Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3026: Abandon the names of subordinates

Zhu Chaoshi understood completely now. It turns out that Xu Daofu wanted to pretend to be a small team attacking Yuzhang, and give He Wuji a chance to seduce the enemy. How can Wuji be fierce, if I saw my own small fleet and not the enemy’s main force fleet, so I would really catch up all the way. If I got out of the control of the demon thief, even if I fight to death, I must rush to He Wuji’s ship in time. , Report to him the enemy's tricks!

But Zhu Chaoshi thought about it. He was defeated and captured. Although it was a surrender to the enemy, after all, he killed Tang Shunzi and other good brothers by himself. These things must be hyped for the monsters, even if He Wuji didn't believe he started attacking the king. Hiroshi, I can't argue with the matter behind this, and then I will bring the fleet on the river, even if he can't even reach He Wuji to explain, it will be beheaded by the angry Beifu soldiers. What should be done to pass this information out and prevent the army from falling into the trap, Zhu Chaoshi's heart felt like ten thousand cat's claws were scratching, and there was another burst of sweat.

Xu Daofu looked in his eyes, thinking that Zhu Chaoshi was a little scared, and said: "Don't worry, Chaoshi, this time I will send powerful subordinates to act with you. On your main ship, it is taught by our gods. The veterans come to drive the boat and sail. You are absolutely safe. They will take you to escape the battlefield, while the soldiers from Nankang's prefectures and counties will stay behind and drag He Wuji to pursue them. This will look very similar. "

Zhu Chaoshi barely squeezed out a smile: "The good man, how far is your main fleet from us, and where is the battlefield going to be located?"

A weird smile appeared at the corner of Xu Daofu's mouth: "There is our eyeliner in Yuzhang. Now the enemy is bright and I am dark. All their actions are under my control. You will set off tonight, and mine The main force fleet will be at a safe distance behind you. As long as you can lead He Wuji to chase after about five miles, you will be able to introduce into our main force fleet."

Zhu Chaoshi widened his eyes: "Five miles? Is that short? But this distance will allow the main fleet to see He Wuji at a glance. How can they still ambush?"

Xu Daofu smiled and stood up, walked in front of Zhu Chaoshi, and patted his shoulder: "Brother, don't worry, this is the secret of God teaches the invincible water war. You will be surprised at that time. You just have to run. Going out of five li and bringing He Wuji here is a great accomplishment. After this incident, the gods and goddesses will look at you with admiration, and no longer regard you as a surrender who was defeated and surrendered. At this stage, I am fine. Give you the command of the elite old brother of the gods."

Zhu Chaoshi felt helpless, and secretly said: Now that things have happened, only the camera is acting. Xu Daofu said to himself, certainly not bragging or testing, but how to hide the main fleet from five miles above the surface of the river. I can't even think of it when I want to break my head. I'm afraid that I will have to risk his death and notify He Wuji so that he must not be fooled, and I don't know if it will be possible in time.

Thinking of this, Zhu Chaoshi said solemnly: "Thank you for your love, but I, Zhu Chaoshi, led the soldiers. I never leave the lower part to escape by myself. Otherwise, what will others think of me in the future? These Nankang state and county soldiers are all mine. People, I can’t leave them to death and ran away.

Xu Daofu's face sank, and he said coldly: "The way to lead soldiers requires the master to lead by example, but this does not mean that you have to send yourself out. Besides, after this battle, I said that you will be another Bring a group of disciples and veterans of the gods, you don’t have to take these Nankang soldiers and horses to heart. They are dead or alive, depending on their good fortune, but if you leak the military aircraft to them in advance and cause this battle to fail, then The first person to die is your Zhu Chaoshi!"

Zhu Chaoshi gritted his teeth: "If the commander does not trust the end general, he can send people around him all day, and he will not reveal the battle plan to Sergeant Nankang, but he will not leave them on the battlefield to escape alone. , Will fight with them to the end, I think, one more and one less Zhu Chaoshi, I am afraid it will not affect the plan of the commander."

Xu Daofu's expression slowed down and said coldly: "I will definitely send someone to protect you all the time. It doesn't matter if you understand it as surveillance. Don't forget, you have served the runes of our gods, and life and death are still under control. In our hands, however, what are the benefits of giving up the chance to live and pursuing that senseless integrity and morality?"

Zhu Chaoshi shook his head: "This is the ancestral motto of my Zhu family for generations. Regardless of the choices made after the war, when you go to the battlefield, all your subordinates are your own brothers and sisters. They are absolutely not allowed to betray or betrayed. Good and evil have their rewards, and is there a permanence in heaven? If you ignore all morals and abandon your subordinates at any time, then one day you will renounce your subordinates and lose the support of your subordinates. Naturally, it is impossible to ban you from doing things."

Xu Daofu's eyes sparkled, as if he was thinking about Zhu Chaoshi's words.

Zhu Chaoshi stepped forward and said in a deep voice: "Dashuai Xu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I still remember that when you and Master Lu finally evacuated San Wu, you also specially met with my master and reached an evacuation. A disciple of the gods, he set sail after the agreement that he would no longer pursue the pursuit. You were not willing to throw a brother alive and dead back then. Isn't it the same consideration?"

Xu Daofu sighed: "That's an old brother who has been with us and has fought side by side for many years. I can call each of them by name. This is different. Of course, I can't abandon it."

Zhu Chaoshi said sternly: "These Nankang militias are also my subordinates for more than a year. Although they are not directly under my control, they are now my people. I can't deceive them to fight, but I leave them and run away. In this way, I can't pass my conscience first. Even if you give me a brand new army later, the soldiers will not really trust me. It is the general trend for me to submit to the religion of God. Abandoning the dark and throwing the light, but throwing the lower part on the battlefield, that is a loss. The bottom line of a general is completely different."

Xu Daofu gritted his teeth: "You have to think about it clearly. For this principle of yours, take your own life, just for these, you can't become your subordinates in the future, is it worth it."

Zhu Chaoshi smiled slightly: "If the soldiers and horses of Nankang survive this battle, I hope to be my subordinate in the future. For the religious sect, the sergeant who has passed the test of life and death is also a rare veteran. Contributors, as to whether I can survive, it depends on the commander, your actions are fast, even if you do not move in order to eliminate He Wuji, I will die on the battlefield without complaining!"

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