Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2866: Violent Qin broke his faith and destroyed the world

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Yes, the 20th-level nobility, especially the 8th-level nobility, is really ordinary low-level civilians who get the title, and the way to get the title is the fairest way to kill the enemy, or to farm the land. After paying taxes and accumulating a certain amount, you can get the title. Under the Qin system, if you want to kill a public passenger to the eighth level by beheading, you have to kill hundreds of talents. Unless you are a real soldier, it is difficult to do it, although It looks very tempting, but if you really want to achieve it, unless you are continuously promoted in the army, become a colonel, and count the gains of the whole team as yourself, then you can."

Liu Yu smiled and said: "But the positions of officers are often occupied by the children of the nobles. Old Qin is not like the high-ranking families of our great Jin Dynasty. They have a tradition of martial arts, and the children of the nobles also have to join the army, and they are given to ordinary newcomers. There were not many opportunities, but after Shang Yang’s reforms, the country’s slaves were liberated, which allowed civilians and slaves to join the army, far more than the children of nobles and scholars. Slowly, they began to occupy the army. He became an officer in the middle and lower ranks, and then became a sergeant."

   Liu Muzhi frowned: "Your idea of ​​using the Beijing eight brothers to form a party to replace the elite of the family is inspired by Qin Zhi?"

Liu Yu shook his head: "No, the scholars and children of the Qin Kingdom will at least protect their family power in the army. Even the King of Qin, Qin Gong, has to go to the battle in person. This is much harder than the elites of our great Jin family. If I change to Qin, I think it’s far from easy to get ahead. But even so, Qin still suppressed the Kanto countries like Jin for a long time because of its insufficient territory and sparse population, especially the lack of talents, merchants. The reforms made Qin people organized, courageous in public wars, and courageous in private fights. Everyone only wanted to go to the battlefield to gain the title by killing the enemy and making merits, and to become a master. This is also the fundamental reason for Qin's strenuous and strong. "

Liu Muzhi sighed: "Everything has two sides, sending slaves. Although Qin is fast and powerful by this trick, it is cruel inside and outside, cruel and ruthless to the enemy country, and extremely vicious to the people of the country. You know, Those eighth-level lords have to kill hundreds of enemy troops to get to the top of their ranks. Those who meet this requirement are rare, but even so, it’s even more difficult if you want to be promoted to the top five and become a lords who can pass on to descendants. It’s really impossible to go to the blue sky without being promoted to a partial general or an intermediate general such as a general. In this way, you can fight for a lifetime and kill hundreds of enemies, except for your own wounds. It’s just a prince who will be eliminated after death. Shang Yang himself said, but only by leaving the people with no surplus money can everyone die. This kind of tyranny cannot last forever."

Liu Yu shook his head: "I won't do this. In fact, under our system, fighting hard and getting credit is very rewarding. My rule of descending princes from generation to generation is more aimed at aristocratic families. They will be able to gain nothing from generation to generation, and will always ride on the heads of the people under the world.

   Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "You continue to say that I am more and more interested in this idea of ​​yours."

Liu Yu nodded: "The demise of the Qin Dynasty was due to the failure to adhere to the title system. It was originally in Qin. It was the country's most basic credit to obtain the title by merit, but correspondingly, the military and civilians should be given sufficient rewards. The title itself is not worth fighting for at the expense of one's life, but the benefits brought by the title are sufficient. In Qin, the title of the people can also be exempted from different taxes, allocated to more land, and enjoy better treatment. At least in their respective villages, a veteran of the sixth rank and the seventh rank can really run rampant in the village, and even if they commit a crime, they can be punished by the nobleman."

"Furthermore, the village officials in the Qin country are often held by veterans who are in the hands of these lords. They can fully use their power to make more benefits for themselves in the village. For example, if the same land is divided, they can occupy a better position. Land, the number of places to join the army, the distribution of seeds and agricultural tools can all be used to take advantage of their power. Many people will be able to get a sage in their own life, even if they can’t, this kind of high-ranking lords. It is also enough for him to marry more wives and concubines, give birth to multiple sons, and arrange for his son to join the army early and make contributions. The starting point is much higher than his own struggles back then.

Liu Muzhi laughed and said, "It seems that you really read a lot of books. You also know a lot about the things behind the history books. Yes, although Qin Zheng is harsh, it can still make people across the country contend. Wanting to serve in the army shows that people can still get real benefits. For Qin, without the scholars occupying a lot of fields and slaves, then naturally the country has a lot of fields that can be distributed to the common people, and once the foreign war is won, Then the benefits will be more and more. How about saying that Qin is a country of tigers and wolves, and the Qin people are happy when they hear about the war?"

Liu Yuzheng said: "But the subsequent decline of the Qin State was also due to the abandonment of the military meritorious service system that they had adhered to for hundreds of years. In other words, they lost their national credibility since the sixth century. In order to quickly seize the world, Emperor Qin Shihuang, Reduce the intensity of the resistance of the soldiers and civilians of the Six Nations, and change the law. As long as the people of the Six Nations who voluntarily surrender are no longer plundered as slaves, and even the small and medium-sized gentry of the Six Nations, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com can continue to retain their homeland. Power prevents Qin’s meritorious officers and officials from going to these places to gain benefits."

"So, the people of Qin fought hard and got nothing, and naturally they complained. In the past, they could get benefits through wars, which would make people crazy, and they would be happy when they heard the wars. But now they are all gone. In turn, they still have to continue to fight for Qin's south and north. , Was born to death, and even had to build a tomb for Qin Shihuang and build a palace, which caused the old Qin people to be separated from the Qin Emperor, defected on a large scale, and was unwilling to contribute to the country anymore, so that even the Qin army would not recruit even when the world was in turmoil. When it comes, it can’t be said that the lesson is not deep."

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Yes, the lesson is profound, and it is still very meaningful for today. Qin Shihuang is not bad and the rules are not bad, let's say that Qin's military beheading is the main mode of judging, then you have to keep going. In a war, you can keep killing people all the time. Once the world is stable and there is no war, how can you protect the title? You fed tiger wolves and suddenly let them become vegetarian one day. Will the tiger wolves eat you in turn?"

Liu Yu shook his head confidently: "No, it doesn't mean that only wars can have military merits, nor is it that only military merits can be called knights. If the four barbarians serve and the world is peaceful, then there is no need to take the initiative to launch wars. Although it is big, it will die if it is warlike. Human nature does not like unrestrained killing. When peace is reached, the system of meritorious evaluation can be transferred to pay for the silk. Whoever grows the land and produces well, who should be If the village officials manage well, whoever can get the title!"


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