Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3074: Dou Peng bluntly speaks to Lu Xunmou

Zhu Chaoshi glanced at Lu Xun, only to see that he looked at himself with a gloomy expression, and the stern voice of the cloak sounded in his ears: "Just say what you think of, don't look at other people's faces to speak. Xiao Zhu, this seat. What I want to listen to is your real analysis."

Zhu Chaoshi nodded, took a deep breath, and said, "Vice-master Xu is now relying on the various stragglers in Jiangzhou and recruiting soldiers on the spot. They have the strength of more than 20,000 people, but the people brought by the gods from Guangzhou , But about five thousand, that is to say, there are only five thousand combatable soldiers. This strength has no chance of winning against Liu Yi. Whether it is land or water battle, it is not an opponent, so he sent me to request Master Lu sent troops to join him. Only when the main force passes by can there be a fighting force!"

Lu Xun said coldly, "Even if the soldiers and horses under my hand are no more than 50,000 soldiers, the troops from Guangzhou are less than 40,000, and San Wu’s old brothers only have 8,000, and the others seem to be Dong people. Can’t fight a head-on decisive battle, the newly incorporated army still needs time to reorganize and digest, give up the handy Jiangling, and go to fight him with the unsure Liu Yi army, Zhu Chaoshi, this is how you analyzed it from a military perspective?"

Speaking of this, Lu Xun bowed to the cloak: "The deity, the disciple thought, it is better to let Junior Brother Xu lead his troops to take down Jiangling with me. Jiangling seizes it, and Jingzhou is all in my hands. Even if Liu Yi fights the power of Jingzhou, we can fully contend with it through the advantage of water warfare. No matter how bad, we can also join Huanqian and Qiao Daofu's soldiers and horses to gather the power of the Three Kingdoms. Even if Liu Yu arrives, it may not be Can beat us!"

Cloak looked at Zhu Chaoshi blankly: "Xiao Zhu, what do you think?"

Zhu Chaoshi gritted his teeth. He knew clearly in his heart that it seemed that this cloak did not agree with Lu Xun's attack on Jingzhou. It is impossible for the great martial artist to fail to see that. No way, if you join Lu Xun in front of the cloak, I am afraid that today is the time of his death, and all the forbearance in front of him will be in vain.

Thinking of this, Zhu Chaoshi said sternly: "I still think that Liu Yi is our true enemy just like He Wuji at the time. If he is not resolved, Jingzhou will not be able to win it smoothly. Jiangling is a strong city, and Liu Daogui again We have shrunk our troops, and we have no chance of winning in the short term. Huan Qian rode out of Wuguan and Qiao Shu soldiers went to Baidi City. They can only be used as assistance, and it is impossible to confront Liu Yi's army head-on. Lu Zongzhi of Yongzhou may come to support Liu Daogui at any time. When the time comes, he will not be able to attack the city. The three-way men and horses of the Jin army will meet under Jiangling City. The Lu Jin State Army Corps."

Lu Xun's face became more and more ugly, if it weren't for the cloak, I'm afraid it would have happened long ago.

Dou Peng sighed softly: "Yuanlong, did you hear that? Even Xiao Zhu could see this, but you insisted on it again and again. We should have a good chat about this matter. Friends Xiao Zhu, you can quit. It's down."

Zhu Chaoshi murmured secretly in his heart. Originally, things were about to proceed according to his own plan, but when the cloak came out, he obviously had to reverse the direction. He might even agree that Lu Xun went to join forces with Xu Daofu, and that was himself. The last thing I want to see. Although he said how powerful Liu Yi is, Liu Yi has always been very happy, and he does not know the existence of the terrible demon of Doupeng. If the fight is really done, it does not rule out the possibility of rushing into the middle and defeating like He Wuji. If Liu Yi In a defeat, the Jiankang portal is open. I am afraid that it will be too late for the master to return to the teacher for rescue.

Thinking of this, Zhu Chaoshi couldn't be reconciled, he opened his mouth: "God, then, where is Vice Master Xu..."

Cloak didn't even look at him, and gently brushed his sleeves: "You have already received the letter you covered for Dao. Now we have to discuss the next plan with Yuanlong. You should go and rest first. I'll tell you the result. By the way, Lan Xiang's body will meet Shui Dengxian today. You'd better go and say goodbye when you have time. Anyway, she has already booked a love affair with you."

Zhu Chaoshi sighed secretly in his heart, and could only retreat. The cloak waved his hand, and all the deaf and mute guards present also retreated. Only the cloak and Lu Xun were left in the county guard's mansion.

When everyone withdrew from the mansion, the voice of the cloak rang coldly: "Yuanlong, do you know why I suddenly appeared this time?"

Lu Xun lowered his head: "The subordinates don't know the intentions of the gods. Didn't you originally say that you want to direct other directions and you are no longer here, but suddenly you just..."

The cloak said coldly: "Other directions? If I don't come, will you meet Dao Fu's soldiers and merge directly?"

Lu Xun’s expression changed, and he shook his head quickly and said: "God, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, this is absolutely impossible. Even if I disagree with Daofu, at most I will just do things in my own way. Where's the disabled?"

Dou Peng sneered: "Brothers? It's not the first time you have done this kind of thing. Isn't Sun En your siblings?"

Lu Xun was too choked to speak, and only heard Dou Peng continue to say: "What's more, don't think that I don't know your Xiao Jiujiu, Xu Daofu wants to destroy Jin and enter Jiankang, and you, after all It was Fan Yang Lu's family. He was in the Central Plains back then. He wanted to seize Luoyang and then set foot in the north. This time you attacked Jingxiang while sending someone to secretly contact Lu Zongzhi, who was a Taoist priest, and wanted to draw him in. My subordinates, don’t they just want to take Jingzhou, go further north to the Central Plains, seize Luoyang, and then wait for an opportunity to fight back to their hometown in Hebei?"

Lu Xun said that he was in his mind, and he simply said, "Is there any problem with this style of play? Staying in the south and fighting Liu Yu, the outcome is unpredictable, even the black robe did not beat him. , I take this opportunity to go north, get through the connection with the north, and develop a large number of believers in the north. The west can win Guanlong, and the north can win the seclusion. Isn’t it better than Jiankang?"

Cloak shook his head: "What you are looking for is that if the black robe is the position of the northern deity left after the defeat, but I tell you Yuanlong, everything is too fast, and the necessary calculations are necessary, but if it is For this little calculation to break the big event, then the gain is not worth the loss. If Liu Yi wins the Daofu, do you think you can go north with peace of mind? He will take the opportunity to attack Jingxiang and cut your back. The customs of the north and the south are very different, and you can run rampant in the south. For a while, the navy will be useless when they reach the north. When the time comes, the road will be cut off, and the epidemic will be rampant. What do you take to make a contribution to the north? Even Lu Zongzhi will become your most terrible enemy, taking your head as a loyalty. Dedicated to Liu Yu!"

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