Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2886: What is the merit of the royal family

Liu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't answer the conversation right away. Liu Muzhi looked at Liu Yu and said calmly: "We have discussed this issue before. In fact, it is not just a person who is evil to Wang Zhen, but also to other brothers. People's ambitions are often restricted by power. Just like when you and Liu Xile joined the army back then, you both started as the lowest-level soldiers. At that time, Xile did not expect to become one of the best military giants in the world. It’s not a step-by-step rise, officer. Is it getting bigger and bigger, power bigger and bigger, and even holding a heavy hand, splitting the territory and dividing boundaries, do you have other thoughts?"


Liu Yu sighed: "What you said is indeed the truth, so you have always asked me to use my Liu family, mother's Xiao family, and Zhao family, saying that these people are relatives, at least loyal and reliable. I also do what you said. I did, needless to say, Dao Lian, knowing that he is inadequate and greedy, I still let him be the governor of the Great State, and the result is that my reputation and Jiangbei immigration policy will be affected."


"Also, my uncle Zhao Lunzhi, my natal relatives Xiao Chengzhi, Xiao Sizhi and others, I also gave them officials whom they did not belong to. Although they behaved quite well, they have to say that they have a leading army or guarding. The talent of one party is self-deception. Now it seems that in addition to the Taoist rules, there are also Liu Rongzu, Liu Zunkao from the distant house, and Zhao Lunzhi, Xiao Chengzhi, Xiao Sitian, etc."


"There are many young people in the Xiao family who like martial arts, such as Xiao Chengzhi in the army this time, and Xiao Sitian are good, but they still need time to experience, and I can't make them generals all at once. After all, This kind of high-ranking official who is a county guard by his background may be acceptable to the children of the aristocracy, but he will be a general. It is impossible for a man in the army to be convinced."


Liu Muzhi nodded: "After all, you and your relatives and children did not have any rich official status. In terms of education, they are far inferior to the children of the aristocratic family. The two boys of the Xiao family and Liu Rongzu are still subjected to Jingkou martial arts. Because of the influence of wind, I like dancing guns and sticks since I was young. It’s okay to start in the military, but it takes time to master military power and become a general. But anyway, your family is always your relatives. The so-called blood is thicker than water. When Daye was founded, it was necessary to use these people. Although Dao Lian was greedy and stupid, he at least ensured that Jiangbei was under your control. If you think he is unbearable, you can give him more capable and capable staff. Served as Changshi and Sima, but the position of the chief official still has to be his. Even if you put him in Wudi or another inner state or county later, you have to do so."


   Liu Yu frowned: "The same surname and the same clan must be loyal and reliable? If relatives will not rebel, how did the Eight Kings Rebellion come about? Are they not descendants of the Sima clan? Are they not relatives of the Sima clan at that time?"


Liu Muzhi's brows frowned: "That was after the seizure of the world. After seizing power, the clan has a natural legal identity to inherit the world, so instead they become objects that need to be weakened and controlled, and they are owned by the clan status. Their official positions and even fiefdoms will also encourage their ambitions to seize power and civil strife. However, they still need their efforts to create a great cause and seize the world. At this time, the same clan and the same surname will fight the world together, even if it is for the benefit of the future after the founding of the country. I won’t turn back at this time. Send slaves, you have to use these relatives now. As for when you truly dominate the world, just think of a way to suppress it."

Liu Yu sighed: "Fatty, fatty, I know you are for my own good, but have you ever thought that we ourselves want to abolish this kind of family that lies on the merits of our ancestors and fathers and has been crushed by the people for generations? Gaomen, in the end, he did the same thing, so what is the difference from them? It's nothing more than replacing a new batch of high-ranking families like you said, replacing the Wang Family Xie Family, and replacing it with our Liu Jiaxiao Home, Zhao’s family. Is this the world we want? The country we have worked hard for all our lives to build?"


Liu Muzhi gritted his teeth: "I know this is not in line with your ideals, and you don't even want to be an emperor. But since the Qin emperor ruled the world and established the emperor system, even three emperors and five emperors thousands of years ago During the period, since becoming the Son of Heaven, the ruler of this world must have a name. If you are so powerful, you can naturally take that position, and the heroes who follow you to fight the world can also get the rewards and rewards they deserve. We’ve discussed the title for so long before, isn’t it just to give everyone official titles and fiefdoms? It’s just that this title is subdued, and you can’t let people occupy these official titles and fiefdoms forever, but I didn’t say not to give them.”


Speaking of this, Liu Muzhi paused: "Moreover, if your relatives and nephews don’t help you in the process of establishing your merits, make meritorious deeds, and be awarded officials, others will only think that you are mean and unkind. The world still has to talk about loyalty and filial piety~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Loyalty is to the country and filial piety to your family. If you don’t even care about your family, few people in the world will think you are a true moral saint, but you will only think of you. People are too scary, and their loved ones don’t protect them, so they will stay away from you!"


"Wang Mang was famous all over the world before usurping the Han, because his son killed a servant and forced his son to commit suicide. Many people were moved by him at that time, but it was later proved that this was just his act to usurp power and establish a reputation. He used the life of a son to invite fame for himself. In the end, his reputation was ruined. Together with the righteous extermination of relatives, he became a hypocritical act. To be a slave, no matter whether his relatives are capable or not, at least give some official posts at the start It is possible to prevent them from doing things and put more restraint on their corruption, but this is not the same as entrusting power to outsiders."


When Liu Muzhi said this, his eyes were shining, he stood up and looked directly at Liu Yu: "Even if you have a beautiful ideal, if you want to build a real heaven on earth where everyone is equal, at least you have to build a country first. Be the ruler and create the law of all ages. Even if you want to end the emperor's system, just like Qin Shihuang created this system, at least six nations must be equal, and four seas and one will be the same. At this stage, you can realize yourself. Ideal time. Before that, you can only act according to the rules acceptable to the world!"


Liu Yu looked at Liu Muzhi motionlessly. This fat man's expression was extremely serious. It could even be said to be the most serious time since he met Liu Muzhi. Obviously, these are his heartfelt truths. Liu Yu sighed and said "Then fat man, let me ask you a question. If I send Liu Daolian and Zhao Lunzhi to Qingzhou now, and later to Guanzhong in Gangding, what will happen?"

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