Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3114: Count 2 thief differences

Liu Yu's heart was hot, Wang Miaoyin looked at her eyes, with sincere affection, on top of her stunning beauty, full of concern, and a touch of sadness. Obviously, she said this from the heart, source To love.

Liu Muzhi coughed softly, releasing the two of them from staring at each other, and only listened to his voice ringing in Liu Yu's ear: "This kind of checks and balances, the emperor's heart, is It is necessary, Ji slave, you may have to adapt to these in the future. Miao Yin is familiar with the checks and balances of these top families for hundreds of years. In this regard, you should really listen to her."

Liu Yu nodded: "It's really great to have you help me. From this time on, I have to try to decentralize and let them play more. His proposal should be executed by him. As for the effect, , Speak with facts."

Liu Muzhi said sternly: "I actually agreed with this idea in my heart last time, but I know that you will definitely not agree with the principle of benevolence and righteousness and the principles of cleansing people's hearts. Therefore, this villain who came out to veto him will be my responsibility. Well, this is on top of the balance of generals, and a balance of civil and military affairs. It is better to come forward from my long history than to come forward by yourself. After all, I am at odds with the generals, and there is still room for you to maneuver, but If you have a direct conflict with them, it will not be easy to really let them serve in the future."

Liu Yu sighed: "Yes, during the official military meeting today, Suppression will raise this matter again. If he refuses again, I am afraid that he will not be able to raise his head in front of the generals in the future. I think most of the problem is from a military perspective, but In the future, I am afraid that we will have to consider more places. Miaoyin, Jingzhou and Yuzhou, including the capital, is there any further news?"

Wang Miaoyin's eyebrows furrowed: "The situation is worse than we thought. It is said that Zhu Chaoshi was seduced by Lu Xun's sister Lu Lanxiang before he turned against the enemy, and even he and He Wuji ended up in a duel on the battleship. Lu Lanxiang also joined, but in the end He Wuji shot Lu Lanxiang with his own hands before he died, and severely injured Zhu Chaoshi."

   Liu Yu frowned: "Why is there such a thing? Isn't Lu Lanxiang Xu Daofu's wife? How can she be with Chao Shi..."

Liu Muzhi nodded thoughtfully and said: "No wonder Lu Xun and Xu Daofu did not join forces this time. I thought that the two were working separately, developing separately, and occupying the most territory with the fastest speed. It seems that these two people have long been contradictory."

   Liu Yu suddenly brightened his eyes: "By the way, isn't there a ceremonial ritual of the celestial being in that heavenly master, I'm afraid this Lu Lanxiang..."

   Wang Miaoyin's face blushed: "Well, this Lu Xu's rebellion should have nothing to do with this matter. Anyway, even if Zhu Chaoshi and Lu Lanxiang participated in this ceremony together, it is impossible for this to be true."

Liu Yu shook his head: "I mean, if Xu Daofu's wife has been participating in this kind of ceremony, as a man, I'm afraid he can't stand it. Lu Lanxiang went directly to the newly captured Zhu Chaoshi. I am afraid that the Lu family's sister and brother will prepare. The reason for supporting Zhu Chaoshi to deal with Xu Daofu."

Liu Muzhi said immediately: "I agree with Ji Slave's judgment. For a long time, Lu Xun has been the leader of the monsters, but only in spiritual and educational affairs. In the military, Xu Daofu has always been commanded. This raid on Nankang. It was basically completed by Xu Daofu’s Siheung troops. Lu Xun’s army crossed the Five Ridges and entered Xiangzhou when Xu Daofu was going to fight He Wuji. As for the troops led by Lu Lanxiang, I’m afraid it’s not. Acting according to Xu Daofu's deployment, she did it early in the morning, otherwise, it wouldn't be Xu Daofu and Xu Daofu as two separate troops."

Wang Miaoyin nodded and said: "Yes, He Wuji's defeat is already timed. Zhu Chaoshi actually drew a duel with him. Obviously, he wanted to take down the great merit of beheading the enemy coach. An arrow or a burning ship can kill He Wuji. Lu Lanxiang finally joined the battle group, but he was killed by He Wuji. I think there must be a hidden secret in it."

Liu Yu said solemnly: "Although Wuji has a superb halberd technique, he is already old, and he has been injured for a long time before fighting. The Tang newspaper said that he also killed several elite swordsmen in front of the thief. Zhu Chaoshi’s martial arts is very strong, and he is usually not under Wuji. At this time, he can fight alone. As long as he guards the door and delays for half an hour, he can win. In the end, he is injured by Wuji. In the meantime, There must be some reason."

   Liu Muzhi laughed and said: "Could it be because he became a traitor, facing Wuji and being righteous, holding Su Wujie in his hand, shortness of breath and guilty conscience, unable to show his strength?"

Liu Yu hooked the corner of his mouth: "It's possible, but in a life-and-death struggle, no one dared to joke about his life. Although Wuji injured Zhu Chaoshi, but didn't take his life, he just killed Lu Lanxiang. In my judgment, I’m afraid it’s Super Stone that didn’t really bring down the demon, but just staying in the enemy camp and still in the North. He wants to find the right time to return to the team anyway.”

Wang Miaoyin laughed: "This is probably the most reasonable explanation, but if you can think of things thousands of miles away, why can't the monsters think of it? And Zhu Chaoshi is here first at Xu Daofu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Later, I went to Lu Xun's side. The two thieves didn't kill him, right? Didn't they see it?"

Liu Yuzheng said: "I don't think so. The two thief Lu Xu are both extremely shrewd and cunning. From reality, there should be 10,000 reasons to kill Chaoshi, but in the end Chaoshi went to Lu Xunjun. I think this is because the two sides are testing each other, and in the middle, there may be a role for Chaoshi."

   Liu Muzhi smiled and said: "You mean to say that Super Stone is sowing the discord between the two thieves, using their contradictions and mutual distrust, protecting themselves, and giving the monsters the possibility of differentiation?"

Liu Yu sighed: "Yes, let’s not say anything else, I just said openly to Lu Lanxiang that he would leave Xu Daofu and marry Zhu Chaoshi. Anyone from Xu Daofu’s standpoint would definitely kill Chao Shi, because there is no To protect Lu Lanxiang as an excuse, no one would object to killing him. But in this way, it would be tantamount to breaking with Lu Xun, and Lu Xun might even suspect that he was a murderer, using Wuji or even Zhu Chaoshi’s hand. Kill Lu Lanxiang. Therefore, if Chao Shi can gain the trust of Xu Daofu, he may be sent to reconcile with Lu Xun. To the best of luck, Xu Daofu can be regarded as sending the person directly responsible for Lu Lanxiang’s death to Lu Xun. In the hand, if you want to kill or let him go, it is also a signal of reconciliation. However, you said, why should Xu Daofu take the initiative to reconcile?"


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