Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3100: Although I am close to thousands of people, I will go

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and Dao Yanzhi exclaimed: "Brother Dao Gui, don't do that. You are sending sheep to the tiger's mouth."

Liu Daogui smiled slightly: "Aren't you? Yanzhi, you are not afraid to go alone, why can't I go?"

Tan Yi gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Dao Gui, Yan Zhi is not the same as you. He is a military commander, only an intermediate and high-level general. Like him, there are nearly ten members in Jingzhou, although If anything goes wrong, it will be a huge loss for our Beifu brothers, but it hasn't hurt one person and shakes the whole army."

"But you are different. You are the governor of Jingzhou, the commander of the entire army. Now Jiangzhou is occupied, and the entire western part of the Dajin Dynasty is tied to you. What if something happens to Jingzhou? What about the tens of thousands of people, what about the tens of thousands of soldiers of our Jingzhou Army?"

Tan Daoji also said: "Yeah, Uncle Yu is right, Brother Dao Gui, you are the military commander, you must not be alone in the danger. Even if you really want to see Lu Zongzhi, you cannot go to his camp. We You can list the military formations. If you meet before the two military formations, he will probably not refuse. Back then, when the commander went to see Murongde and signed the agreement, that was how the former coaches of the two military formations met."

Fu Hongzhi's eyes lit up: "Dao Ji's formulation is good. I think this is the safest way. It not only shows Dao Gui's tolerance, but also guarantees safety."

Tan Yi said solemnly: "No, if the enemy is in ambush before the two armies, it is very dangerous to send a **** archer to cast a cold arrow in secret. Even if you send someone to meet, you have to find a substitute, or, Or just let me go. My martial arts are better than Taoist rules. No matter what happens, the deputy commander will be damaged, and the coach will be able to keep it."

Liu Daogui smiled and waved his hands: "Ah, you and my martial arts are between the elders and the middle class. Normally, when you are in the military, when you are better than me, when are you better than me?"

Tan Yi gritted his teeth: "Can I practice hard recently? In short, you can't go lightly. This surname Lu has always been against us. At this time, he suddenly said that he was here to help us. The ghost believes. He clearly came to help Huanqian, but he saw that the situation has changed and he wants to probe us like this. If you go, it is like a gift. They can take you down first, and then take advantage of our loss. If we take the opportunity to make a surprise attack, then we are really in trouble."

Liu Daogui said calmly: "The army has its own rules in the army. Before I go, I will announce to the whole army. If I don’t return, the Jingzhou army will be under your command, General Tan Yitan. Even if Lu Zongzhi has evil intentions, We can't take advantage of the chaos. With our 20,000-plus army and the heads of Huan Qian and Huan Shisui, can he still dare to rebel?"

Everyone was speechless for the time being. Liu Daogui looked around at the four of them and said calmly: "You are right. Lu Zongzhi brought the troops here at this time, and his intentions are difficult to explain. Maybe he is here to help us, maybe he is here to rebel. But anyway, now Huan Qian is dead, and he has no object of refuge. He has no chance of winning when he lays out to fight against our Beifu army. I can pardon so many Jiangling nobles who are clearly collaborating with the enemy. Is there no room for Lu Zong to burn letters?"

Tan Daoji sighed: "Honestly speaking, Dao Gui, your heart and mind is really admirable, but, although the nobles in Jiangling City, although they have some influence, they don't have any ready-made soldiers and horses in their hands. They are just secret songs. , It doesn’t really pose any threat. At most, it’s a whistleblower or verbal allegiance in advance. Now that Huan Qian is defeated, they will naturally miss you for your high justice and trust."

"But Lu Zongzhi is a long-term separatist dominance of a state. He is a great warlord in Yongzhou who has been entrenched for nearly two decades. The land of Nanyang is in his hands, just like an independent kingdom. If he really has evil intentions, he will kidnap you. Or attack and kill, even if we don’t take the opportunity to attack us, we can still let us throw a rat, dare not chase him, and dedicate you to Hou Qin afterwards. As an effective meeting ceremony, we will also be very passive. After all, apart from the Jingzhou provincial governor, one of the generals Outside of your identity, you're still the handsome brother."

Liu Daogui smiled slightly: "Thank you brother Daoji for your concern. I am very touched by your words. It is true that Lu Zongzhi has indeed seized one side for a long time, and the tail is not big enough. Not long after we destroyed Chu, when Jingzhou was unstable, it was out of stability for the whole country. Considering that we did not dismiss him from office and take back his turf, but I think Lu Zongzhi is a wise man, knowing good or bad, he will look at the general situation, let alone how he is loyal, at least from the current situation, continue to be loyal to the Jin Dynasty Is the best choice."

Tan Yi gritted his teeth: "Not necessarily, Wuji died in battle. Jingzhou is at stake. At this time, he falls to the culprits. Maybe he can own the entire Jingzhou."

Liu Daogui asked, "If he falls to the demon thief, do you think the demon thief will give Jingzhou to him? Even if the demon thief takes ten thousand steps back, the demon thief can really take the southern world and destroy the Great Jin. What will it do to him? Benefit? One of his names is a disciple of Tianshi Dao? After Tianshi Dao is really going to win, Xu Daofu will pick up this 80% of Jingzhou, and even temporarily assign it to Zhu Chaoshi, a traitor~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He will never be encroached on by Lu Zong. In the eyes of these monsters, Lu Zongzhi’s local feudal towns, like our Dajin, and the Beifu Army, are to be eliminated."

The four of them nodded thoughtfully, but Tan Daoji still sighed, "Even if it is eliminated, it will be a future thing. Maybe we can cooperate now. Just like Huanqian, isn't it cooperating with Tianshidao?"

Liu Daogui sneered and said: "Cooperation? What's the cooperation? That is to merge all the nearly 20,000 Qiangqi subordinates of Goulin under Huan Qian. If I were Lu Zongzhi, seeing this result, even if I had a willingness to cooperate before, There will be no more now. Now Huan Qian is dead and the demon thief is going east. If he is an enemy of us, he will become the only opponent we need to eliminate in Jingzhou. Now he will take the initiative to jump out and take our attack?"

The four of them stopped talking, and even Tan Daoji began to nod slightly. Liu Daogui took a deep breath: "You haven't understood the true meaning of Lu Zongzhi's request. He asked me to meet him alone, not to make a bad idea, but to see if I really know how to do it. Think of it as my own brother, or trust him like my elder brother previously trusted him. All his privileges in Yongzhou must be built on this trust. I met him just before, which means I don’t trust him anymore. It is done in the way of the enemy instead of my subordinates. It is like the four of you. If you want to see me, I will be in the two armed forces with you. Before, find a substitute to give orders to you, what do you think in your heart?"

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