Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2872: Miaoyin leaves the camp for Murong

   Liu Yu laughed: "Then Xi Chao doesn't even have a son, how can you explain it?"

   The fat on Liu Muzhi's face jumped, and his eyes gradually narrowed into a seam: "This, maybe because he has done too much bad things, so God will give him retribution and let him die."

   At this point, Liu Yu and Liu Muzhi looked at each other and laughed. The atmosphere that had become igniting medicine just now because of the fierce dispute also suddenly eased.

After smiling, Liu Yu nodded with satisfaction: "You fat man has the ability. I was also most worried about the backlash and resistance between the family, but with your method of dividing the land, you can start robbing the family. In this way, the contradiction between the title and the family property will be transferred to them. However, there will be more and more titles of scholars. This kind of push-en method can only be relieved for a while, even for one or two hundred years. In the future, I'm afraid I will have to thoroughly implement the method of subjugating princes into the people."

Liu Muzhi nodded: "But if this kind of tweaking and subduing the knights and dividing the family property is fully implemented for several decades, everyone is accustomed to earning more knighthoods for the patronage or for the children and grandchildren to preserve the family property, then everyone Going forward, this kind of scholars who have nothing to do and have no fighting spirit when they descend to the bottom will be fundamentally reversed. Just like the Qin people and the Han people, they have this kind of social recognition of gaining wealth by fame. Naturally, everyone forge ahead. At that time, there will be no such big resistance to reduce the sage to the sire. For example, it is stipulated that two or three generations are the lowest sires and cannot be promoted, and the next generation will begin to descend. For the princes, this is certainly acceptable to everyone. This kind of big change must be carried out, and the means must not be too radical all at once, causing a backlash in the world."

Liu Yu nodded: "Yes, sometimes my ideas are idealized, but they are too rigid. This is not necessarily a good thing. For this kind of fundamentally changed Dafa, it is better to reduce the resistance as much as possible. And... ………"

Having said this, he hooked his mouth: "From the last time we emigrated to Jiangbei, some people spread rumors in Jiangbei, causing the people to panic. If we really demote a prince to a prince, it will definitely be too. There are a lot of rumors appearing, let alone that, the Heavenly Dao League alone will collude with aristocratic families and use all means to fight us."

Liu Muzhi said sternly: "This is what I am worried about. If we offend the entire family or the gentry, then even the wife and Miao Yin will not necessarily support us. Even the Beijing eight brothers, it is possible. You will be separated from you. At this stage, you will really become a widow. As a slave, the reformers of the past generations often end up not very well. I don't want you to encounter Shang Yang's results before your great cause is achieved."

Liu Yu took Liu Muzhi's hand and held it tightly, with tears shining in his eyes: "Fatty, it's great to have a brother like you. As long as we can really do it for the people of the world, I think one day Everyone will sincerely support us, but for now, we have to eliminate the enemy in the face. That is Nan Yan, that is the black robe in Guanggu City."

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "It's good if you know who is the primary enemy at present. You don't have to be hasty about the title now. At least among the scholars, there is already this kind of consciousness of subduing the title, and even the division of the title. There is no need to rush to implement the matter. Even if you set up the nomination system after the war, the gentry realized that the meritorious soldiers would soon be equal to them by virtue of their military merits, and it would be stimulating to them."

"A group that has been in power for hundreds of years and has succeeded in generations. You want to rashly replace or abolish it. It's not that easy. Even if you can solve it with force, it will cause civil strife and damage your vitality. After all, we are in front of us. As I discussed, the current state governance requires literary talents, and it is inseparable from the cooperation of the noble families. At least you have to wait for our education to become popular. A large number of people begin to read and have the ability to manage the grassroots, which can replace the noble families as a whole It’s not too late to talk about it when you are.

Liu Yu hooked his mouth: "Your suggestion, I will consider carefully, but I don't want to let the noble family rely on the title, and then the newly laid Qingzhou, and the newly consolidated Jiangbei land, like Wudi. They are circled, so we still cannot control and use the human and material resources in these places, and the country is still not strong."

Liu Muzhi said calmly: "These are things to follow, I'll talk about it later." At this point, Liu Muzhi glanced at the direction outside the tent, and saw that the tent door was closed tightly, but it came through through the slit below. But it was no longer daylight, but the color of candles. Liu Muzhi sighed: "Unknowingly, it's already night. The army will leave early tomorrow morning. I have to arrange the specific affairs of sending troops."

   Liu Yu nodded, suddenly thinking of something, and said: "Hey, it's strange, why is it only you this time, where did the wonderful sound go?"

   Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "She is a queen, how can I, a courtier, ask her whereabouts?"

   Liu Yu looked serious: "Okay~www.wuxiaspot.com~Fatty, I don't want to make a joke about this."

Liu Muzhi put aside his smile and sighed softly: "After hearing the military report from the front, she went to the front in person. Probably, because of the chasing in the front, except for A Shou, it was her subordinate Sima Guofan. , Miao Yin originally wanted this forbidden army general and the Sima clan to have the opportunity to do meritorious service, but he slaughtered the people of Xianbei outside the city. Although there is love and fate, it is also a major event for you. I think she is in such a hurry to go. It's for you to deal with the aftermath."

   At this point, Liu Muzhi hooked the corner of his mouth: "There is another reason, cough cough, I think you know if I don't say it."

   Liu Yu knew that Liu Muzhi was talking about Murong Lan's reason, and his heart sank slightly: "What does Miaoyin think of Alan now, is it to save her or to harm her?"

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I'm a slave, the voice is much smarter and stronger than you think. Although she has been grudges with Murong Lan for so many years, she also knows that if she really kills Murong Lan, then She will lose you completely and forever. She will not do this kind of thing. If Murong Lan is really in trouble, she will find a way to save her and stand in front of her as a winner, not only showing His tolerance and generosity can also prove that he is the ultimate winner. With Murong Lan's arrogance, I am afraid that I will have no face to appear in front of you again at this stage."


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