Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2839: Shijue descends to keep offspring

   Tan Shao shook his head dissatisfiedly: "Getting around, the place where our soldiers have worked so hard has become the site of the family's high-ranking family. This is really hard to be reconciled."

   Liu Yu smiled slightly: "A Shao, here are the Beijing Eight Brothers, so do you think that now our Beijing Eight Parties, and our soldiers, have the ability to fully confront the noble families?"

Tan Shao gritted his teeth: "Isn’t it just a bit of stinky money and food? It’s not uncommon. We also have knights and territories, and we not only have military posts, but we can also control political power in the future. At that time, we will have all the things that should be ours. , Won't give it up!"

Liu Yu said calmly: "It is very good, but as your title is getting higher and higher, your official position is getting bigger and bigger, your Tan family's land, manor, and slave dealers are getting more and more. Then you and today's What is the difference between the noble family?"

Tan Shao was taken aback for a moment, and then he said in a deep voice, "Of course it is different. Our Beijing Eight Brothers, all of them are tough guys. They are not those who do not produce and get paid for nothing, but only want to fight for power and profit. I Tan. Shao, my brothers, and my sons are not allowed to become like the children of the waste family, otherwise, they are not the descendants of my Tan family!"

Liu Yu sighed and shook his head: "We brothers will not fall into wealth in this way, because we were born in poverty, and everything today is done by hard work, but if our sons, grandsons, they all grew up just like the children of the family, Good clothes and jade food, a worry-free future. You don’t have to work hard to get a life that ordinary people can’t dream of. Then will they work hard to make progress? Today’s ineffective children of aristocratic families, their ancestors are also the same as ours. After hard work, why did the offspring become like this?"

Tan Shao's lips trembled lightly. He wanted to say something, but he still couldn't say it. Finally, he could only sigh, "Actually, I don't even think about it. Probably, it's a human being. Just covet for ease and enjoyment. If you don't have a grand goal, you still want to make yourself more comfortable instead of working hard."

Liu Yu nodded: "That's it. Those big families have large estates for generations, and there are hundreds of villagers and servants under them. The accumulated money and food can be used for them to eat for a few lifetimes, and they will have it when they are born. A title is an official when you reach adulthood. Naturally, you don't need to struggle, you just need to be arty, chant poems, make a fu, have a talk, and show your unique elegance."

"These children from aristocratic families, because of their family background, can receive education that is far superior to ordinary people since they were young. They could have relied on these talents to serve the country, benefit the people, and realize the value of their lives, but they indulge themselves because they don't want to make progress. , And even called it a celebrity demeanor. The atmosphere of the whole country admires luxury and is sluggish. This is the reason why Dajin has not been able to enter the Central Plains and regain lost ground for hundreds of years."

Zhuge Changmin nodded: "Brother Jinu said it very well. It is indeed the case. Our generation has had difficulties since childhood, so we want to contribute to the army to change our destiny, but our children and grandchildren enjoy the foundation we have laid. There is no need to live through the bitter days of our youth. No one can guarantee how aggressively there is. Parents and grandparents always want to leave something for their children and grandchildren, but sometimes, these things left behind can actually be harmful. Lost them."

   Xiangmi rolled his eyes: "What about it, don't you leave anything for your children and grandchildren?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "You must keep it. This is contrary to the basic human relationship, but you can't keep it all, otherwise it will only promote the arrogance and prostitution of future generations. After the death of the lords, the lords will be relegated to the first class. These existing Laws and regulations are the best way to prevent future generations from becoming corrupted. This time we went to Nanyan, why did so many children from the family have turned to join the army? Including the previous Western Expedition, so many children from the family followed Xi Le’s army. It’s not because they are suddenly motivated and want to serve the country, but because if they don’t perform meritorious service, the existing title will not be preserved. If they pass on to their sons, their family business will be greatly reduced."

   Liu Fan laughed: "Gao, it is really high, this method was invented by the fat man."

Liu Yu shook his head: "It's not what he thought alone. These are the systems of the previous generations. Since the Qin Dynasty, there have been such rules. It is just that the great family of the Jin Dynasty has quietly changed the rule that this sire needs to be surrendered. In this way, their title will not be easy forever, and even if ordinary people have achieved something, they will finally get rid of them after death. The longer they are, the greater their advantage will be until they become the ones of the previous years. The circumstances, power, and land are completely controlled by the noble family of the family. Ordinary people have no chance to stand up, and can only be slaves to their families for generations."

Sun Chu stomped his feet bitterly: "Yes, if we hadn't met Brother Ji Nu, hadn't had the opportunity of the Beifu army to recruit us, I'm afraid we won't be able to turn over for generations, but now we have seized military power. It also controlled the middle of the court, but those high-ranking families still had large tracts of land and manors, and there were still a huge number of dealers and slaves under their hands. Even our rewards after the **** war depended on their faces and sent slaves. Brother, UU reading www.uukanshu.com can't completely change this situation?"

   Zhuge Limin laughed: "It's the easiest thing. Just like the last time I cleaned up Wang Yu, confiscated all the waste and all the family properties of the moths and distributed them to the meritorious soldiers. Isn't that the end?"

Liu Yu shook his head: "As long as the Great Jin Dynasty is still there, you can't do this. The land deeds in their hands were given by the emperor at the time of the founding of the country and corresponded to their titles, unless the emperor ordered the abolition of these land deeds, or Let them decline in title and no longer have the qualifications to retain these lands. Otherwise, we can’t directly deprive them of these properties. We have already reached others. Today we rely on the strength of our hands to seize legal property, and then others will When taking power and leading troops, we also went to **** the inheritance of our children and grandchildren in this way. Can this country continue?"

   Zhuge Limin said angrily: "I'm a vulgar person, talking nonsense, brother Ji Nu, don't take it to your heart."

Liu Yu sighed: "State-owned, national laws, family rules, we must not violate these basic laws in anything we do. We must take our time to cut powers and reclaim the land. If you are motivated and willing to contribute to the military management and politics in the future, it should also give them what they deserve. And we, the Beijing eight brothers, have to study more, learn culture, run the army, and run the army when you dismount, otherwise we will have to run politics. If you can fight a war, you don’t know how to govern, that’s not worthy of breaking the earth and confining your borders and dominating one side. Remember this, everyone!


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