Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2695: Tips and tricks come out

Tan Shao opened her eyes wide and laughed: "Haha, I knew that the marshal would definitely come to save us, Lao Suo, come on!"

Suo Miao's voice came along with the wind: "A Shao, Big Rock, hurry up and line up to keep up. I don't know how long it will last!"

Tan Shao's smile froze, because he found that behind Suo Miao, there was no cavalry in the brigade, only four or five hundred horses, from one side of the gallop, the following dozens of horses were dragged by more than ten. Carrying heavy vehicles, and spreading these big vehicles on the gallop in this way, to block the way, obviously, there will be no other cavalry reinforcements from this passage.

Tan Shao murmured: "What's going on, what's going on? Is it just these hundreds of cavalry?"

Liu Zhong's voice sounded behind Tan Shao: "A Shao, get on the horse."

Tan Shao's face changed, turning his head and looking behind him, he saw Liu Zhong with more than thirty guards jumping around between the corpse and the trap, and quickly ran in front of him, behind them. , More than one thousand cavalry with more than two thousand men's husbands and auxiliary soldiers, also deployed in the back. The men's men hurriedly removed the armored cavalry body outside the trap, and led the living horses away by the way. These five thousand armored cavalry All the people were all dead, but the horses still had more than a thousand surviving. At this moment, they were pulled aside, and they were obedient to the amnesty.

Tan Shao gritted his teeth: "Little Zhong, what are you doing, Lao Suo is charging there, don't you follow him? You also blocked the gallop, I don't understand."

Liu Zhong nodded, looked at Shen Yunzi and Shen Linzi on the side, and said in a deep voice: "I have been ordered by the general to come and support, but this battle still depends mainly on yourselves, Yunzi, this one. You played beautifully, but then you have to fight hard with the enemy."

Shen Yunzi nodded, glanced at Shen Tianzi, who was besieging the last dozens of armored cavalry with hundreds of swordsmen, and said in a deep voice: "We have achieved this awareness a long time ago, but now we are not strong enough. Weak, you have nearly two thousand cavalry, five thousand infantry brought by A Shao and Da Shi, and three thousand Wudi swordsmen here. When necessary, these civilians and auxiliary soldiers can also go into battle. As long as the opposing cavalry can't charge, they can fight."

Shen Qingzhi's brow wrinkled. Three hundred steps away, Suo Miao was already wielding a big sword. He brought his subordinates and the Yanjun armored cavalry who had just rushed into the battle to start a fight. The place was narrow and the cavalry on both sides could not attack at full speed. Wielding weapons on the horse to fight face to face.

Zhu Lingshi also jumped out of the cart with more than a thousand subordinates, with the large crossbow in his hand diagonally upward, and together with more than two hundred archers, achieved a large-angle sling shot, bows and crossbow arrows crossed the ropes. Twenty or thirty steps ahead, sprinkled in the array of Yanjun armor.

However, these knights with double-layered heavy armor all over them, at a distance of more than a hundred paces, given this kind of lob, almost impossible to penetrate the first layer of armor, while waving their shields, while controlling the reins, continue to steadily. Moving forward, five hundred steps away, a banner of "Murong" was fluttering in the wind, and the next general, guarded by a chain of cavalry armed with bows and arrows, stepped forward slowly, but he was not the head of the Yanjun armor. , Murong Xingzong?

Tan Shao gritted his teeth: "Thanks to Lao Suo's initiative to attack, the Yan Army's armor did not directly exceed the camp gate to attack the line of defense that our army has not yet constituted. However, his strength is too small, even if he is supported by the bow and arrow of the big stone, I am afraid. It won’t be too long. We can’t wait for these corpses to be cleaned up before we take action. Let’s go up and help now. The long armored soldier here can accompany your cavalry assault. As long as you can rush to the front and join the battle group, you will be able to fight. The enemy’s armor constitutes a kill!"

Liu Zhong shook his head: "We are going to execute the command of the commander, lure the enemy into the battlefield, and then fight with him. In this battle, the victory or defeat is not the battlefield of this place, but the overall situation. I will lead the cavalry to launch a counterattack against the enemy's armor."

Having said this, he looked at Tan Shao, and threw the silk book in his arms: "This is the kit that the commander gave me before he sent me to the army, and there must be corresponding content in Brother Tie Niu."

Tan Shao took the kit and looked at it. Shen Yunzi said solemnly, "Then what do you want us to do now?"

Liu Zhongzheng said: "This is the road between the camps. The cavalry is not conducive to deployment. Soon General Tan and I will lead the cavalry to stand out according to the command of the commander. Then we will leave the battle and never come back. You are the only one here. Shuai has orders. Shen Yunzi controls the generals and is responsible for the defense here. You don't want to kill many enemies, you just need to **** this armor firmly here."

Shen Yunzi's expression changed: "General Tan also wants to leave?"

Tan Shao has finished reading the silk book now, UU reading www. uukanshu.com put the volume of silk and silk into his arms, nodded and said: "Yes, this is the arrangement of the handsome, sorry, brother Yunzi, we are going to other places, but I only Take away the three hundred generals and guards from my place. They will ride these horses left by the Yan army and leave with me. The remaining two thousand long arms will stay here and be controlled by you."

Shen Linzi murmured: "What else is more important than being here with the Yan Army armored cavalry? If all the cavalry of my army are going to battle, could it be..."

His eyes lit up suddenly and he closed his mouth. Liu Zhong said calmly: "Lin Zi, military aircraft must not be leaked. I only need to act according to the commander's arrangement."

Shen Linzi nodded, glanced in the direction of Shuaitai, a trace of reverence flashed on his face: "Follow the general, no matter whether it is life or death, there will be no regrets. The black robe does not seem to be in the front of the armor. , He must be waiting for us to use all our strengths, and then take control, but I believe that all his arrangements, can not escape the eyes of the handsome, this battle has proved so far, our command is high. one move!"

Shen Qingzhi said solemnly: "A Zhong, you can rest assured that there is us here. As long as our Shen family brothers breathe in, we will never let the enemy ride through half a step."

Liu Zhong nodded, Tan Shao glanced at the people who cleaned the corpses on the road beside him, and said solemnly: "Hurry up, hurry up!"

Liu Zhong’s gaze looked forward and he saw Suo Miao’s army rushing from left to right, but the Yan Army’s armor and cavalry were all in a team of ten, connected by chains. Even if one person was killed, the enemy could not be broken. Army formation. As the battle continued, in the Yan army’s rear queue, the heavy armored cavalry moved forward slowly while taking over the bridle and controlling the reins, while shooting their bows and arrows. They also lobbed the cavalry and bows behind the opponent’s line. hand.

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