Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2769: After the vicissitudes of life

Liu Yu's brows gradually frowned: "You mean, Suzaku came to kill me at that time, so he was wary of me, afraid that I would return to Jin and break the Mafia?"

Heipao said coldly: "Yes, although Suzaku reluctantly accepted that you and Muronglan were on the grassland for a while, he was still afraid that you would know about Yecheng's harm to you one day. Qinglong had already given birth to a black hand. He has the heart of the party and has been active in the north for a long time. After he set up a bureau to kill Qinglong, he wanted to go to Murongchui to take over Qinglong’s resources and start cooperating with him. However, Qinglong was not dead, and he secretly got in touch with Murongchui. Will do everything you want, let Suzaku and Huanxuan kill you as a condition of cooperation."

Liu Yu let out a long sigh of relief: "So, Muronglin led his troops to prepare to destroy Tuobagui. Was it the result of the agreement between Suzaku and Murongchui?"

Heipao sneered: "Poor Suzaku, self-righteous, but didn't know that he had become a **** of others. Qinglong wanted to use Tuobagui's hand to avenge and kill him, and Murongchui also wanted to use him to get rid of you. Let Murong Chui come back completely. In this way, all the guilt can be pushed to Suzaku, so that Murong Lan hates the Mafia, and will help Murong Chui and Yan Guo go all out to avenge Jin in the future."

Liu Yu laughed and said, "It's just that you can't think of it in your dreams. I, a reckless warrior, actually set a trap, took down the Vermillion Bird, and secretly reached an agreement with Murong Lin to let him retreat. You conspirators are all in the north. All of the layouts fell through!"

Heipao smiled slightly: "I have been paying attention to this matter all the time. I have to admit that you did almost perfect, but you can't do this without Muronglan's help. You are unbeatable in war, but This information, conspiracies, and the like, you were still waiting for the fire."

Liu Yu nodded: "All my intelligence skills were developed on the grassland with Murong Lan in those few years. I didn't want to touch them at first, but I found that if I didn't master them at all, I would talk to the deaf. Like a blind man, he is at the mercy of others, and the art of war never denies the importance and necessity of using time. Therefore, I learned this later and I was handy."

Heipao said with a serious face: "However, after you defeated Suzaku, the Mafia achieved an unprecedented unity and regarded you as the number one enemy. And in the past few years on the grassland, you have experienced yourself. At this time, you will still think Why don't Han and Hu do not have the same effect, must the Northern Expedition make meritorious deeds?"

Liu Yu shook his head: "My thoughts have also changed. I found that not all Han people are good people, and Hu people are not all heinous beasts. An organization like the Mafia is more than a shame like Fu Jian. It’s hateful. Ordinary people, whether they are Han people or nonsense, are oppressed by these vampires, and they have been reincarnated from generation to generation. These people who occupy high positions and have no sympathy and compassion for the people are the people. The evil forces in the world that should be eliminated most, after returning from the grasslands, my primary goal is no longer the Huren, but the Mafia within Dajin."

Liu Muzhi laughed: "No wonder I said why you will be a little different when you come back from the grassland. It turns out that your thinking has changed. In fact, it is easy to think about it. Whether it is a Han or a Hu, the people at the bottom are all different. It’s like a cow or a horse, and life is better than death. The upper-class Han family and Hu people can live a life of sucking blood and fat. From this point of view, there is no difference between the two sides. They are both high and low. , Shishu is divided into high and cold."

Liu Yu sighed: "This truth can only be understood when I went to the grassland and saw the thousands of undressed and unbearable Hu people. They are oppressed and bullied no less than the Han people, and those Hu people are no less oppressed and bullied than the Han people. When the leader deceived them to start a war and charged for themselves, he also gave them hope that the first battle would change their destiny. To fundamentally change the greedy and belligerent character of the Hu people, they must be able to work normally. Make a living."

Speaking of this, Liu Yu’s eyes flashed with anger and pointed directly at the black robe: “This is what you bosses and careerists are doing, so that the Hu people can’t survive, they can only live by robbery and looting. Then take them to start a war and rob the Han people, so that the hatred between the two sides will grow deeper and deeper, and they will want to kill the other side and then hurry up. The hatred is accumulated in this way!"

Heipao smiled slightly: "This is the way of governing the country invented by your ancestors of the Han people. Didn't Shang Yang of Qin say that, but if the people have no surplus money, everyone can die for the country. This is the people of the king. The life on the grassland is always sad, otherwise, why come to the Huahua World of the Central Plains, I am reluctant to go back. Liu Yu, don’t you also rely on no officials and no economics~www.wuxiaspot.com~No Jue can’t Do these new rules of the officials force even people like Yu Yue to go to the battlefield? What is the difference between your approach and mine? This war of annihilation of the country, which killed hundreds of thousands of people in one day, is not you. You started it on the initiative? It’s just because you screamed for revenge and regaining lost ground. It’s so noble?"

Liu Yu said calmly: "My thoughts have been changing. After returning to the Central Plains, I wanted to eliminate the Mafia, avenge my brothers who died in the past, and clear the obstacles to the Northern Expedition in the future. For this reason, I was in public on the Ximatai. He exposed Xi Chao’s conspiracy, successfully killed him, and pushed the Mafia into desperation step by step, but I didn’t expect that the demons of the Heavenly Master Dao would be released. These, I only knew today. It is the plan of your Heavenly Dao League!"

The black robe laughed: "The Mafia is not looking good anymore. It needs a more powerful and obedient organization to replace them, and this organization must be completely obedient to us, so at this time it is our God League that will take the initiative, and my companion is responsible. Tianshidao organization, and I obtained a large number of mafia weapons and food from Xi Chao and Suzaku, and used it as a resource for the Tianshidao to raise troops. Of course, in order to prevent the guards of the new Mafia from doubting our support Tianshidao, we still pretend to cooperate with Suzaku and the others, hehe, when they die, they don’t know that we are friends with Tianshidao."

Wang Miaoyin's apricot eyes widened, and he sternly said: "One day, I will want you to pay my father's life!"

Heipao laughed loudly: "Fate? Then your father killed so many people. If nothing else, he said that he killed 30,000 villagers and turned them into ghosts before he died. Who are the lives of these people? Come pay it back? Don't say he died, the so-called father's debt is paid back, shouldn't your king and queen also pay for your father's wronged spirit?"

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