Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2853: Wife of a brother can also be taken

   Liu Yu muttered: "Cold palm center?"

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "You want to completely end the aristocratic family. You can only use this trick. All the status of the aristocratic family comes from power, especially from the generational control of the highest power. In the past, even some low-level scholars or It is a cold person, and relying on the struggle to get ahead, he can only serve as a general in the army or as a county official in the local area. It is difficult to enter the court. The high family of the family can deprive them of them as long as an edict is issued. Everything is like Liu Zhenbei in the past. He is the leader of the Beifu army, but whether it is Sima Yuanxian or Huanxuan, he can leave the army and lose everything he has gained for many years with a single order."

   Liu Yu frowned: "But how can the cold palm center be operated and operated?"

Liu Muzhi hooked the corner of his mouth: "This trick was actually used by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty before, and it was also used by later emperors, such as Cao Cao. This family has decades or even hundreds of years of accumulation, whether it is family heritage or mutual relations. Personal connections and marriages are not trivial, they can be said to be the same. If there is no external pressure, they will fight with each other, and even create organizations like Hei Shou Qian Kun to adjust and balance in secret, just to prevent this. The internal fighting was so fierce that it made it like the Eight Kings Rebellion, and they ended up together.

   Liu Yu laughed: "It turns out that the establishment of the Mafia, in addition to fighting the imperial power, has internal reasons for coordinating."

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Yes, in fact, the Mafia is the highest and most secret power organization in the family. Because the four guards have their own strengths, they have reached a certain balance between them, so everything needs to be discussed. At the same time they are wary of imperial power, they are also wary that one of the four is dominant over the three, so since the establishment, they have always wanted to pursue a balance. Including the official position in the court and the marriage between families Almost all decisions were made in secret meetings of their Mafia. We saw that Lord Xianggong has been in charge of the government for 20 years. In fact, almost every major resolution behind it must be negotiated with the other three guards to obtain a majority. It can only be made after support."

   Liu Yu shook his head helplessly and said: "It's not even the marriage between Miao Yin and me, it's the decision of the Mafia."

Liu Muzhi laughed: "I really asked about this. Actually, in the meaning of Xi Chao and Wang Ningzhi at the time, I hoped that Miao Yin would marry Liu Jingxuan. Send slaves, you are robbing them. It's a marriage of A Shou."

Liu Yu frowned: "Miaoyin is not someone who can freely control her own destiny. She said that in the end, she made the choice because she liked me. If the elders in the family disagree, she would rather follow I eloped."

   Liu Muzhi looked at Liu Yu: "I really want to elope, are you willing?"

Liu Yu said without hesitation: "I will definitely be willing. When I was a teenager, if there was a woman like a wonderful voice with me, it would be a blessing that I have cultivated in my life, and I will never miss it, even if it is difficult to live in another country, I will definitely live up to her."

Liu Muzhi sighed: "I believe you can do it. I also believe that she is equally strong. Therefore, her decision affects her husband, her husband and son-in-law. In fact, she also chooses whom she wants to support in the army in the future. Development. From this perspective, you are not only robbing A Shou’s wife, but also his future."

Liu Yu shook his head helplessly: "I can't be blamed for this. As you know, A Shou's character is a kind of unscheduled good brother, not to mention the support of the Xie family, that is his father for so many years. He kept encouraging him to get me to the top position, but he refused to be my brother all his life. To be honest, having a good brother like A Shou in this life is also a blessing for several lifetimes. "

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Although A Shou has a simple mind, he is nothing to say. Your performance in the selection of Tiger troops in the Beifu Army completely convinced him. From then on, you have been your best friend and best friend in life. The most powerful subordinate, to be honest, sometimes I am a little envious of your relationship with him. It can even be said to be jealous."

Liu Yu smiled and said: "Then who told you that fat fat man shouldn't practice well and can't be born to death with me on the battlefield. The kind of fateful friendship is different. However, there is another relationship between us, ah Shou always said, envious of your relationship with me."

Liu Muzhi smiled and waved his hand: "That's because A Shou can only help you on the battlefield, and he can't help you much at ordinary times, so I am anxious, forget it, let's not talk about it. I actually want to say that back then The Mafia also feels that there is no successor in its family, and it needs to promote and supplement new low-ranking scholars and poor people to supplement the power of the family, so that these son-in-laws, subordinates, and disciples will become members of themselves in the future. You can say, you Because of their decision, I married a noble lady who I was unlikely to climb high, which changed my life."

   Liu Yu frowned: "So, you and Ms. Jiang are also together because of this plan?"

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Yes, my father-in-law used to have a long history of being promoted by Lord Xianggong, and he can be regarded as a student of the Xie family for many years. UU reading www.uukanshu.com himself has repeatedly mentioned that he has no successors. My nephew was worried about the incompetence. At that time, most of the daughters of the Xie family were married in the family, and only Miaoyin and granddaughter were among the boudoirs, and Miaoyin only admired heroes and did not want to marry a literati. Therefore, Mr. Xianggong had to ask the Jiang family to give birth. A prostitute, who has come to match the talents in Nanyanzhou and Wudi, that's me."

   Liu Yu twitched the corners of his mouth disdainfully: "Bah, look at your stinky beauty. If it weren't for the envy of you, you were too young at the time, I'm afraid you might not be the fat guy."

Liu Muzhi laughed: "Xianzhi was a kid who was less than ten years old at that time. His hair didn't grow well, and he talked about marrying a wife. It's not like me, who had a reputation in Beijing early. I’m so rich in five cars, I’m so tall. When I go out and lie on the road, it’s nothing to tan my belly."

Liu Yu smiled and said: "Basing? It's obviously sleeping. I've seen it many times. To be honest, normal people will treat you like this as a lunatic, and these high-ranking families will find it interesting, you guys. Do literati like to be funny to attract attention?"

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "There is no way, the world of metaphysics, what you want is all kinds of deviant, different, the more weird, the easier it is for people to look at it. It’s not going to happen again. I don’t push myself out like this, I’m afraid I won’t even have the opportunity to interview people.”


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