Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3034: Underwater fierce battle and blood over the river

Yin Chan's mouth was wide open, what happened far exceeded his imagination, and his hands were shaking slightly: "This, what is this, is it a demon technique?"

He Wuji's face sank like water, watching the position of the sinking warship, the waves that continued to rise, and dozens of others in armor, thumping in the water desperately, but sank in a blink of an eye, except for a series of The air bubbles floated in the water, and the soldiers of the Jin army who were silent no longer had bursts of red blood on the water. Obviously, someone was injured by the blade at the bottom of the water. Moreover, many people were killed in this way. The ship The surface of the water with a radius of more than ten feet at the sinking position was already blood-red.

Zhang Shao gritted his teeth: "It turns out that there are enemy ambushes underwater. I have long heard that many of the demon thieves live out fishing all year round, and can hide underwater for several days. I'm afraid that some of the guys on the enemy ship just fell into the water. It was not that they killed the flag, but these old thieves went into the water, dived under our warship, and pierced the bottom of the ship for life, directly causing my warship to sink."

He Wuji said in a deep voice: "According to me, all the warships of the former army will be sent to the bottom cabin. Wherever there is a place that is pierced by someone, I will be stabbed. I see his culprits are underwater. How to prevent me from stabbing!"

Deng Qianzhi's eyes widened: "But, in this way, didn't we pierce the bottom of our boat?"

He Wuji said loudly: "That would be better than cutting through the boat for the culprits, and then going to the next one. The people in the bottom compartment prepared me the rivets for the boat plate, and once the water leaks, I quickly plugged them in. There are also those oars. Hand, if the boat gets into the water, let me drain it quickly. Everyone will perform their duties and fight as usual. Don’t be messy!"

The messenger sent his military order quickly. Just here, he could attack, and only heard the sound of "ding ding dong dong dong" from the surrounding warships. Even this passing Jianglong seemed to have something underneath. Rang.

Yin Chan's face was pale, cold sweat broke out, and he said nervously: "Zhen, Zhennan, it seems, it seems that the demon has also touched the bottom of our boat. How can this be good, or should we get on the shore first? "

He Wuji looked up to the sky and laughed: "Okay, it's a good come, I'm afraid you won't come. This crossing Jianglong has a three-layer thick bottom, more than three feet thick, not to mention wooden hammers and nails, even if it is long. , It may not be able to cut through. According to my order, all the good water sergeants will lightly fill me in the water, and attack the demon thieves in the water. I don’t believe it. There are thousands of water fighters here, but he can’t beat him. These more than a hundred monsters!"

The sound of "thumping" and "thumping" was endless. The sailor soldiers who took off their armors, were naked and wearing only a pair of trousers, took short knives, spunlaced and waited for the water warfare weapons to enter the water, bursts of foam violently from When the bottom of the water rises, it is accompanied by a large amount of blood pouring up. Obviously, the fighting under the water is going on fiercely, and there are scuffles from time to time. The two or even three entangled people who hugged each other directly floated up like this. The archers and hands of the Beifu Army squeezed on the side of the ship are sharp-eyed. They are shooting arrows at those who are stubborn and stabbed, with their hair scattered or tied with hair bands. , It often comes up for a change of breath, and then dives again.

There was a "ding", followed by a loud noise. Another big yellow dragon ship quickly sank. The soldiers on the ship quickly took off their armor and shoes, not even wearing an inch or even their underwear. So, he carried the knife and jumped directly into the water, and a fierce man plunged into the water. This is already the fourth Beifu warship that was sunk, and the other two were guarded around the Hunjiang Dragon. The warship was also crumbling, sinking slowly. The river was filled with black heads and white bodies, sometimes floating up and sometimes sinking, and the blood had already stained the surface of the nearby river red.

Zhang Shao's brows were still frowning, and he murmured: "It seems that the underwater skills of the monster thief are much better than our soldiers. At this moment, we have gone down more than 300 people, and we still can't stop the enemy's chiseling. Boat."

As he said, he pointed to thirty or forty white corpses floating on the surface of the river, frowning: "These are mostly the corpses of our army, and there are only more than ten of the enemy's army, which is not considered dead in the water. Among the hidden reefs, Zhennan, I am afraid that such a fight is not the answer, and we have to leave as soon as possible."

He Wuji nodded, looked around, and said: "Now they don’t hack other warships, mainly attacking the Hunjiang Dragon. It seems that Hunjiang Dragon is my ship. In front of the order, Hun Jianglong moved forward quickly. Ignore the underwater thief. Give me the ship that went directly to Zhu Chaoshi and beat Zhu Chaoshi, the enemy general. I forgive that their fleet will also be defeated without a fight."

Deng Qianzhi frowned: "However, the ten enemy ships have not been wiped out yet, only two have sunk, two are catching fire slowly, and the other six haven't caught fire yet."

He Wuji gritted his teeth: "I don't care about this. The whole army rushed forward. It is too close to Sangluozhou. The water is shallow and the speed is slow, so the enemy water ghosts are suitable for playing. We can't entangle them here, including The fleet of the rear army rushed over early, rushed out of the mouth, and above the river, the enemy's water ghosts would not be able to play."

Having said that, he glanced at the Hunjiang Dragon and the six that were rushing towards the Hunjiang Dragon with all its strength to the six stern boats, gritted his teeth: "The enemy army has even dispatched the water ghosts, and that must be all their main force. UU read the book www.uukanshu.com on those six boats, they will definitely be the elite of the thief. They acted according to the original plan and led the thieves to board the Dragon Dragon, and then ignited the whole boat. I disciplined them, and they will come as soon as they get on the boat. No reply!"

On the Sturgeon, Wu Shaof was dancing excitedly, pointing to the fourth yellow dragon ship that had just sunk, and smiled: "You see it, General Zhu, this is the strength of our Water God team, no matter how big he is. , It can also sink him alive, don’t look at the Jin army now has three or four hundred people down, but we have killed at least a hundred people for our soldiers. They can be fierce on the shore for a while, but in the water, hehe , The five Northern Army troops can't help one of our brothers."

Zhu Chaoshi's heart was twisted like a knife. Looking at the corpses of the Jin soldiers, his stomach was broken, or a blood stain on his neck surfaced on the water, holding the hilt of the sword tightly in his hand, wishing to give Wu Shaofu to the corpse on the spot. Duan, thinking that these dead soldiers avenge, but he still endures it, because he found that the warships of the Jin army are also speeding up, and the one that took the lead in the battleship with the "He" flag is facing him. His ship rushed, and it seemed that he wanted to directly sink or overturn his own ship.

Zhu Chaoshi had an idea, and said loudly: "He Wuji has come desperately, don't care about other ships, let all the water gods and other warships board Jianglong for me, capture He Wuji, Shaofu, you take it with you Swordsmen enter!"

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