Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3112: There is a reason to push over

   Liu Yu sighed quietly: "Do you think that I have changed, and I am no longer the former Liu Yu who was full of enthusiasm, insisted on principles, and sacrificed himself to be benevolent and righteous?"

Wang Miaoyin shook his head: "Send a slave, don't be like this. You are not the same as before. You are in command of thousands of troops. You are responsible for the lives of one hundred thousand soldiers, and you are responsible for the lives of millions of people in the Great Jin Dynasty. Responsible for life and death, I know that asking you to patrol Zhang Gang is tantamount to betraying him, and it is tantamount to indirectly killing his old mother, but in order to win, this is nothing we can do. We can't afford it, and wait. That's amazing."

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Before you ordered to stop the siege and use the long siege to besiege Guanggu. In fact, it is your benevolence and righteousness. You don't want to attack Guanggu with such a fierce attack as you don’t want to increase it through strong attacks. Death and injury on both sides, but it takes time. Now our biggest problem is just like what we just said. We don’t have time. Breaking the city as soon as possible is the only way. It can be seen from the appearance of the soldiers patrolling the city that we still have strength. If we do not rush to attack the city, we will not be able to win the Guanggu even if we encircle it for half a year or even longer."

Liu Yuzheng said: "I have just made the determination. Now when it is not a woman’s benevolence, let alone killing Zhang Gang’s mother, even if I want to sacrifice my mother, I have to do it. Because there is one on one side. The lives of human beings are the lives of thousands of people in a row and the world of the Great Jin Dynasty. It is self-explanatory. But what I want to say is that there have been controversies in the military discussions just now, from the beginning to whether Zhu Lingshi should be killed or not. After Zhang Gang's tour of the city, the conflict of opinions was very severe, and..."

   Liu Muzhi smiled and said: "Moreover, you can vaguely hear that the generals are not convinced by each other, and deliberately express different opinions in order to get ahead, right?"

Liu Yu sighed softly: "To be honest, this worries me more than Guanggu City. This time Wuji's defeat is not because of this mentality of grabbing merit and building a career? If it weren't for him. Fighting with Xi Le who will fight first, how can they rush to send troops, the army will spread out the levy, go out to Nankang to buy herbs, so that the demon thieves will calculate the plan and take the lead? Kang, keep the advance base to continue the southern expedition, how can you lead the navy into the river and wipe out the monsters in the water battle? Everything is a mentality."

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "It's true. I don't believe that Zhu Chaoshi will really defect to the enemy, but he snatched out Nankang, only considering offense and neglecting defense, especially the serious underestimation of the demon's counterattack against Nankang, which is also a fact. In the battle of Jiangzhou, the lessons of our army are extremely painful. From being handsome to general, you will fight for me for meritorious service, and you will fight to escape after the hard fight. Even Wei Shunzhi, a hero and hero, cannot avoid it."

Liu Yu’s eyes flashed coldly: "Too Shunzhi disappointed me, and also disappointed Wuji too much. Originally, his two thousand soldiers and horses were all veterans of a hundred battles, but because he took the vanguard for Zhu Chaoshi, he was passively sabotaged. , I couldn’t catch up in the back, and both wars were missed. According to the plan, he should have rushed to Yuzhang and Wuji early to rendezvous, and then proceeded by land and water, so that even if Wuji loses in the water battle, he can at least be withdrawn. Some soldiers and horses go to land, so the whole army will not be wiped out."

"After hearing the news of Wuji's defeat, this Wei Shunzhi disregarded Xie Bao's plea for defending Yuzhang. He turned halfway, threw down the friendly army and the people of the city, and withdrew the generals back to the rear, which led to Xie Baoli's death in the battle. Part of the people also fell into the hands of the monsters. Not only that, he also robbed the people under the pretext of suppressing the thief during the rout, and even committed acts of killing good, all these evil deeds are all capital crimes!"

   Liu Muzhi hooked the corner of his mouth: "He really deserves to die, but after all, he is a veteran, a hero, and when Liu Laozhi fought in the past, it was the same. I'm afraid he will follow him..."

Liu Yu sternly said: "Liu Laozhi is Liu Laozhi, and I am me. I have issued an order on the first day since I took over the Beifu. The previous set must never be reproduced. Wei Shunzhi did this to cover himself. It’s the fault of the person, and he put on a retreat with strength, and some gains, but this is nothing more than self-deception!"

Liu Muzhi sighed: "To be honest, when I received these tips, I was also surprised. I never thought that Wei Shunzhi would become like this. However, sending slaves, now Wei Shunzhi retires from Yuzhou and joins forces with Liu Xile. For one thing, it turns out that he is also under Wuji, and you probably can't punish him now."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "Wei Shunzhi's affairs are hundreds of times worse than Zhu Chaoshi. If I don't deal with military laws strictly, I'm afraid everyone will follow suit in the future. How can I be worthy of the soldiers who died in Jiangzhou and worthy of those who gave him? Innocent people slaughtered?"

Wang Miaoyin shook his head gently: "Even if you want to deal with it, you have to wait until you return to the teacher. Now let's think about how to win the war of Guanggu. You mentioned this matter that the people will fight for merit, are you worried? In this siege, everyone will miss major events because they have been robbed of merits?"

Liu Yuping regained his feelings and said: "That's the case. When the last siege of the city, all the armies were bravely moving forward. Everyone wanted to win Guanggu in one go~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the battle I made. The law was a three-sided attack, leaving only one escape route in the north city. Although there was a feint as the main attack, they ignored these when they fought. , You vie for me, squeezed into a ball, chaos."

Liu Muzhi sighed: "Yes, it's still a convergence point here in the southern city you command. The direction of the east and west two cities gave the Yan army's organs such a stormy shooting at close range, but the loss was heavy, only half a day. With kung fu, our army has suffered more than 10,000 casualties. Even if it was the tragic battle of Linqu, there was not such a big loss."

Liu Yu nodded: "Yes, after we failed to attack the city on the first day, we launched tentative attacks day after day, but the generals went to the other side and began to preserve their strength, not let the elite Beifu veterans go to war, but Let those newly attached Qingzhou militiamen go into battle. After a month, there were more than 10,000 casualties. The corpses outside the city were everywhere, but there was nothing to do with this city wall. If not, how could I stop the siege and change it to Changwei Woolen cloth?"

Wang Miaoyin sternly said: "Sending slaves, this is due to human nature, and no one can solve the matter of supporting soldiers and self-respect. You can only be promoted through meritorious service, and the military merits of an army can be counted as the master and general. In the head, this naturally makes them have this kind of consciousness. If you fight hard, you will push me. If you want to change all of this, I am afraid you have to change the rules first!"


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