Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2884: Qin and Han Dynasties are traditional

Liu Muzhi's brows wrinkled slightly: "But the people of Qin were good at fighting, like wolves and tigers. It was five or six hundred years ago. It was only the reform of Shang Yang at that time and the use of the military meritorious system to stimulate the Qin people. Later, the Han Dynasty inherited the Qin system, as we discussed before, it was still in the Guanzhong area. It followed the twentieth-class system of the Qin Dynasty. The Liang family of Guanzhong was used as the basis of the North and South Army in the Han Dynasty. The Guanzhong troops are powerful enough to conquer the world. They can conquer the customs inside and conquer the four barbarians from outside. This is an era of great Han heroism, which is really an era of ambition of our Han people."


Speaking of this, Liu Muzhi's words changed: "It's just that since Xin Mang usurped the throne and Guangwu regained the country, the capital was moved to Luoyang, and the 20th-rank system was gradually abolished. The center of the world is no longer Guanzhong. It has been more than four hundred years since today. During the four hundred years, there were several great chaos in the world and the change of dynasties. As a Qin in Guanzhong, he did not play a very important role. After the Yongjia Rebellion, the Hun, Han and Zhao still remained The Sima regime in Guanzhong can be easily quelled. Later, the former Qin and the Qin Dynasty successively established it in Guanzhong, but the fighting power is not the same as the old Qin period, which can sweep the world before. Today's Yao clan and the Qin also gave it to Hu Xia. The fight was bruised and swollen, embarrassed, and did not achieve the results of the great powers against the countries of Liangzhou. You still hold the knowledge of the people of Guanzhong in the old Qin and Qianhan times. Is it a bit outdated? "


Liu Yu shook his head confidently and said: "I'm pretty sure, Guanzhong Lao Qin is still Lao Qin in the Qin Dynasty and a good son in the pre-Han Dynasty. This has not changed, but they did not find a worthy one to work for. Monarchs fighting to death, or rather, there is no mechanism that allows them to play their best role."


   Liu Muzhi said thoughtfully: "Do you mean that the twenty-level military stimulus system is the source of the fighting power of the old Qin?"


Liu Yuzheng said: "The people in Kyushu are different in the world. Since ancient times, we have been the people of Wu and Yue who have broken hair and tattoos. We have also merged with the northern refugees who went north to the south and fought **** battles with the Hulu horse bandits all the way. This has formed a unique place in Jingkou. Every May 5th, there is a martial arts conference and a fighting competition, which are the most direct reflection of our folk customs. Therefore, the world’s elite soldiers come out of Beijing."


"The same is true in Guanzhong. Since winning the Qin and driving the car for King Zhou Mu, and quelling the rebellion of King Xuyan, it has been sealed to the old land of the Western Zhou Dynasty in Guanzhong. At that time, Dog Rong had just attacked Gaojing, and the whole Guanzhong was Rong Di Qianghu. At first, no one thought that the Qin family could survive in such an environment, but relying on the bloodliness of the Qin people and the spirit of seeing death as home, and relying on the unyielding will of the four generations of the Qin kings who died on the battlefield, the Qin people were finally in Guanzhong. Standing firm, hundreds of years later, slowly conquered and integrated the Rongdi tribe in Guanlong area, and established the Qin State."


"Before Shang Yang's reforms, Qin was already a powerful country. It had the bravery of the Qin people and also absorbed a large number of conquered Hus. They had strong personalities and were good at riding carts. The land in the Guan was also fertile. The mountains and rivers are solid and natural, but the Qin people are aggressive, and they often fight for small things, even injuring people’s lives. After being feuded, the generations will kill. The power is used for internal friction instead of external power. This is During the Spring and Autumn Period, the Qin State repeatedly wanted to go east but was defeated by the Jin State. It was always firmly sealed in Guanzhong and was not allowed to go east."


"Even in the three divisions of the Jin Dynasty, after the Warring States period began, the Wei State took the lead in reforming, successively used Li Li and Wu Qi to lead the army, quickly became stronger and became the overlord of the early Warring States period, and even once captured the land of Xihe against the Qin State. It can directly threaten the hinterland of Guanzhong. It can be said that the Qin State at that time was under tremendous pressure to survive. If you do not pay attention, you may subjugate the country and extinct species.


"At this time, Shang Yang came to Qin. His reforms made the people of Qin brave in public warfare and afraid of private fights. By relying on a strong organizational model, they broke up the original tribal model, and the country officials appointed and controlled by the state. Directly control every household, and since then, the Qin people have been twisted into a rope, and the rewards of the title brought by the foreign wars will quickly become real benefits such as land, slaves, and tax-free privileges. This makes Qin People are happy when they hear the war. Even when they are not fighting, they will practice all kinds of warfare and killing skills all day long. They will become elite soldiers who will come and fight when they come, and the servants who are plundered from foreign wars will become masters. As the main force of Qin’s production, the country is prosperous and strong, with elite soldiers, and has become a real country of tigers and wolves."


Liu Muzhi sighed: "But the Qin law is harsh, and it is very difficult for a citizen to be promoted to a prince. If he fails to become a prince, everything before his death will not benefit his children and grandchildren after death. This model depends on Only by constantly fighting and expanding, and constantly winning, can there be enough military merits. The reason why later generations call Qin a tyrant, the reason why the Central Plains countries at that time regarded Qin as a kingdom of tigers and wolves, and even looked at them. It's a foreign barbarian, it's not unreasonable."


Liu Yu nodded: "Yes, the Qin regime is ruthless to the enemy, more ruthless to his own people, and innocent at all. The people have a long time. UU reading www.uukanshu.com may not be able to win consecutively. Instead, internal conflicts broke out. In order to unify the world, Qin Shihuang broke Qin Fa and did not distribute the benefits of conquering the six kingdoms to the old Qin people, so they switched to Liu Bang. Although Liu Bang also focused on Guanzhong and Qin people, because the old Qin people in Guanzhong Brave and good at fighting, he is a natural king’s people, but he is used by the Qin people in a good way, and there are not so many severe penalties and felonies. Economically, it is the Guandong food gift to support the long-term maintenance of Guanzhong Hundreds of thousands of the North and South Army to control the whole country. For hundreds of years, Guanzhong has already formed many families who practice martial arts for generations, bow horses, and master combat skills. Even ordinary households know more about battles. This The tradition of cultivating folk customs requires hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation, just like our Jingkou."


Liu Muzhi smiled and said: "I know that the martial arts style of Qin and Han Dynasty existed in Guanzhong, but after the Eastern Han Dynasty, it has been almost four hundred years. Are you sure that the people in Guanzhong still have this style? If there is such a style, Why can't Yao Xing even beat Liu Bobo?"


Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Because the Yao clan of the post-Qin Dynasty, they only used their Qiang tribe and did not make good use of the local Han people. The Yao clan is not a very powerful Xianbei tribe, but in this troubled time Outsiders and surnames cannot be trusted, so Yao family has always used Yao clan and clansmen as generals, Yao clan Qiang soldiers as the backbone, and the requisitioned Guanzhong Lao Qin people are mostly auxiliary. Naturally, there will be no military heroes and farming wars. The system, the stimulating model of Liangjiazi, if you can’t gain wealth through battle, why do you have to bleed desperately? It’s not that the people of Qin can’t fight, but they don’t want to fight. I believe that as long as there are suitable candidates and systems in Guanzhong , Then they will soon change back to the original tiger and wolf division who swept the world!"

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