Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3024: Dao Fu proudly presents ultimate move

A smile slowly bloomed on Xu Daofu’s face. It seemed that he was quite satisfied with Zhu Chaoshi’s answer. He nodded and said, “Knowing that you know the enemy, a hundred battles are not dead, then in your opinion, our army and What are the strengths and weaknesses of the Jin army?"

A stone in Zhu Chaoshi's heart fell to the ground, and he laughed: "He Wuji now has five thousand men and horses. Most of them are the old men who have followed him for many years. Many of them are veterans of the Beifu who have experienced many battles. The combat effectiveness is very strong. Land warfare, fight frontal, honestly, although the disciples of the gods are excellent in swordsmanship and are not afraid of death, if you want to fight them frontally, I am afraid that you need more than 10,000 main force. Over the years, I should have a deep understanding."

Xu Daofu gritted his teeth: "The Northern Army is sharp, and the quality of the soldiers is also very high. It is not our advantage to fight in formation. The disciples of the gods are mostly brisk and quick swordsmanship masters, and chaos, melee, ambushes and surprise attacks are advantages. , But if you face the enemy in a dignified battle, you are at a disadvantage. You’re right. What I worry about most is to fight head-on with the main force of the Northern Army. Although in Lingnan, our army has grown a lot, but recruits Most of them are from the Dong-Dong people, and their combat power is far inferior to that of the disciples of the gods, let alone the Beifu Army."

Zhu Chaoshi said sternly: "So, with the final general's humble opinion, it is better to take advantage of He Wuji's not yet come, we take the initiative to retreat, abandon Nankang, and instead use a small group of troops and light soldiers to harass his food road, He Wu It doesn’t make much sense to avoid an empty city, and the grain road is attacked, and the army cannot last here. In addition, if he comes all the way, Yuzhang City will be empty. We can order the bandits from all over Jiangzhou who belong to the gods. The bandits, the old part of Huanchu, let them sneak attack on the Yuzhang area, without seeking truth to take it, just to make He Wuji feel threatened to the rear, and take the initiative to withdraw troops. Then we will follow and pursue them, and we can completely destroy the enemy!"

Zhu Chaoshi said this while thinking to himself: If Zhennan's army can occupy this Nankang City at the least cost, even if the plan of this monster raid is prevented, then they will proceed like this again. A drug sneak attack is no longer possible. Whether it is Zhennan himself or dispatching powerful generals such as Xie Bao, Wei Shunzhi, etc. to guard here, there will be no worries. Waiting for Zhennan to turn around and eliminate all Jiangzhou anti-thief, Jingzhou’s roads Brother Gui should also be able to mobilize troops and horses to help, and the demon thief can no longer cross Wuling. This is probably the biggest contribution I can make to Zhennan.

As he thought, he said, a smile appeared on his face involuntarily, and Xu Daofu’s loud laugh interrupted his thoughts, making him stop quickly, only to hear Xu Daofu posing confidently. Waved his hand: "We spent so much effort this time, and we finally succeeded in a surprise attack on Nankang, so it is impossible to give up so easily. He Wuji thought that he could advance on land and water and attack me, but he didn't know that he did this, but it was in the middle. My arms!"

Zhu Chaoshi's heart sank suddenly, and he blurted out: "What good strategy does the commander have to break the enemy?"

Xu Daofu smiled, looked at Zhu Chaoshi, and said, "You haven't finished talking just now. You only talked halfway to the superiors of our army and the Jin army. The Beifu army has no advantage in fighting, but if you talk about navigating the boat and fighting for supremacy on the water, hehe, the ten Beifu soldiers are not our opponents of a three-wu man."

Zhu Chaoshi's expression changed, and he was surprised: "But, this Nankang doesn't have our fleet."

Xu Daofu sneered and said, "I won't hide it from you anymore, Chaoshi. Actually, this raid on Nankang is just the first step of my whole plan. The purpose is to raid first, then show weakness, and let He Wuji. Judging that our army is insufficient, so that he will not wait for the scattered soldiers and horses to gather, and will only bring the Yuzhang soldiers and horses around him. After all, Yuzhang and Nankang are thousands of miles away, and the road is not very easy to walk. He expected me It is impossible for the army to make a raid in Wuling, and he usually does not leave a fleet in Nankang, so that he can raid Nankang at any time, instead of being counterattacked by Nankang's enemy."

Zhu Chaoshi began to sweat coldly on his back, and his fists clenched unconsciously: "The commander made a very correct analysis, but this fleet, can you let him fall from the sky?!"

Xu Daofu laughed and said, "As we raided Nankang City, I had sent the keel of hundreds of warships to Yuanshui City, south of Nankang, through the widened Wuling Mountain Road. In the middle, and there used the wood that was transported to Nankang a while ago to be sold, quickly made into a ship board, installed on the keel, just now when you were in contact with nature, our army’s first batch of hundred stalks battled. The ship has been assembled. He Wuji is in Yuzhang’s fleet, but there are more than 140 Huanglong ships, one size smaller than our army’s warships. If you talk about the quality of the navy, it’s far worse than ours. The old brother who has been fighting on the water for many years, this time, what I want is to lure He Wuji into a decisive battle with our army personally, and wipe him and his Beifu veteran, UU reading www.uukanshu.com all on the river!"

On Zhu Chaoshi’s forehead, big drops of sweat began to pour out. While wiping the sweat, he forced a smile and said: "Gao, it's really tall, handsome, you really have completely guessed He Wuji's mind. It’s just that He Wuji is cautious in using his troops. If he really sees the battleships of our army, I’m afraid he won’t be able to fight."

Xu Daofu sneered and said, "That's why I came to you, General Zhu, if He Wuji becomes angry and loses his mind and chases and kills him personally, then under what circumstances do you say it will be realized?"

Zhu Chaoshi swallowed, and said with difficulty: "This, I am afraid it is to make him feel that he has captured the enemy's coach, or the leader of the enemy's head, Marshal, what do you mean..."

Xu Daofu nodded with satisfaction: "Look, as you said just now, the person he hates the most right now may not be my old opponent, but you, a new traitor. If you are to be the vanguard, take a dozen If the boat is going to challenge, will He Wuji take the initiative to chase you?"

There was a "boom" in Zhu Chaoshi's mind. These killer moves were interlocking. Xu Daofu was really sick of He Wuji's character, because every step he envisioned was almost always What I know He Wuji will definitely do it, the master duel, so that the difference between the two moves, really loses all the game, the most frightening thing is that he can't seem to do anything to warn or rescue He Wuji, how? What should I do? Zhu Chaoshi's heart was burning, and even the action of wiping the sweat stopped, letting the sweat on his head converge into a strip of water, smoothly running down his face.

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