Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3038: There is no escape

There were tears in Yin Chan’s eyes. The talented man murmured to himself: “It’s too heroic and touching. Lord Li has a chance to escape. There are also a dozen soldiers who stayed on the ship. Why? They don’t leave, why should they stay and die with the demon?!"

Zhang Shao sighed softly: "This is the duty of a loyal soldier. I would rather die in battle and complete the mission. It turns out that we thought that a thief leader like Xu Daofu would personally attack the ship. , I also want to destroy this big thief by myself."

He Wuji nodded gravely: "Yes, Lord Li's family died in the hands of the monsters. After so many years of fighting with the monsters, he only asked for death, not for merit, and he did not leave a monster in every battle. He was alive, he was punished several times for this, otherwise he would have been promoted to the military commander because of his military exploits. This time he also took the initiative to ask Ying to go to the most hopeful Hunjiang Dragon. I should have thought of it long ago. To be with the thief to all my heart!"

Yin Chan gritted his teeth: "After I go back, I must personally write a speech for Li Chuangzhu. The writer’s longing for him), and his tombstone must be written by the descendants of Langya Wang’s family. He is worthy of this honor.”

He Wuji sternly said: "This is necessary. The victory of this battle is the result of the sacrifices of Lord Li and the dozens of brothers. Otherwise, these hundreds of old thieves who are proficient in water warfare, really What is our big trouble, especially fighting on the edge of this shallow Sangluo state, it is more convenient for them to chisel boats underwater. Now that these old thieves have all been wiped out, we have no worries, speed up the advance, and destroy those of the enemy army. Destroy all the boats, and take revenge for Lord Li and the others!"

Having said this, he paused and said loudly: "Raise the handsome flag, beat the drums, and the whole army assault!"

A heavy horn resounded across the river. All the Huanglong warships of the Jin army rang out with cheers, followed by the sound of intensive drum beats. Aboard the Jianglong horn, a handsome flag with the word "He" rose in the wind. All the warships of the Jin army yelled "Zhennan", "Zhennan" and "Zhennan" in unison.

The Crossing Dragon rushed to the forefront again. This time, all the soldiers of the two armies saw it clearly. He Wuji himself stood on the high platform in the middle of the ship, beating the war drums, and shouting: "Traitor Zhu Chaoshi, come on. Get your life!"

Hundreds of Huanglong warships of the Jin army, more than 20 warships of the former army, hung sails, advancing at full speed, as fast as a galloping horse, while the ships of the Chinese army and the rear army had also pulled anchors long ago. , Although the sails were not fully hung up, but taking advantage of the strong east wind, the speed was not slow, and in just a short time, it had already crossed the sangluo sandbar, bypassed the sunken ships of both sides, and followed. About half a mile behind the army's more than 20 warships, they sailed through the waves.

Zhu Chaoshi was on the Sturgeon, but he still had an anxious look on his face. Today’s result is what he hopes most. He Wuji directly destroyed those things without relying on his own warning. The fleet of Tianshidao, hundreds of old thieves, are all buried in the belly of the fish with the big ship full of gunpowder, and as long as they lead the fleet, rush out of this mouth and enter the river, then go again. Nothing can stop their power. I have just sent a boat to the river behind to investigate. The so-called main fleet is nothing but nothing. The river is empty, and there is not even a fishing boat. Using his fleet as a bait, he went straight to Yuzhang City from the land.

This battle is really a blessing in misfortune. With the water warfare of these old monsters, if Xu Daofu's army comes and set up an ambush in the area of ​​Sangluozhou early, there will be more than a thousand old water ghosts. I'm afraid this victory or defeat is really hard to say. This battle can make He Wuji a big victory. It is really the sky with eyes and the divine help from the sky. It is probably because these monsters do a lot of evil and kill countless people. Therefore, God will use the righteous teacher of the Northern Army to punish these demons in the world with He Wuji's hand, just like his master can create miracles one by one, isn't it the destiny of heaven?

Zhu Chaoshi gritted his teeth. He even prepared to just hang up the white flag and surrender to He Wuji. But, under the circumstances, would He Wuji believe that he was an undercover agent? After all, nothing was done. Hundreds of demon thieves besieged the Jianglong in the previous battle. I can’t say that I deliberately let them go to death. If he flees like this, he would lead He Wuji’s army to attack Nankang. A better choice?

He was thinking quickly in his heart, but was awakened by the rapid screams around him. Several Nankang militiamen had pale faces and their voices were shaking: "General, general, here, this Jin army warship, leave We are less than a hundred steps away from us, we, we can't escape."

The celestial swordsman at the stern, while steering the rudder, said sternly: "If you want to survive, row as soon as possible. Don't say that these are missing. If they fall into the hands of the Jin army, they will only be heartbroken and die. It's terrible, you might as well cut it off by yourself!"

Before he finished his words, he only heard a sound of "thumping" and "thumping", but on the surrounding more than 20 fishing boats, many Nankang militiamen have begun to abandon their boats and jump into the river~www.wuxiaspot.com ~The militiamen on several ships simply opened the hatch, threw their weapons into the river, knelt on the deck with their heads in their hands, and knelt to the ground as a sign of surrender, and the ship stopped fleeing and was directly on the surface of the river. Spin around.

However, the Jin army warship that was chasing did not mean to be surrendered. All the Jin army soldiers on board gritted their teeth. For these Nankang militiamen who surrendered out of the cabin, it was a burst of bow and arrow shooting, screams, and the sound of falling into the water. It was endless, and those fishing boats that stopped above the river and surrendered were all directly hit by the Huanglong warship of the Jin army, broken in two, and sank into the water with people and boats. After a while, the river surface Hundreds of corpses of Nankang militiamen floated up above, attracting the surrounding fish schools one after another, dragging them into the bottom of the water, becoming today's feast.

Zhu Chaoshi sighed with emotion in his heart and muttered to himself: "Finally, even if I die here today, there is no regret. Zhennan, we must conquer Nankang, defend the Yu Zhang, destroy the monsters, and avenge us. However, these Nankang sergeants are innocent, and they cannot be allowed to die in vain."

Thinking of this, he was heartbroken and walked out of the cabin, facing He Wuji who was two hundred steps away, and was about to yell "Zhu Chaoshi is here", but when he was about to open his mouth, he heard a burst of wild laughter. Sang Luozhou from inside and outside said: "He Wuji, don't think you have won!"

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