The Jin army Here is cheering, but Yan Jun's side is wailing.

"Hit, finally hit, hahahaha!"

"Tell this kid to be proud, go to hell!"

"Hmph, don't think that smoke and dust can protect you, as long as you dare to come out, it's dead!"

Corresponding to the cheers and applause of the Jin army here is the wailing in Xianbei's language: "Captain Grimu, why are you hitting an arrow like this."

"Damn, I told you not to smoke."

"Quickly, brothers, follow me and rescue Captain Grim!"

The Yanjun Cavalry named Gremu suddenly burst into laughter, swiping his left hand to his chest, and a crossbow arrow was caught in his hand. As he laughed, he raised the broken arrow high. , Said loudly: "Have you seen it, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Jinren is known as a strong crossbow, at this level? Even my wife shoots farther than this, and shoots harder than this, hahahaha, on the opposite side , Didn’t you eat breakfast yet?!"

A burst of laughter broke out in the Yan army, and tens of thousands of war horses were neighing. Even the mules and donkeys in the rear army that carried the arrow sticks screamed "Oh-ah-oh" and added ridicule. Correspondingly, among the ranks of the Jin army, the car formation area of ​​the Jin army fell into a dead silence. The soldiers who kept quoting just now became scarecrows. No matter how humiliated and cursed the other side, they did not say anything. Strike back with one word.

Helan Lu was still riding on the horse, standing in the position just now, Yuwen smiled fiercely: "General, have you seen it, what are you worried about now? The Jin Army's crossbow even shot at people 80 paces away. Don't hurt, let alone iron armor, even the leather robe worn by Gremu can't shoot through. Their elites have long been transferred to the center and right wing. Opposite us, they are just a bunch of miscellaneous soldiers. It's fast to assemble these carts, but it's a pity that they are exposed as soon as they fight. They can't even draw a bow and open a crossbow."

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Helan Lu nodded in satisfaction: "As expected, the Jin army is just bluffing. Just now the 8,000 reserve cavalry sent by the national division to support us have also arrived, Master Yuwen, you personally lead them, and Master Servant The horses and horses will meet, and now I will go straight to the Jin army car formation, lasso the shield body or the cowl, pull down these carts for me, remember, pull the cart and come back, don't love the battle, wait for the Jin army car formation to break. Assault across the board again!"

Yuwen rushed forward violently, and his voice followed the wind: "Look at me!"

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