Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2672: The tigers of the Shen clan are at odds

Jin army, rear army.

After a row of temporary antlers, more than two thousand Shen family soldiers in leather armor, all of them lightly armed swordsmen, are surrounded by five-foot-long halberds. They are not equipped with shields and strong crossbows. The formation of the columns is not too tight. If it is seen by outsiders, it is just a bunch of loose and sparse mobs. Even their armors look shabby, their military appearance is shabby, and all beards are unkempt, if it is not the way that occasionally flashes through the eyes. Leng Mang, you can't even believe that these are the veterans of the Wuxing Shen family who have fought countless hard fights in the Tianshi Dao camp and the Beifu Army.

Shen Yunzi's face was gloomy. He looked at him and walked around anxiously. Shen Tianzi, who was like a brown bear, said solemnly: "The third one, don't shake it, it makes my eyes hurt."

Shen Tianzi gritted his teeth and stopped. He pointed to the front, the left and right wings, and then to the striker. Within ten miles, outside the big formation, the sound of screaming to kill, and the rain of arrows and smoke. , Said loudly: "My fellow robes are all fighting and killing enemies, but the best warriors in the Jin Dynasty can only watch the excitement here, or let me take a few steps like this, I'm afraid I will go crazy first. of!"

Shen Linzi sighed: "Brother, don't be like this. When we came out, didn't the marshal said that it was not idle for us, but reusable. If the enemy came around here and attacked our army's back, then we It's the most critical man and horse in the entire army."

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Shen Tianzi said bitterly: "I have been fighting for a long time, and there is no enemy attack, huh, I'm afraid the commander doesn't want me to wait for the attack, so I deliberately find some beautiful words to appease us, just like to that straw bag. Yue, isn't it also a word of praise?"

Shen Qingzhi touched the fox fur earmuffs on his ears to cover up his frostbitten ears and to keep his image as a cover, smiled slightly, and said, "Be careful, I heard you, please eat roast goose. "

Shen Tianzi was taken aback for a moment, and then he burst into laughter. The manic and dreary atmosphere just now became a lot easier. Liu Zhong looked at the Shen brothers and laughed at each other, and shook his head helplessly. : "You Zhuhu of the Shen family, is that how to make a fuss by talking about jokes? This is a good way, teach me whether it's good."

Shen Tianzi waved his hand: "When your surname is Shen, you will naturally have this ability to ridicule. This is the unique skill of our Shen family. It does not pass on foreign surnames, right, Xanthium."

Shen Qingzhi, nicknamed Cocklebur, smiled slightly: "I think you are right. However, Ah Zhong is the commander's favorite general. Half of the cavalry in the army has been given to him. Such an important unit is also defending here with us. It can be seen that the commander’s words are definitely not a lie. Third brother, when can you change your hot temper a little bit?"

Shen Tianzi gritted his teeth: "Of course I understand the truth, but I, Shen Tianzi, was not born to be a standby person. Only indomitable, happy and enmity is my Shen Tianzi's character. I want to use Shen family soldiers to defend here. Just a few brothers, I would rather be the vanguard of the former army under the leadership of the champion general."

Shen Yunzi shook his head: "Did you not listen to him when Tie Niu passed by? The striker's Liu Champion is strictly guarding the front line, only defending but not attacking. Now he is fighting against the wooden armored robots made by the monsters. , Even the first fierce player like him has fought back defensively, why are you excited again."

Shen Tianzi slapped his thigh abruptly: "That's the problem. If you change to another unit, I have nothing to say, but are there any organs in this world who know the demon thief better than us? Back then. I have not rarely acted with these wood monsters, but knows their weaknesses well, if we let us..."

Shen Qingzhi's face suddenly changed, and he said in a deep voice: "Wait a minute, there is the sound of horses' hoofs, rushing here!"

Shen Linzi fell to the ground at once, with his ears close to the ground. Among the tigers of the Shen family, although Shen Linzi is not as brave as Shen Tianzi, he is no better than Shen Tianzi in terms of art of war, knowledge of the terrain, and reconnaissance of the enemy's situation. In the past when he was in the celestial division, he was known as the goshawk hunting foxes, which means that his ears and eyes are clear, and within ten miles, any army action can't avoid his eyes and ears.

While listening, Shen Linzi murmured: "Four hundred, five hundred, six hundred, um, there are more than 800 riders, and they are turning from the right wing. The speed is about one hundred and ten miles an hour, um, very soon. . But the hoof is not heavy, it should not be a heavy cavalry."

Shen Yunzi's brow furrowed: "What's the matter, it's not armor and riding equipment?"

Shen Tianzi laughed: "It's only a few hundred riders. It's not an armored rider. I'm afraid, it's just a small group of enemy troops who walked around our back and wanted to sneak attack, or to investigate the reality of our army. Grandma's, it's here anyway. If a bird is coming out of boredom, it is better to wipe out this enemy army or move around."

Shen Qingzhi shook his head: "No, these cavalry do not sound like the enemy's two wings collapsed or are fleeing rangers ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ After all, the collective action of more than 800 horses is on a large scale. I'm afraid it will be the enemy. The army lures the enemy's troops."

Shen Tianzi's face changed: "Xanthium, what do you mean?"

Liu Zhong said in a deep voice: "I agree with Xanthium's opinion. Nearly a thousand enemy riders are coming over at this time, I'm afraid they want to investigate the reality of our army, and lure our army out of the formation, I'm afraid they will follow thousands of them. With the armor and cavalry outfit of Wan, the Marshal’s prediction can’t be wrong. We must not be uncomfortable at this moment and take the initiative to attack. This will expose the strength of our army and give the enemy a chance."

Shen Tianzi gritted his teeth: "Well, do you want to contact the Tie Niu brother in the ambush in the forest outside, attack on both sides, first destroy the enemy army, the pathfinder unit, let them know that we have elite soldiers here, no? Dare to come?"

Liu Zhong shook his head: "Brother Tie Niu's cavalry is very useful. Only the commander can command it. What we have to do is to hold on here firmly and wait for the commander of the commander. Yunzi, I think we still use bows and arrows. Pressing the foot of the position with the hand to prevent the enemy cavalry from approaching, the swordsmen and my cavalry are hidden. The enemy cavalry does not know the reality of our army, so they will definitely not dare to attack.

Shen Tianzi gritted his teeth: "Our Shen family soldiers have always played offensively, which is shorter than defensive. Regardless of whether there is an ambush behind the enemy, I think I can attack him first, kill them as much as possible, and drive them away. If we return to the battlefield, we can also deter the enemy’s possible backup."

Although Shen Yunzi currently has no official status and senior military position, he is considered to be a white body in the army, but he is undoubtedly the backbone of the Shen family brothers who are extremely affectionate and the actual coach of the rear army. His brows are slightly frowned, judging Liu Zhong's words. Finally, he said solemnly: "Put the antlers away, spread out the formation, and pretend to be panicked, I want to lure the enemy into the formation!"

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