Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2706: Yuanming Jiao orders to save Mingyue

The rear army, outside, under the banner of Feihu, Murong Xingzong.

He was dressed in heavy armor, standing coldly under his banner, while a petite figure in the armor of the Jin army stood beside him, a few strands of hair were tightly glued to his forehead by the dripping perfume, and beautiful There are also a few light red marks on his face, isn't it the bright moon?

By Mingyue's side, Tao Yuanming was wearing a Yanjun leather armor and a mask. He bowed his chest to Murong Xingzong: "The general accepted the Mingyue girl out of the siege this time, and the national teacher will definitely remember your contribution."

Murong Xingzong hooked his mouth: "Since she is a comrade-in-arms who fought side by side and a colleague, the general's duty will be saved, and those who can be saved will be rescued. However, thanks to the cleverness of the Mingyue girl, she changed into the Jin army uniform A, otherwise, I'm afraid she will die before my people go."

Having said this, he smiled slightly: "But they took you as a Jin army and shot a few arrows, and please don't blame the girl."

Mingyue shook her head: "It's okay. They are loyal to their duties. Even if these arrows cost me, it is because of my body. No wonder they. This battle is really tragic, not only my men, but even Murong. The entire division of General Canton was also damaged in the formation. Even now, the soldiers in the formation are still fighting hard. I wonder why General Murong didn't wave his division straight in, completely defeating the enemy and avenging the friendly army?"

Murong Xingzong said indifferently: "Because the enemy cavalry is still there, and there is still room to counterattack, you see, they are still assaulting Harchi's army, I will let the two divisions of Harchi and Chilaowen into the battle, that is All the Jin army’s ambushes and reserve forces should be forced out, and my army will attack again when the enemy’s strength is exhausted. This is called a late attack. Since the two are the people next to the national division. , It should be clear that this military aircraft warfare."

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "General Murong said it is good, but now there seems to be cavalry in the enemy's formation assault. It seems that they are coming here."

Murong Xingzong waved his hand disdainfully: "Their cavalry has rushed to our army for two consecutive battles. They are now at the end of the force. They are delusional to attack our main banner and come back. It's a pity that they don't have this strength."

Speaking of this, Murong Xingzong pointed to the front. Before he took a hundred steps, more than a thousand iron knights had been dismounted. Unlike the previous two divisions, each of these dismounted knights was wearing a large shield as high as a person. , Forming a shield wall, on the shield plate, there is still a blade inserted, just like the Jin army knife cart is removed from the chariot, forming a front with a width of about two miles in the front, and here The two wings of the Dao Sword and Shield formation, the chain-linked warriors each stretched out more than two miles, adding up the front of the entire six or seven miles, the fine armor is the sun, and the murderous spirit is full, and there is no possibility of a frontal breakthrough.

Mingyue sighed: "Flying Tiger Division really deserves to be an elite force trained by General Murong, you personally lead the training. Although the Jin Army is fierce, it will never be able to break such a formation!"

Murong Xingzong smiled slightly: "My formation is indestructible, but the unbreakable formation laid by my Dayan when he was in Liaodong. It was Ran Min back then, and Huan Wen couldn't break this formation, and was ultimately defeated by my armor. Jin Jun, even more so!"

While talking, there were hundreds of horses in the formation, and the smoke billowed. The first two generals, one with a halberd and the other with a spear, were shocked to see the formation outside, and the speed of the impact was slow. Down.

Tao Yuanming saw it earnestly. He pointed to the general holding the halberd and said: "This person is Tan Shao, and the other gunman is Liu Zhong. Both are Liu Yu's beloved generals. They are brave enough to be in the formation just now. General Che'er was killed by these two! General Murong must be careful."

Murong Xingzong laughed: "Shoot me, shoot them to death!"

After the sword and shield, hundreds of archers rode their horses forward, facing the Jinjun cavalry more than a hundred steps away, they shot indiscriminately, and the smoke billowed. Only a dozen riders turned over and fell off their horses, while Tan Shao and Liu Zhong waved. Armed with weapons, some of the arrows that were shot at him were knocked down one after another.

With a "poof", Tan Shao's helmet was hit by an arrow and flew a few steps away, and his messy hair was suddenly scattered, his face changed drastically, and he turned his horse's head. , Yelled: "Withdraw, withdraw quickly!"

At the same time, more than 500 cavalry rushed out of the Junzhai gate after the Jin army. They were the two-winged cavalry of the Pegasus Division who had just been sent out to destroy the arrow tower. They kept pouring out and began to line up outside the gate, all of a sudden. It cut off the retreat path led by Tan Shao and Liu Zhong.

The Jin cavalrymen, who had been frustrated in advance and retreat, fled to the southwest on the right. The flag, vest, and even the armor on their bodies were thrown down while they were running.

Mingyue gritted her teeth: "Want to run? It's not that easy! General Murong, please give me a thousand men and horses. I will hunt them down now and avenge the dead brothers!"

Tao Yuanming raised his brows lightly, and said, "Mingyue, the order given to me by the national teacher is to quickly take you back to see him back to life~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The war here is left to General Murong, and he will take care of it. ."

Murong Xingzong nodded with satisfaction: "Mr. Qingfeng, you need me to send someone to guard you? Some remnants of the Jin army were defeated in this battle. Just like this, they fled and dispersed. The surrounding area is not too safe."

Tao Yuanming shook his head and pointed to the dozens of black-clothed guards behind him: "We have a way to protect ourselves. Please don't worry about the army. The decisive battle is imminent. Every soldier is critical. Don't waste it on us, if not. I need to return to the national division. People like me are also willing to follow the general's dispatch."

Murong Xingzong laughed: "Please tell the national teacher, Xingzong certainly does not need the support of his majesty and the national teacher, and my flying tiger banner will definitely be directly under Liu Yu's commander."

Tao Yuanming bowed: "Then I wish the general victory. I will retire first."

As he said, pulling the rein of the bright moon, he directly pulled away the reluctant bright moon.

When the two and the guards ran four or five miles behind the formation, and two miles away from the nearest armored horse, Tao Yuanming stopped the horse and waved back to signal the guards to disperse. Mingyue couldn't help saying: "Are you really sent by the master to meet me?"

Tao Yuanming took off his mask and sighed: "This cold-blooded old ghost, how could he be so kind. When he sent you out, he had already decided to sacrifice you in the formation."

Mingyue bit her lip: "I knew it was like this. Then how come you, brother? You, are you in danger?"

Tao Yuanming shook his head: "This time I came under the order of Cloak. Hei Pao can ignore me, but he has to give Cloak a face. Therefore, he gave me this order to see him as he himself. Card, if there is no such thing, how could I give Murong Xingzong an order to save you?"

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