Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3048: Desperate mad flower forced to swear

Zhu Chaoshi gritted his teeth: "I have no grudges against him, and can even help him. Why did he harm me like this?"

Lu Lanxiang smiled slightly: "Because your military talent has threatened him, your Zhu family has been a general for generations, and you have a great influence in Jingzhou. After we defeated the Beifu army, your identity as a former general of the Beifu can not be attracted. Shao Beifu soldiers join, don’t look at you now, you have no soldiers and no generals, just one shot, but if you really want to get behind, you will slowly be able to fight against him, just like our sister and brother will not allow him, the general, to suppress our leader in turn. He won’t let you, an outsider, surpass him. In particular, we will support you in decentralizing power with him later.”

Zhu Chaoshi sighed: "Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are benefits, there will never be fighting. It seems that whether it is in the Jin army or here, this is inevitable."

Lu Lanxiang sneered: "Aren't you a fame and fortune? Your Zhu family brothers have repeatedly jumped between Huanchu and the Beifu army. Isn't it just that you want to find a backer that is most beneficial to you? Can you win the title by merit? The Huan family only trusts your own people. Even in terms of seniority, it is not your brother’s turn to take the lead. In that fight in the stage, Jingzhou Meng will not be able to turn five of you. This is your status. , Otherwise why would you switch to Liu Yu so happily?"

Zhu Chaoshi was silent, the sound of killing and fighting drums on the river surface in the distance got closer and closer, and even the sound of rocks and arrows entering the water was already twenty or thirty steps away. He gritted his teeth: "No. Wrong, our brothers just wanted to get ahead, but honestly, before this battle, I never dreamed that I would actually enter the Dao of the Heavenly Master. You don’t want to think that this would harm my brother?"

Lu Lanxiang said indifferently: "We are helping you, Chaoshi. Now, I don’t have to tell you those useless and beautiful things. Once the matter of your joining the religion reaches Nanyan, it will spread to Liu in Guanggu. There is no doubt that your elder brother will die, but only in this way is the best result for you!"

Zhu Chaoshi screamed: "Do you dare to hurt my elder brother, I will kill you!"

In a rage, he directly drew out the saber around his waist and pointed it at Lu Lanxiang.

Lu Lanxiang did not evade, and said indifferently: "Kill, if you kill me, you will be dead, and you will not be able to save your brother. He threw you here and followed He Wuji, but he followed Liu. Yu went to make contributions, can't you guess the reason?"

Zhu Chaoshi sneered and said: "This is our brother's family affair. What is it to do with you? We want to make contributions to both sides, and we can also separate our families in the future. My eldest brother and I have been in a life and death relationship since we were young. How can you instigate you here?"

Lu Lanxiang said calmly: "No matter how life and death are shared, the chief of the Zhu family has only one direct current position. Either you separate your family and establish a new family, or you can only keep one person to inherit. As your status gets higher and higher, the credit becomes greater and clearer."

Zhu Chaoshi felt sad for a while. In fact, this was something he had been worried about for many years. The reason why he separated from his eldest brother this time and took the initiative to go to He Wuji's hand was to avoid the brothers being restrained by each other and not being able to monopolize the power. However, he still hated him and said, "Anyway, the eldest brother is the eldest brother, and I can't harm him because of myself!"

Lu Lanxiang smiled and said: "You had no choice that day. Even if you committed suicide on the spot, the story of your betrayal and submission to the enemy will spread. Since you refuse to be used by the gods, it is not good for us to keep the general of the Zhu family of Jingzhou. We also won't give your eldest brother the opportunity to lead soldiers to avenge us in the future. We will take advantage of Liu Yu's hand to destroy him first. In this way, the Zhu family, who has been holding the door for generations, will end in your hands. Isn't it a pity?! "

Zhu Chaoshi said bitterly: "If you do too much of this kind of thing, you are not afraid of retribution?!"

Lu Lanxiang sneered: "Retribution? The power of the world is based on the power of soldiers and horses. Which of the last victorious emperors is not a complete success? Your Zhu family will kill countless people for generations. Don't you be afraid of retribution? Saying that you really let you cut off your children and grandchildren. From now on, there will be no Zhu clan in the world. This is the best retribution for those who have died in your hands for hundreds of years! As for our retribution, you don't have to worry about it."

Zhu Chaoshi sighed up to the sky and murmured: "Big Brother, I killed you, it's my fault!"

Lu Lanxiang hooked the corner of her mouth: "Chao Shi, don't worry, you will be the only one in the Zhu family in the future. You will carry forward the Zhu family in the gods. As long as we can succeed and enter Jiankang, you will be the first minister. You will not only get Jingzhou, but also me. As I said, as long as you don't despise me, I will be your wife, and I will have children for you in the future, so that your Zhu family's incense will last forever."

Zhu Chaoshi felt sad and shook his head: "I have no face to see my ancestors of the Zhu family~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Besides, I already have a family, a wife and children, and I don’t need... "

When he said this, his expression suddenly changed. He looked at Lu Lanxiang, who was smiling in front of him, and grabbed her by the skirt, and said sharply, "You still want to kill my wife and children?!"

Lu Lanxiang smiled and said: "Really a good man who talks about brotherhood, my wife and children did not think about it, but first thought about the safety of the eldest brother. Yes, your wife and children are in Jiankang. Before Liu Yu killed your whole family, this **** teaches you, you have to abandon your family, your wife and children. This is not just for fun."

Zhu Chaoshi burst into anger and attacked his heart. A mouthful of blood was sprayed directly on Lu Lanxiang's body. He knelt on the ground weakly, tears in his eyes: "Mr. Wen, Guoer, I harmed you, and I harmed you. !"

Lu Lanxiang's eyes flashed coldly: "If you really want to save your wife and children, then you have to cooperate with me. Now in the world, only me can save them!"

Suddenly, Zhu Chaoshi grasped the life-saving straw, a glimmer of hope flashed in his eyes, jumped up, clutched Lu Lanxiang's arms tightly, and said: "I promise you, I promise you everything. Tell me, how You can save them!"

Lu Lanxiang said coldly: "The first, you must swear, after saving your wife and children, divorce your wife and abandon your son, I can keep them forever, but can't stay with you anymore, because your future women can only It’s me, no one else is allowed."

Zhu Chaoshi scolded in his heart: bitch, go to death, when I pick up my wife and children, the first one will kill you.

But he still said: "I promise you, I will promise you."

Lu Lanxiang's eyes flashed coldly: "I want you to swear that if you violate this point, I will teach you to fall into the enemy's hands with your brother and die with a thousand arrows!"

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