Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2869: Downgrading to the people cannot be moved

Liu Yu sighed: "In fact, think about it, when we were in the army to serve the country, or you were in the street, it was just for a chance to enter the military mansion of Xuanshuai and become his civil servant. Why do we obviously have the ability but Can’t take the normal way to get ahead? Isn’t it just because we have no nobles on our bodies, and are born inferior to those of the aristocratic family? Huanxuan is just a young man who has no merit, and only by attacking his father’s title, we can be in our early years. Is it fair to be the guardian of a county when you see it? If the system of nobleness finally evolves into such a system that only depends on the merits of the fathers and grandfathers, it will always be pressed on the heads of the truly capable heroes. The chaos that day, It must be here!"

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Yes, the title system is a recognition of people's merits, and can partly take care of the welfare of his children and grandchildren, but if it becomes a superior person for generations, let others no longer If there is no chance, then it will go to the opposite side. The sage said that the gentleman’s Zee was killed for the fifth time, but in fact, even the third, even the second, relying on the title to suppress the people will inevitably destroy the order of the country. This is what we used to be. They are all victims, so you can’t harm others like this after you take power."

Liu Yuzheng said: "Therefore, this title must be surrendered. The distinction between the founding title and the fifth category is not under the current system. The actual tax revenue of a certain place refers to this inheritance."

   Liu Muzhi frowned: "You want the title of the founding country to be passed on forever, but the ordinary title must be lowered by one level every generation? Or is the prince reclaimed after his death?"

Liu Yu’s eyes were shining, and his expression resolute: “Yes, the rank of the prince is the twentieth-rank system of the Qin and Han dynasties. The advantage of this is that ordinary people can be given the title of nobility, as long as they serve in the army, they can have the title. Jue can be used, just like in the Qin Dynasty, you can bestow the first-level lords of the princes by beating the first rank of the enemy, but if you are promoted to the prince, you have to kill hundreds of enemies, which is not that easy. We don’t need to be like the violent Qin It is only on the beheading theory, but if you serve in the army and have a military merit, you can also be given a comprehensive assessment based on merit and service time and awarded to all levels of lords."

   Liu Muzhi laughed and said: "For example, all the soldiers of the Northern Expedition, whether they have been gained or not, you are all prepared to give the prince, right?"

Liu Yu hooked the corner of his mouth: "This law has not been formulated, so it is not easy to distribute it casually. This time I will give the money first. This is a good thing we have discussed with Miaoyin, but in the future, we can refer to this for implementation. Depending on the level of the lords, different taxes can be reduced or exempted, and more fields can be divided, but pay attention to an upper limit, and avoid the situation of relying on a large number of nephews and occupying more titles, leading to the embezzlement and annexation of the fields of the same village. In the past, Zhuge Changmin used to do this kind of thing when he was in Jingkou, which made many brothers no longer have land to plant. This kind of situation will never happen again in the future."

Liu Muzhi nodded his head: "This is very important. I have noted that the rank of the nobleman is related to the future tax-free service amount and the upper limit of the land. However, between the nobleman and the nobleman How are you going to distinguish the difference?"

Liu Yu was silent for a while, and said, "I haven't fully figured this out yet, but the fifth-class nobility needs to be surrendered, and it’s not like Qin Han's five lords who have been lowered to the ninth rank will not be lowered. When the lowest rank is the county baron, if the next generation has no merit, then it will be reduced to the rank."

Liu Muzhi's brows frowned: "That is equivalent to descending from the gentry, to slaves, this is a radical move that the previous generation has not had, and it will probably cause a strong backlash from the entire gentry class, not only the elite of the family. Now, the eight brothers in Beijing, after having a jue, they certainly don’t want to fall out and become ordinary people. Do you want to think about it again, such as allowing only one concubine to attack the nobleman, keeping the lowest rank of the scholar, and the other sons Don't enjoy this treatment anymore."

Liu Yu said bluntly: "This is a principle and must be followed. There is no discussion. If you can guarantee income from droughts and floods after you are promoted to a sire, you can always guarantee that there will be at least one direct son attacking the sire, which means that the sire will never decrease. A group of people is at the top of the whole world, and has become a profit-seeking class that has had no worries about food and clothing for generations. Fat, don’t you think this is terrible? If it doesn’t take decades, there will be tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands. People occupy the baron position of the lowest level, but they can still enjoy hundreds of acres of tax-free land, and they can eat and die. Correspondingly, the country’s land is getting less and less, and a large number of civilians have no place to divide. The land can be planted, and in the end we can only flee or sell ourselves as slaves and become the tenants of these parasites. What is the meaning of everything we are fighting for?"

Liu Muzhi was silent for a while before he sighed: "What you said is correct. As time goes by, if you can't downgrade the knight to the people, there will be more and more rentiers in the country. So now it has become a national scourge~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and this is how it came. It’s just the truth, but after all, it’s something that the previous generation didn’t have. How to operate it, I’m afraid it will take a lot of brains."

Liu Yu said solemnly: "It's fair to deprive all the lords after their deaths? Is it fair? The land for the people of Dajin has always been allocated by the state. If these lands cannot be recovered, how can they be allocated to new ones? People? Just thinking about reaping the people’s land, but the gentry’s land is increasing, so that more and more people will have no land to plant, and the evil organization of the Tiandao League and Tianshidao will grow at the lowest level. The greater the influence, the country will have neither food available nor soldiers to fight, so if you let these scholars go to the battlefield, will they?"

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Yes, it is true. Taking advantage of the people to fatten the gentry will make the country lose the country in the long run. However, if you reduce the title to the people, the rebound will indeed be great. I'm afraid, you still It is necessary to reach a consensus with the noble family and the eight parties at the same time. Otherwise, if the best policy cannot be implemented, it will even cause a large-scale rebound.

Liu Yu nodded: "I will discuss this point with my wife and the Beijing Eight Brothers. As long as the principle of no merit and wealth and wealth is established, everything is easy to say, and everything else can be done. Concession, but this matter of exempting the title in exchange for tax exemption and occupying the land, I have nothing to talk about. I can give a lump sum of money to the nobles who are downgraded to the people as compensation, but I will never let them continue to keep the title. Forever **** the blood of the country and the people!"


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