Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2723: Black Robe still has a killer

Jinjun, Chess, Outer right wing, Xiaoqiu.

Murong Zhen looked at the black air in the sky, slowly and firmly drifting towards those Kongming balloons that were slowly and firmly floating towards the military commander of the Jin Army. He shook his head inconceivably. Where these balloons passed, there was a sea of ​​fire and black smoke, and there were some balloons from time to time. Falling, or being shot by arrows, or suddenly spontaneously ignited in the air because of those cupping pots, and quickly turned into fireballs in the air, falling down, and then turning into raging fire on the ground. In this pull back and forth, there are more than 130 balloons, while slowly lowering the height, from the ground distance of more than 20 feet, gradually dropped to fifteen feet, twelve feet, when the distance When the Shuaitai of the Jin Army Central Committee was less than two hundred steps away, most of the balloons had fallen to within ten feet.

Mayor Murong sighed: "The Han people have an idiom called incredible. If I want to use any word to describe my mood now, there is no better than this. It just so happens that in the eyes of these Central Plains Han people, we Xianbei are all foreigners. , It’s just that even me, the barbarians in their mouths, Hulu, could not have imagined that there would be such a tactic in this world. Teacher, I have only served Emperor Chengwu and Xiandi (Murongchui and Murongde) in my life, and The shock you brought to me today is still above them. When it comes to fighting, you should be number one in the world, I admit it!"

A cold light flashed in Heipao's eyes: "These are just using some ancient methods and predecessors' techniques. I can't talk about how good I am. However, my thinking in this battle is always clear. I really want to There was only one thing that attacked, and that was Liu Yu himself and his Chinese military commander. No matter how many Jin generals we kill, I don’t have any special feelings. All the purpose is to take Liu Yu’s life. That's it."

Murong Zhen twitched the corner of his mouth: "It seems that the Jin army is also mobilizing, and now our army has tried its best to attack everywhere, and the Jin army is also desperately resisting, as long as these attacks from the air can defeat Liu Yu's handsome banner, and even killed his own, the Jin army everywhere will inevitably collapse completely."

Hei Pao smiled slightly: "The reason why Liu Yu wants to build a handsome platform in the center and raise the flag is so that all the Jin troops can see him. He is the backbone of these Jin troops and the backbone. If the handsome flag falls, then Liu Yu The myth of invincibility is over. Even if he can escape with his tail clipped, all the elites that have been saved over the years will be buried here. For him, this result is no different from death. ."

Murong Zhen laughed: "It's the national division. You can see it thoroughly. The Jin army is not strong enough. If you want to fight with our army, but also want to guard against cavalry assaults, you can only guard the outer space and concentrate the troops on the two wings. The defense of the army is very weak, maybe even Liu Yu even has few civilian husbands. Just now the armor rushed to a position close to the handsome platform. Liu Yu used flying stones to counterattack. Now it seems that you are going to use this attack. , Can you try Liu Yu's ambush here at Shuaitai?"

Heipao nodded: "Yes, that's it. Liu Yu's use of troops is unpredictable. I thought he would keep the cavalry in the Chinese army as a mobile defense, but the assaults of our armored cavalry still broke through after him. In order to reorganize the army’s line of defense, he could only send out cavalry to counterattack in advance, but the cavalry of the Jin army, no matter in number or equipment, could not compete with the armored cavalry of our army, relying on a surprise attack, thought They wanted to rush back and forth to attack our army, but unexpectedly there were follow-up units of our army outside the battlefield. They were finally flanked by them. They had to be expelled from the battlefield and fled. To be honest, after seeing this scene, I was right. Today’s battle finally has a bottom."

Murong Zhen said sternly: "If Liu Yu uses all the cavalry, there won’t be any support left on hand. Our army’s strength is more than three times that of his. Contained, our army has already killed more than 50,000 in this battle, but the Jin army has lost more than 10,000 people, close to 20,000. Their reserve force has been exhausted, but our army still has about 100,000 combatable soldiers. , Your Majesty’s iron cavalry has not been used yet, and here we are..."

The black robe smiled slightly: "The more than 2,000 tabby riders here have not been dispatched yet, don't worry, now Liu Yu may still have some last strength to deal with the air raid troops of our army. The last strength is also used, and it is time for us to make a full assault!"

Having said this, Hei Pao paused, and a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes: "Moreover, my air strike this time is much more than just throwing some cupping pots. I will give Liu Yu an unforgettable surprise in the next life. He will always remember what he did!"

Jin Jun, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Central Commander.

Liu Yu herself was waving a few big flags and sending a signal to the soldiers around. Wang Miaoyin frowned slightly. At this moment, she was dressed in silver armor and valiantly, holding a crossbow in her hand. , Aimed at the leading balloon, which was nearly one hundred and fifty paces away, but in her mouth, she said hurriedly: "Brother Yu, do you really want the forward to save?"

Liu Yu shook his head: "The first round of air strikes and the leap attacks of the wooden armored organs have already cost the forward half of the Yuzhou soldiers and horses. Thanks to the elite soldiers trained by the Xi Le brothers, they have replaced them with others. The army has already collapsed. And A Shou even sent the Pilu people from Nanyan to vote. He already had no soldiers in his hands. If someone was to be deployed at this time, the front line It is bound to collapse. Once I solve these flying Kongming balloons, I will send troops to support him."

Wang Miaoyin gritted his teeth: "The left-wing General Sun Chu, and the right-wing Zhuge Changmin, can we bring back one to two thousand people? At least, with the car formation, the two wings should have no worries for the time being."

Liu Yu sighed: "Wonderful sound, look at the left wing. The enemy army has increased by at least 40,000 to 50,000 attackers in turn. Our army can only be blocked by car formations. If the troops come back at this time, I am afraid that the car formation will not be guaranteed. There is a right wing, although it seems that the pressure is not so great, but the three wolves just now have risen from the right wing. What does this mean?"

Wang Miaoyin's eyebrows frowned slightly: "It means that the black robe is on the right wing, and it also means that there may be a fatal raid on the right wing!"

Liu Yu nodded: "Yes, so I now give Zhuge Changmin an order to not allow him to come back and hold his position firmly. No matter how the enemy attacks or retreats, he is not allowed to retreat or pursue. He is safe here. , The whole army is truly safe."

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