Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2749: Lost in return

At the head of Linqu city, under the canopy, Murong Chao could no longer sit still. Sometimes he got up to look at the edge of the city wall, and sometimes walked back and forth anxiously. From his position, he still couldn't see the battle ahead very clearly. There is a general concept of being able to pass the sound of shouting and killing in the smoke and the advancing and retreating of the banner. Batch after batch, the messenger with a hundred-legged centipede on the back and relying on the flag, walks down the city and back and forth like a horse lantern, reporting the battle ahead. To pass back.

"Report, our army's rear army General Murong Xingzong is assaulting the enemy's Shuaitai, and the Jin army ambushes out and sends out a large number of carts to block the front. Our army is temporarily unable to move forward and is fighting hard!"

Murong Chao gritted his teeth: "Trash, it's all trash. It's full of armor and rides. It can't even break a small cart, Murong Xingzong, what do you eat?!"

After cursing, he still said solemnly: "Where did Murong Xingzong hit now?"

The messenger hesitated for a moment, and said: "There are still five hundred steps away from the Chinese military commander station!"

Murong was so angry that he slapped his hand on the bricks of the battlement, dust splashing: "What? Five hundred steps?! Half an hour ago, you told me that there were only three hundred steps. Why did you go back more and more?!"

The messenger was so scared that he saddled off his horse, knelt on the ground, and said, "The Jin army is advancing with a large cart with the long squat. There are strong crossbowmen on the arrow towers on both sides to support. Retreat, take turns assault."

Murong waved his hand in anger: "Go back and tell Murong Xingzong, within half an hour, if you don't attack the commander of the Jin army, you don't have to come back to see me!"

As if receiving an amnesty, the soldier hurriedly bowed his hands, then jumped on his horse, turned and fled, and left.

At the foot of the messenger, another scout rushed forward, and immediately saluted Murong Chao: "Report, our army's attack on the left-wing car formation failed. Brother Yuan is reorganizing the next attack!"

Murong Chao's eyes widened: "What? The attack failed? I transferred them 50,000 reinforcements. Did they all eat shit? Tell Yuan Zun, to attack me at all costs, that is, to fill it with human lives. I have to break that **** car formation for me."

The soldier's face was embarrassed: "Just now General Yuan sent a death squad to the front several times, and finally pulled back the body of the soldier who had been killed in the front attack and cleared the passage. In the full attack, the enemy sent all arrows. General, they really did their best."

Murong Chao gritted his teeth: "There is no undead in the war. Tell Yuan Zun how much he has lost and how much I will make up for him in the future. Don't worry about the casualties."

The messenger hurriedly saluted: "According to the order!" Then he slapped his horse's buttocks and quickly turned and left.

Murong Chao murmured, "Waste, it's all waste!"

He rode down to the city again, dragging the word "report" from a distance. He kept shouting while riding from a hundred paces away. Murongchao's eyes lit up because he could see clearly that this was from the striker. When he came over, there was a hint of joy on his face, and he couldn't wait to say: "How about it, has General Gongsun succeeded?"

The messenger was crying and said: "General Gongsun successfully broke into the enemy's formation and broke the enemy's first shield formation, but before the second line of defense, he suffered a lot of damage from the enemy's Ba Niu crossbow."

Murongchao shook his head incredulously: "Impossible, this is impossible! Isn't the Ba Niu crossbow of the Jin army placed on the two wings? How come there are a lot of strikers here?!"

The messenger sighed: "These Ba Niu crossbows were all hung on their waists and fired by soldiers of the Jin Army. I am afraid that they unloaded the two-wing Ba Niu crossbows from the seat and transported them to the forward."

Murongchao gritted his teeth: "Can you still have this operation? Grandma's. However, even the Eight Bull Crossbow, it is impossible to completely prevent our army's assault. My Hundred Battle Armored Cavalry, that is not hundreds of Eight Bull Crossbows. It can be stopped, even if the city wall is in front, they can break it away!"

A look of helplessness flashed across the face of the messenger: "The enemy army, after firing the eight-niu crossbow and killing the five hundred cavalry in the first wave of our army, they actually used fire oxen to carry out a counter assault. These fire oxen, There was grass on the buttocks, and after burning, he became mad from the pain, tied a knife to the horn, and rushed back and forth. Our army, our successor cavalry, assaulted these fire oxen, the whole army was wiped out, and the leader Hu Yan Mention, General Huyanti died in battle!"

Murong Chao was so startled that his eyes were about to fall out: "What? Huyanti, Huyanti died in battle?!"

The messenger gritted his teeth: "General Huyan took the lead and rushed to the forefront. It was also the first to kill the fire cow. The Jin army took advantage of the death of our army general and the whole army was in chaos. When the whole army was in chaos, the whole line of assaults, our army More than half of the armored horses of the Hundred Wars have been killed and injured, and the rest are under the command of General Gongsun on the fifth floor, and they retreat. General Gongsun sent a humble post to report on the battle ahead and ask your Majesty for support!"

Murong was so angry that he picked up a cup next to him, UU reading www.uukānshu. Com hurled at the messenger, and his roar echoed in the air: "Asshole, I gave him all the Hundred Armored Cavaliers for self-defense, so I still have the face to ask for reinforcements from me? This city is just me. With the hundreds of guards, how about I personally support him?!"

The messenger was so scared that he fell to his knees and knelt his head like garlic: "Your majesty calms down your anger, your majesty calms down!"

Murongchao gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "Tell Gongsun to the fifth floor, go to Duan Hui and Zhang Gang for help without soldiers. To penetrate the defense line of the Jin army, I have to nail the main force of the Jin army to the forward, and they cannot be allowed to support elsewhere!"

Chuan Lingbing hurriedly saluted and mounted his horse, turned around and retreated. Murong Chao was upset, walking back and forth anxiously like a wolf in a zoo, saying something in his mouth: "How can this be, how can this be?!"

There was another sound of horseshoes from far to near. Murongchao directly grabbed the big bow held by a guard next to him, drew the arrow, and yelled at the messenger: "If there is no good news, let me go, otherwise I will now I'll shoot you to death!"

The legendary soldier was taken aback for a moment, then turned to smile and said: "Your Majesty, great victory, great victory, the national division and the king of Guilin have successfully broken the enemy's right-wing car array with their tabby armored horses. The army has already entered the battlefield and is heading straight to the handsome platform. ."

Murongchao's eyes lit up, put down the bow and arrow in his hand, and sprinted to the fortress of the city wall with excitement on his face: "Really? Has the national teacher really entered the battle?"

The messenger nodded vigorously: "It is true that the national division first let General Yue's soldiers and horses pretend to attack and defeat, lure the enemy to open the chariot and chase them, and then attacked with the tiger armored cavalry and succeeded in one blow. The Guilin king took the lead. , Invincible, the national teacher also entered the enemy line behind."

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