Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3159: The arrow sneaks out of the burning mantle wall

East Jin Beifu One Hill and Eight https://

Liu Rongzu, who was **** with a headband and soaring to the sky, came out, fully armored, hand-held spear, and awe-inspiring. His father Liu Huaishen, who was standing next to him, looked a little short, even though Liu Huaishen was also eight feet tall. A strong man, but in front of his son, he was a size smaller.

Tan Shao looked at Liu Rongzu up and down, and his eyes were full of praise: "What a young tiger general, you really deserve to be the prestigious Rongzu in the young area of ​​our Beifu Army. If I remember correctly, the military chief of Jingkou the previous year was You."

Liu Rongzu laughed and said, "Brother A Shao laughed, I can only play in the countryside with my three-legged cat's skills. A true hero must fight against Hu. This time, my dad brought me into the Beifu Army, just to meet. Meet the world and get acquainted with the real brother."

Tan Shao looked at Liu Yu and sighed: "Congratulations to the handsome, there are so many young heroes in the clan. Seeing him, I think of us at this age, and the Raptors, he..."

Having said that, his eyes suddenly became a little red, and he couldn't continue.

Liu Yu felt sad for a while. Since childhood, Tanshao and Meng Longfu had the best relationship between the Tan family brothers and the Meng family brothers. They were also the highest children in the two martial arts, and their feelings far exceeded After the news of Meng Longfu’s death in battle, Tan Shao was also the one who reacted most violently. This time he wanted to take the lead in charging and seizing the first victory. I’m afraid he also wanted to kill the black robe with his own hands, for the brothers of life and death. For revenge, seeing Liu Rongzu at this moment seems to have seen the Meng Long Fu from that year, so why wouldn't it evoke the memories in his heart?

But Liu Yu forced a haha: "There are heroes from generation to generation. We will get old one day. In the future, it must be the world of young people, A Shao, this time I will give Rongzu to you. If you are If you want to charge forward, let him do it for you, presumably he won't let you down."

Liu Huaishen smiled and said, "A Shao is a famous warlord of our Beifu Army, Rong Zu. It is your blessing to follow him, so let's call Brother Shao!"

Liu Rongzu smiled and said, "Brother Shao, I'll hit wherever you point in a while, frown, not a hero!"

Tan Shao gritted his teeth: "Rongzu, living is more important than anything else. You have a long way to go. You don't have to..."

Liu Rongzu’s face changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice, “Brother Shao, I’m not afraid of death. I have two brothers. The Liu family’s inheritance is inherited from others. This battle is an opportunity for us to make merits. We missed this. Secondly, I don’t know how many years there has been such a great battle. It can destroy Nanyan and complete the feat of fighting back against the Hu people for the first time since the founding of the Great Jin Dynasty. Even if I die nine times, I have no regrets. Please don’t worry about my safety. As a warrior, I want to be in the forefront. This is what I did when I went to Xicheng with you!"

Tan Shao laughed, and patted Liu Rongzu's broad shoulders vigorously: "A good man, a good man, really worthy of being the nephew of Brother Ji Nu, worthy of our Jingkou man, but courage is not enough. On the battlefield, You have to look at the six paths and listen to all directions. Not only must you look at the enemy in front of you, but you must also pay attention to what is flying in the sky and on the ground. Only by living can you kill more thieves and build greater power!"

Liu Rongzu said loudly: "Rongzu has written it down, I would like to lead the first boarding!"

Tan Shao nodded and looked at Liu Huaishen: "Brother Huaishen, I will accept Linglang for the time being. You are also careful here."

Liu Huaishen smiled slightly: "Let’s perform our duties. In the commander, I also have tasks. My second son, Liu Deyuan, is a master driving a chariot, even if he is driving a cattle, he can steadily use the chariot. The speed of the heavy carriage rushed through the one-foot wide door, but he was not lucky enough to follow you."

Tan Shao smiled and said: "For a long time, the Deyuan brothers are among the best masters, but this time the siege, I am afraid that he has no use for him, unless..."

He looked in the direction of Beicheng: "Unless the Yan army really has cavalry from there. I hope that in such a battle, the Yan army’s armored cavalry can be wiped out, and they will completely lose the ability to go out of the city to counterattack. We I can let go and siege the city."

Liu Yu nodded: "Everyone performs their duties." He looked at the city wall in front of him. While he was talking, it turned out that the whole city wall was still covered with the curtain lined with the wind. Chengcheng's network is still resisting rounds of flying rocks. From a distance, the sergeants at the head of the city are running more and more proudly. Many agencies have even crossbows and catapults, and they have simply pushed out bunkers and obstacles. In this way, he unscrupulously launched towards the Jin army's position.

Behind Liu Yu, Liu Zhong, who had always been attached to the flag, said bitterly: "These swallow thieves are too arrogant, relying on this little mantle, they thought they would be able to defuse our army's attack. When the rocket attacked, they asked them to understand what is powerful!"

Wang Miaoyin slowly said: "But Chite and the others have been there for so long~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Why haven't they moved yet? I haven't seen our archers..."

Before her words fell, suddenly, she saw hundreds of sparks bursting up near the city wall in front of him almost instantly. From a distance, like flickering candlelights, they rose into the sky and flew quickly and accurately. Those curtain walls that are covered with city walls.

It was too late, and it was fast. These rockets hit the cloth mantle. From a distance, the ends of the rockets are all tied with sachets of saltpeter and sulfur. This makes the fire ignite when it hits the cloth. It only takes a minute or so. The city wall is almost burning, and only now can we clearly see that there are more than a hundred moving like rabbits. From this wall of fire, walking zigzags, quickly detaching them, one by one. The bow is covered in khaki camouflage clothes, and the archers who look at the same color as the earth from afar, aren't they the ones who ignited these curtain walls just now?

Wang Miaoyin sighed: "Even when I am here, I haven't seen how Chite and the others passed. It seems that these elite archers are not only super-skilled in archery, but also superior in their hidden skills in disguise."

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "In the past two months, our army has quietly dug a lot of tunnels in order to attack the city. It is close to the city wall. It was originally used to shorten the distance of the impact during the siege. If you drop the draperies of the defenders, you will let the archers use them first. However, it is not easy for them to escape now!"

Wang Miaoyin's face changed slightly, only to hear a roar in Xianbei's language from far away from the city: "Don't let these Jin troops run away, shoot them to death, eight bow **** crossbow, shoot me!"

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