Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3000: The Abyss Troll Satire

Liu Yi jumped a step back and took a copy. The saber around his waist came out of its sheath, and the shining sword light instantly illuminated the dimly lit room, and the blade passed by, like a giant with a human arm. The candle was divided into two, and the burning upper half of the candle was like a burning torch, copied in his left hand, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Who is eavesdropping below? Do you not speak, believe it or not? A fire burned below you?!"

A strange laugh came from the dark hole underneath, even with the sound of light clapping and applause: "Okay, that's great, Lord White Tiger is indeed a hero of the world, the secret of this underground, unexpectedly makes you unintentional. I found it in the middle. It seems to be God's will. Who told me to give Yu Yue the five-stone powder that is compatible with the gastric juice and bile, and it can actually produce golden water that corrodes the wall."

Liu Yi gritted his teeth: "Who are you anyway? Pretend to be a ghost here, there is something for me to come up!"

The voice below smiled slightly: "Don't you want to have a good talk with our Heavenly Dao League? Now is your good opportunity. If you want to be friends, just come down and want to destroy us directly like your two accomplices. You can call now Your brother outside comes in and sees if there is a chance to kill me."

Liu Yi's eyes were shining brightly, as if he was caught up in calculations. And the voice sounded slowly: "Liu Yi, you are a smart person. You should know that if we want your life, even the lives of the four of you, it is just a matter of effort, so we can listen to you here. Countless meetings without being noticed, there are 10,000 ways for you to die here, such as..."

Speaking of this, a burst of clear smoke suddenly appeared in the cave. Liu Yi's expression changed. He stepped back two steps, covered his mouth and nose, and gritted his teeth and said, "Do you want to put poison?"

There was a strange laugh from the voice below: "What I have is colorless and odorless poisonous smoke, Xi Le, you may not know it, we have always been optimistic about you, and I have to tell you a secret, Liu Tingyun's brain Inside, it’s not a dead bug, but a real brain gu pill!"

Liu Yi's face changed drastically. He took a step forward, slashed forward, and said sharply: "You don't want to lie here, I can't believe you! Envy, he clearly said..."

There was a strange smile in the voice below: "If you want to know the truth, you can come down and miss this opportunity. In this life, you don't want to know the problems that have been bothering you, I promise!"

Liu Yi's brows jumped and he fell into contemplation, and the torch in his hand was also fluctuating with the flow of air. Even the steady hand holding the sword was shaking slightly and jumping. , Still don’t jump, that’s a problem!

The voice underneath sighed softly: "Unexpectedly, Liu Xile, who dared to challenge Liu Yu, was the number one ruthless man in the Beifu Army who was fearless in the army, who could kill his boss Sun Wuzhu with a single sword. Brother Xi Le didn't even have this courage. I now understand why I was so scared when I was in Wuzhuang that time..."

Liu Yi couldn't help it anymore and shouted: "Whether you are a **** in the sky or a devil in the ground, Liu Xile will come here for a while!"

As he said, he jumped and jumped directly into the dark hole. The moment his figure sank into the hole, the bluestone cover with the handle was superimposed on all sides. All the giant butter candles on the wall fell to the ground almost at the same time. A few broken candlesticks fell on the red sandalwood table in the middle like torches. Suddenly, the raging flames rose, and the whole underground was flooded in a blink of an eye. The hall, and the golden plaque with the words "Black Hand Universe" fell into the sea of ​​fire and was engulfed by the ruthless flames.

Five days later, Yu Zhang, Jiangzhou Governor's Mansion.

He Wuji was dressed in armor and sat after the big case. Today, he did not wear the usual purple official gown, but a full uniform, a large armor, and awe-inspiring. This made the subordinates more than a dozen civilian officials in court uniforms. The members looked at each other and were at a loss.

He Wuji looked at the first person on the left, who is also the Chang Shi Deng Qianzhi in his shogunate. He was looking down at a letter. That is why He Wuji suddenly called his subordinates to a meeting. I only heard He Wuji say: "How about, Deng Changshi, Liu Cheqi's northern expedition to Nanyan, there is only the last Guanggu city left, and Liu Fujun (Liu Yi) also had the idea of ​​the northern expedition and wanted to borrow We took the opportunity to attack Sima Guofan and attacked Hou Qin, who was openly enemy of us. Now his letter has been sent to tell us this plan. What do you think?"

As soon as these words came out, many officials' expressions changed drastically, and Yin Chan was surprised: "How can this be done? We are going to fight two Northern Expeditions at the same time in Dajin? What does Liu Fujun mean?"

Wang Hong sighed softly: "It is said that Liu Fujun is competitive and strong, probably because he can't sit still seeing Liu Cheqi's achievements, and wants to win a beautiful battle by himself."

Zhang Shao on one side gritted his teeth: "But, this is too impulsive. Originally, Da Jin’s grain and grass reserves and tens of thousands of mobile soldiers and horses were given to Liu Cheqi’s northern expedition to the southern swallows. After the war, Qin is a big country, and his strength is still higher than that of Nanyan. The power of the whole country is irresistible. He just wants to grab the power, and he has to look at the timing. This one is careless, maybe he will lose all the games~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhennan (He Wuji's general name), please write back to Liu Fujun so that he should not act on such impulsiveness!"

He Wuji smiled and waved his hand: "You don’t understand this old friend of mine. Liu Fujun is never an impulsive and innocent person. Everything is determined and then acted. He wrote to me and told me. This matter was definitely not discussed with me, but told me of his decision. It was only out of respect for his comrades in arms and out of the maintenance of the Big Three’s deliberative system. That’s why I told me the decision to send troops and asked me to make it early. Beware."

Deng Qianzhi looked away from this letter, raised his head, and said: "What Zhennan said is extremely true, but Liu Fujun took away all the elites in Dajin, Wudi and Yangzhou, Yuzhou, and even Jiannan. Cannes are all empty. Is this letter given to us now to send troops to help? Now we are powerless."

He Wuji laughed and waved his hand: "Liu Fujun gave us a wake-up call. Today I ask you all to come and openly show you this secret letter. I don't want you to discuss how to dissuade Liu Fujun. I have the three giants of the eight parties in Beijing, and the other two have achieved great success, but I still haven't achieved fame. Today, I decided that I would also launch a beautiful battle independently. The target is the demon in Lingnan!"


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