Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2726: Raging flames

Xu Chite's heart was filled with extreme fear, as if it were a wave of ice, which fixed him on the ground. He has experienced hundreds of battles and killed countless people, but this kind of **** in the day is still the first. The second appearance made him almost unable to move. He watched the fishy nails, getting closer and closer to his eyes.

And the smell of stench pierced Xu Chite’s nose, choking him almost unable to breathe, as if this rotten, from hell, full of the smell of death, has any magic power to fix Xu Chite’s life. In the same place, it was obvious that he had a sharp blade in his hand, but he couldn't wave it at all, and his feet were stuck to the ground, and he couldn't move forward.

Xu Chite closed his eyes, he has lost resistance, even the courage to escape, there is only one thing left in his mind, get rid of it early, don't face this terrible monster again!

A gust of wind flashed from Xu Chite’s ears, and accompanied by a strong force, hitting his chest. He only felt the whole person rise into the air and flew to the rear. He opened his eyes in the air. Seeing Liu Yu's burly figure flashed by his side, and the blade of the Dragon Slashing Blade, like a shining lightning, quickly slashed across the neck of the bearded man on the opposite side, and his neck sprayed out. The black blood, like the concoction of the Chinese medicine, smelled bad, and it was spilled everywhere within ten steps of this radius, and the lifeless head was sprayed on top of the black blood, and went up in the air again. The ground fell to the ground, two white eyes still staring at him, even the corners of his mouth hooked, showing a weird smile.

But this corpse, even if the head was broken, the body still did not stop. The hand with black dagger-like nails that was originally straight forward suddenly swept to the right. It was as if five sharp blades swept away. With this, Xu Chite finally imagined what was going on with the moment he touched his back just now.

Liu Yu spun around abruptly and flashed to one side. The five-fingered black claws swept through less than five inches below his right rib. You could even see a few pieces of stainless steel armor leaves swept by the claw wind. Li, shook down, did not hit Liu Yu’s headless body, just scratching left and right indifferently, and even stretched out his left hand like electricity, directly inserted into the slowly approaching corpse behind. In the belly of the walking woman.

There was a burst of exclamation from the surrounding crowd. These two zombie-like monsters faced each other’s remains like this. You clawed and attacked each other. The black, smelly juice came from them. The body was constantly flowing out, and the ground was stained black, even surpassing the stench of the silt on the ground. A few earthworms burrowed out of the river mud with difficulty. As soon as they appeared, they were drenched in the black sap. When it arrived, the flesh was rotten and the skin turned into a pool of blood.

Liu Yu frowned, watching the two monsters pinching each other like this. Finally, when the two remnants were torn out of shape, and the internal organs and carrion were all over the floor, the two bodies finally fell weakly. Down, while the hands were still scratching and pricking in the opponent's chest and abdominal cavity.

Liu Yu shook his head and picked up a torch that had fallen on the ground. It was used to light up this ditch just now. Several sergeants finally reacted. They took out several cans of kerosene and sulfur bags around and poured them on. Liu Yu threw the torch on the ground, and saw a ball of flames soaring into the sky. The two rotten bodies were still tumbling in the flames, struggling, and even trying to stand up. The damage was too heavy, so he lay down and remained motionless for the last time.

Hundreds of these monsters have stood up all around, and Yu Yue’s screams and exclamations reached Liu Yu’s ears, and accompanied him all the way, with an undecided expression: "Great, handsome. , No good, these, what are these monsters?!"

Liu Yu said solemnly, "Don’t panic. These are longevity people made by monsters with drugs, and they are also called ghost soldiers. They are already dead, but under the control of evil drugs, they can get up and continue to kill. Poisonous, the body is like steel, non-sharp blades are not allowed, if there is no iron sword or stainless steel sharp point, don't attack them!"

With a weeping face, Yu Yue pointed to the longevity people walking around like zombies, and said: "Then, is there no way to get these monsters?"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth, took two steps forward, and took a sergeant's hand. The shiny silver tip was the sharp steel tip. He spotted a longevity man who was stretching his teeth and dancing claws more than ten steps away on the left. With a single throw, this pierced his back and nailed the monster to the ground. Its two devil claws were waving desperately, trying to reach the hand of the body, but they couldn't reach it.

The sergeants on one side uttered a burst of cheers, UU reading www.uukanshu.com made it in the same way, and threw a flaming object on the body of the longevity man. Then, more than ten rockets shot at its body, and soon, In the rising flames, this body slowly stopped twisting.

Liu Yu said loudly: "I see, keep a distance of more than ten steps from this monster, find a way to nail it to the ground, or go up and chop off the head, so that you can stop the monster, and then burn it, you can destroy it, don't give it to them. The poisonous blood or the black claw caught, those are highly poisonous, as long as they are hit, their lives will not be guaranteed."

In the distance, Shen Tianzi is commanding dozens of Wudi light soldiers to besiege the three walking longevity men. More than a dozen swordsmen take turns to attack, or slash the bottom plates of these monsters. , But it has been a long time before, and the swords with many edges are difficult to penetrate the hard, steel-like remains of these monsters, and even the three long swords that cut their legs, two of them collapsed from the middle. The blade is broken and broken.

A swordsman rushed forward, pierced with a sword, and pierced directly into the chest of a yellow-haired long-life man in front of him. A trace of joy flashed across his face, and he was about to cheer, but only the monster opposite was unwilling. It seems that this sword is not stabbing him at all. It grabbed the swordsman’s left hand holding the sword with one hand, and its left claw protruded like lightning, and its five claws stretched out straight, impartially, and plunged into it all at once. The chest of this swordsman.

The Wudi swordsmen who did not blink their eyes were so frightened by the incident. Although many of them participated in the Sun En Rebellion, it was the first time such a terrible thing like Changshengren was seen on the battlefield. A black hand suddenly appeared in the eyes of the yellow-haired long-lived man. The black claws were torn and torn, and his right hand also gave a sudden force. The swordsman’s right wrist holding the sword was just like a dead branch. It was unscrewed and broken. With a long sword, it is still stuck in the chest of this longevity monster.

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