Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2728: Forgetfulness and embrace Wanjunzhong

Liu Yufei stood in front of Wang Miaoyin's body, she was as if petrified, she was still in place, and on the ancient sword in her hand, the black rot dripped dripping down the blood trough. While she was holding the sword, she was trembling slightly. Even such a calm and composed female Zhong Zhuge, the king of spy, was spiritually affected when she faced such a terrifying longevity monster for the first time. With tens of thousands of critical strikes, it's no wonder that even a martial artist like Shen Tianzi was so scared that she could hardly move, Wang Shenai, she was a woman after all.

On Wushuang’s head, he bit his teeth hard and finally closed, and the eyes full of hatred and anger slowly closed. Liu Yu gritted his teeth, raised his hand and threw it, an oil can. Zi, smashed flowers on a few scattered body fragments. Sulfur and saltpeter, mixed in the fire oil, stained this body everywhere, and Liu Yu quickly used the dragon to cut it. The knife struck a flint, and a few sparks burst out and fell into the pile of fire oil. Suddenly, the flames soared up to the sky, burning the remaining pieces of meat like beef and mutton on the fire. The skewers gave out a strange smell of burnt.

Liu Yu held Wang Miaoyin's shoulder tightly, looked at her absent eyes, and said loudly: "Miaoyin, wake up, you look at me, I am Liu Yu."

Wang Miaoyin suddenly burst into tears, and fell into Liu Yu’s arms like a pear with rain. At this moment, she was no longer the queen of the Jin Dynasty, nor the wise lady of the Xie family, but just A frightened, helpless little woman can finally get into the arms of a man who can protect herself, regardless of when and where it is and what the consequences are.

Liu Yu instinctively wanted to push Wang Miaoyin away, but her voice got into her ears: "Where have you been? My brother Yu, you threw me down again! I am here alone, so scared. To die, that, that Wushuang, no, that monster, she, she just came out of that hole, just like, like a dead person who came out of the grave, she, she was lying with pus and blood all over her body. , Just like that, just forced me to come over, I, I don't want to kill her, but, but she suddenly jumped over..."

Yu Yue’s voice sounded from the stage. This elder brother of the family was actually the fastest one. Thanks to his lack of heavy armor, he had been hiding at the bottom of the handsome platform just now, looking for opportunities to face those longevity monsters. Arrow, therefore, he was the first to run onto the stage, but still yelled: "His Royal Highness, I'm here to help, I'll protect..."

And his face, which was washed with sweat and smeared with white powder, instantly froze his smile, because he clearly saw that Liu Yu and Wang Miaoyin hugged together like this, Liu Yu His eyes were full of compassion, and he said softly: "It's okay, everything is over, wonderful sound, I am here, I said, I will always protect you..."

And while he said, he waved his hand at Yu Yue, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, Yu Yue immediately reacted, turned and ran down the stage, his forehead was sweaty, still digesting what he saw just now. Looking back at the scene that arrived, dozens or hundreds of soldiers were struggling to rush to the high platform. Yu Yue quickly stretched out his arms and stood in front of everyone, saying: "It's okay, Dashuai Liu has already eliminated that, Monster, right now, right now, reporting military information to Her Royal Highness, he wants me, he wants me to go back and stick to my post, and destroy these monsters as soon as possible!"

Zhu Lingshi bit her lip: "I am waiting for the duty. At this time, I have to guard the commander, the queen, and Yu join the army. Please get out of the way. We will meet the commander in person."

Shen Tianzi also said solemnly: "That is, we have to listen to the commander's military orders in person."

Liu Muzhi's voice sounded from behind them: "Ling Shi, Tian Zi, you leave now, here is me."

Zhu Lingshi, Shen Tianzi and others hurriedly saluted Liu Muzhi. At this place, he is the most senior person in the army. Liu Muzhi's face jumped with fat, looked at Yu Yue, and said, "You Are you sure that the marshal and queen are on it, are you safe?"

Yu Yue nodded quickly and said: "I'm pretty sure, they're okay, there is a monster who wants to climb out to attack the queen, it has been solved by the marshal, and now..."

Liu Muzhi waved his hand: "Very well, the commander is now reporting the battle to the queen. Please show me the next arrangement. I have nothing to worry about. Let's go back to everyone."

Wang Zhenya suddenly pushed aside the crowd and squeezed up. He panted and said, "Now, there are hundreds of monsters like this appearing in the forward. A messenger is coming to report. Liu Guanjun was scratched by a monster, and he almost fell in front of him. In the chaos, Liu Guanjun asked the Marshal to come and rescue him immediately. If it is later, it will be too late!"

Liu Muzhi's expression changed: "What? Ah Shou is injured? How is this possible? He should know how to deal with the longevity monster."

Wang Zhen stomped his feet in anxious anxiousness: "I said Fat Long History, don't waste time, this matter must be reported to the Marshal immediately, only he..."

Liu Yu's voice ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ resounded on the handsome stage, with calmness and majesty: "Suppress evil, don't worry, what is going on?"

Liu Yu's tall and mighty figure appeared on the edge of Shuaitai with a smile on his face, but with a self-evident majesty. Everyone was overjoyed and saluteed in unison: "See the handsome."

Liu Yu smiled slightly, his gaze fell on Yu Yue, he was a little afraid to look up, avoiding Liu Yu’s gaze, only to hear Liu Yu smile and say: "Yu joins the army, you are the first one to help this time, it’s a hard work. , Her Royal Highness made a special decree just now, saying thank you for protecting her."

Yu Yue swallowed: "For the Queen and the Marshal, and for Dajin, I will be crushed to pieces, and I will die!"

Liu Yu nodded: "Just now you saw that a monster suddenly crawled out and attacked the Queen. Fortunately, I didn't come too late, so it was unimaginable, but after all, Her Royal Highness was a little frightened and needed to slow down. Now she can't see Everyone, please send me a message so that everyone can go back to their posts and eliminate these monsters as soon as possible to stabilize the internal.

Everyone agreed, and Liu Yu looked at Wang Zhenye: "Suppress the evil, you said that the forward Liu Guanjun sent a soldier to ask for help. Where is this person?"

Wang Zhenye was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look behind him, and said in surprise: "Just now, the situation was urgent just now. I saw Hong Ling with his back in his back, dressed as a former soldier. I didn't look at his waist card in a hurry. After listening to his dictation, I came to report."

Liu Yu frowned: "Things are wrong. If this person is really a messenger, he should take the initiative to report to you. Even this important military situation, if you don’t see me, you should not report to others. There is a problem. !"

A woman's presumptuous laughter came from the handsome station behind her: "There is a problem, but it's too late for you to know, Liu Yu, see who I am!"

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