Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3146: The queen goes out with a cavalry

Helan Lu sneered: "Then I can't help him. In this war, the Murong clan's soldiers and horses have suffered heavy losses, and the four sides have been rebelled. He can no longer send troops to pacify the four sides. If Liu Yu retreats, then the South The threat of ’s can be lifted temporarily, but people still need to guard the south to quell rebel forces like the Pilu family. The Northern Wei Dynasty in the north will take the opportunity to invade. He must use his own soldiers to defend the north, so the sweeping force is not ours. Who?"

He Lanmin shook his head unconvincedly and said, "Like Han Fan and Fengfu, the Han people in Qingzhou, as well as the Han generals such as Yuan Zun and Yuan Miao, can also do the same thing. Why do you have to?"

Helan Lu smiled and said, "Because you are after all his black-robed disciples. Even if those Han people are trapped in this Guanggu city and cannot go out, their relatives in their hometown have already surrendered to Liu Yu. Will Robo trust them again? Little girl, this time we and Hei Pao are also in the same sorrow. All the tribesmen in the north followed into the city. There is no need to go back to the north. Go to the south to guard Nan Yan. It makes sense in both emotion and reason."

He Lanmin frowned: "But if you do this, you will have to face the Eastern Jin Dynasty directly. Facing Liu Yu, do you really think it will be okay?"

Helan Lu whispered: "When the time comes, the camera will move. If Murong Lan can reconcile with Liu Yu, such as taking him back to the Eastern Jin Dynasty as a hostage, then we can also take the opportunity to surrender to the Eastern Jin Dynasty, as long as the Eastern Jin Dynasty allows us to continue to save. For the territory, it’s fine to retain the status of independence, or you can claim your vassal to both families, but you can maintain the independence of your territory. That is probably the best result of our Helan Department."

He Lanmin breathed a sigh of relief: "Anyway, I have to survive this time and get favorable conditions. That's what I mean."

Helan Lu smiled slightly: "That is, only by holding Guanggu with the black robe, can we have the conditions to talk, otherwise the city will be broken now, and the life will be lost, so what about surrender. Now I want to offer the city. , I can’t find a way to contact the Jin army."

"Even if you can go out of the city to find Liu Yu, it's hard to say whether people will believe it or not. Besides, how to offer the city, how to open the door, and how to get the subordinates to execute is all troublesome. Don't think about it. I can’t hold on. When will the foreign aid arrive? That’s what happened in the past few days. After this time, let’s talk about it later!"

He Lanmin nodded: "Then you are here to defend the city. I went to Murong Lan and said to help her protect the child. Now she has to go to the city to command the defense every day, and she can’t take care of the children. Just control her and Liu Yu’s. Son, even if the city is broken, maybe we still have the final negotiation terms!"

Helanlu's eyes lit up: "Oh, my little sister, you are really thinking well, this is a good way, you hurry up..."

Before he finished his words, he only heard a commotion at the head of the city. Many soldiers began to shout: "Oh, Jin Jun, Jin Jun is here!"

Helan Lu's face changed, he rushed out and ran to the city wall, only to see the long fence outside the city, an iron gate slowly rises, and more than a hundred armed soldiers lined up. Dozens of armored knights followed closely. The knights on the horses wore their armors, wrestled in one hand, and held a large shield in the other. It didn't look like it was for offense, but for protection.

He Lanmin also walked to the side of Helan Lu, frowning her eyebrows slightly: "Is the Jin army going to attack the city? But why don't you send out the ladders and vehicles, even the cavalry are dispatched, they shouldn't I was thinking of riding a horse to siege the city."

A lieutenant by Helan Lu laughed: "This is obviously not here to attack the city. I'm afraid, it's the same old thing. Sending cavalry to patrol the city and shouting, saying that we will surrender to the city earlier. Hehe. We are not those Han people. Our family members are all in this city. Even if the whole world falls into the hands of the Jin army, as long as Guanggu is still there, there is nothing to lose!"

Helan Lu laughed: "General Dawu said it well, that's the truth, but don't be careless. Maybe the Jin army is just the first unit, who needs to provide **** for the general. The siege unit may still be behind. You see, thousands of corpses from the Jin army’s attack in this city have not been withdrawn. They want to attack the city, they have to step on these decaying corpses of their own people, as if they have to cross a swamp of flesh and blood, but it is not so easy, and it is also It will be infected with the disease. These corpses are our first line of defense!"

He Lanmin frowned, and his nose twitched: "The stinks are also stinky. If these stinky people are not cleaned up, we are afraid that we will get the disease first!"

Helan Lu sighed: "Smelly, it's better to be sick than to let the Jin army rush up. Now these corpses are our city defense. I think Liu Yu is here to negotiate a peace, but not here. When attacking the city, everyone must firmly hold their position. If the Jin army really rushes into the city, then Wannu..."

His voice did not fall~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Suddenly his expression changed. After the Jinjun’s Changwei Iron Gate, a carriage pulled by four white horses slowly stepped out. Two tigers and generals riding on tall horses , Holding a large shield, sandwiching the two sides of the carriage from left to right, and thirty shield-wielding swordsmen walking forward and backward.

On the carriage, there is a yellow crown that is unique to the royal family, and a big flag with the word "Sima" is flying high in the hands of a knight behind the carriage. , And in the car behind her stood a medium-sized scribe with a white face and a small beard. Isn’t it Zhang Gang, who is famous for his wooden armor mechanism?

As the carriage came out, cheers rang out in the Changwei. Although none of the Jin army surrounding them could be seen, one could hear the tsunami-like sound of the Weihou Mountain: "The Queen of Dajin, the mother of the world, Chitose, Chitose, Chitose!"

Helanlu's expression changed, he looked at the woman on the carriage, and muttered, "Could it be that it is really the Queen of Jin, God's Love?"

He Lanmin gritted his teeth: "It seems to be true. This time this woman went out with the army to represent the emperor. I heard that she was also on the stage with Liu Yu in the battle of Linqu. Mingyue wanted to attack her before she was ambushed. , It seems, it’s not a fuel-efficient lamp. I can’t imagine the emperor of the Sima clan is weak and incompetent, just like a useless person, but this queen is a person who can go to the battlefield. But it’s not surprising that these aristocratic women are so capable. With the skill of these spies, who can become a queen, I'm afraid they are also characters like Muronglan and me."

Muronglan's voice sounded coldly behind: "You guessed it this time. She has the ability to kill Mingyue. She is far from an ordinary spy, but what I care more about is the other person in her car. one person!"


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