Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3054: Divorce and have their own pictures

Xu Daofu's face jumped wildly, his mouth was open, and there was a strange thunder from his front teeth, "Lu Lanxiang, don't think you are the sister of the leader. I can't help you. In this battle, you and I are up and down. You are under my command and control, and I can order you to do anything."

Lu Lanxiang said coldly: "The Sea Dragon is not yours, but the flagship of the entire gods. You should be very clear about this. If I'm on another ship, you may be able to order me, but here it is the other way around, because This Sea Dragon, and a hundred submarine warships, were all directly given to me by my brother. Here, I represent him and fight with you only. There is no talk of being restrained or ordered by you, Xu Daofu, you can figure this out. You can send troops on your own without passing through our sisters and brothers, and we can do the same!"

Xu Daofu gritted his teeth: "I have said it many times, and explained to your brother in front of that person. This is an opportunity that cannot be missed. I also have the right to make a decision. This victory proves the correctness of my approach. , When Liu Yu Mieyan returns to China, we will have to wait to die. Can't you see this?"

Lu Lanxiang said indifferently: "Doesn't it matter if you can see it? You can see for yourself and decide to send troops. This means that we have to listen to you and be restrained by you? Don't forget, you only have the power to command the troops. , Is not the leader of the religion, not the army that can directly order all the gods."

Xu Daofu sighed: "So, you defend Zhu Chaoshi so much, not because you are revenge against me, but because you no longer trust me?"

Lu Lanxiang said coldly: "Trust and distrust, but mutual. Now that's the matter, you might as well tell you directly, Xu Daofu, for so many years, you have been arrogant to me and finally abandoning you, saying that I am licentious, so I don’t want to touch it. I, are just your excuses. You used the wealth of our Lu family to get ahead in the religion, and then competed with my brother in front of that person. You just wanted to sit on the position of the leader yourself, and you encouraged us to borrow Sun En was defeated and killed him. We have to guard against this kind of thing again."

Xu Daofu said solemnly: "Sun En is not a member of the alliance of the gods. Killing him was arranged by the gods himself, not my instigation. It's just that your brother has been reluctant to start because of his old love. My great cause failed, but this has become my fault?"

Lu Lanxiang sneered: "Anyway, we are all the children of the family who were saved by the Tao of Heavenly Master when we were in distress. People must not be ungrateful or avenge their gratitude. Otherwise, why stand up? The gods use our hands to control the heavenly master. Dao, an uncle and nephew of the Sun family was destroyed, but it is impossible for our Lu family to live as a religious leader for generations. After all, our Fan Yang Lu family is a well-known northern tribe in the world. You don’t want to be occupied by generations, but you are different. Although you don’t have the qualifications and prestige of our Lu family, you can marry me through marriage, plus your own military talent that is unmatched in the teaching, so let you From an ordinary disciple, to the second highest position today. It also gives you ambitions that you shouldn't have."

Xu Daofu gritted his teeth: "Everything I do is for the gods, and for the gods' alliance. This is a **** controlled by the gods' alliance for many years. You don't know it. It really teaches us to be capable. It's not his Sun's uncle and nephew, but the gods."

Lu Lanxiang said coldly: "So because he taught us these skills, taught you the art of war, taught my brothers and sisters martial arts, and the means to win people's hearts, can you do anything for him? Even if one day he wants you to kill us, you Will do it?"

The muscles on Xu Daofu's face were beating gently, his lips were closed, but he couldn't speak.

Lu Lanxiang sighed: "Xu Daofu, although we are separated, perhaps this is the best way to prevent us from seeing each other and killing each other in the future. This is also good for you. After all, our Lu family is in the north. My family still wants to go back to the north in the future, and your Xu family has lived in the south of the Yangtze River for a long time, and you can build your own world in the south. We recruit Zhu Chaoshi who can fight, and then go back to your hometown by yourself, while you listen to the words of the deity and concentrate on the sutra. Slightly south of the Yangtze River, everyone is in peace, wouldn't it be better?"

Xu Daofu said solemnly: "What do you want to do? Do you want to leave the alliance and stand on its own?"

Lu Lanxiang smiled slightly: "I haven't said this. It's just that you have sent troops privately to take down the south. We can also have the idea of ​​attacking the north and fighting back to our hometown. You can go to Liu Yu and the Beifu army in the south. Hard work, we might think that the divided Husmen in the north have a better chance. Now if we order you not to fight Jiankang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and instead take Jingzhou and go north to fight the Qin and Northern Wei, you can Agree?"

Xu Daofu's face changed slightly: "Do you want to fight back to the north?"

Lu Lanxiang hooked her mouth: "Whatever happens, you don't have to hide it from you anymore. You only want to attack Jiankang and dominate the South. But our Lu family has always been based in the north. Back then, we operated the Central Plains and even cooperated with Liu Yu to attack Ye. Cheng, that’s the idea. After all, your Xu family has no power in the north, but our Lu family is still a famous family in Hebei, and our focus is completely different."

Xu Daofu frowned: "But the gods have always wanted us to capture the south and establish a foundation in Jiankang. Your approach is contrary to him. Are you afraid that he will abolish your brothers and sisters?"

Lu Lanxiang said indifferently: "We have done things for the Tiandao League for so many years, and don't even know what they really want. Ten thousand years of peace, you know it well?"

Xu Dao kept silent, his eyes gleaming, and he seemed to be lost in thought.

Lu Lanxiang sneered: "Actually, you should also be aware that the destiny of a person is best to be grasped by yourself and not handed over easily. Even if it is a person who is kind to us, it does not mean that everything should be listened to him. If it is now God wants your life, are you willing?"

Xu Daofu sighed: "What can we do if we are willing or not, don't forget that we are all......"

Lu Lanxiang said coldly: "Yes, we are all in the hands of our lives, but you have to think about it the other way around, if it is useless to people and has no value for use, you will die faster. Why did Sun En gain power in the past? The gods never said that he must be eliminated. He didn't instruct you and me to take action until afterwards, when he kept fainting and repeatedly defeated by Liu Yu's hands?"

Xu Daofu's brows frowned: "Do you mean that Sun En will get rid of him because he has lost the value of use, instead of helping us get to the top?"

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