Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3166: Yin and Yang can also solve physics

Liu Huaishen grabbed his head and opened his eyes wide, with a look of doubt on his face: "Marshal, why do you use ice water? Isn't there an old saying that strikes while the iron is hot? You should add another fire, right."

Liu Yu laughed secretly in his heart, thanks to his coming from later generations, knowing that this kind of thermal expansion and contraction, the alternation of cold and heat will damage the internal tension of the metal, or else it is probably the same as the brother Huai Shen. He thought that continued heating would destroy the iron. The door.

Liu Yu suddenly became curious. Does the resourceful Liu Muzhi also understand these physics principles? He looked at Liu Muzhi and said, "Fatty, do you think it should be heated or should it be cooled with ice water?"

Liu Muzhi gently shook the feather fan, and said calmly: "Of course you have to use cold water. Although Huai Shen said that it is common sense to strike iron while it is hot, but please pay attention to it. How about immersing the red-hot iron in cold water, or even the urine of cattle and sheep?"

Liu Zhong thoughtfully said: "Yes, this hot soldering iron is also in cold water, and then it becomes hard all at once. However, if the water temperature is not controlled properly, or if it is immersed when it is overheated, it will sometimes break into two directly. We have seen this kind of thing in the army too much. Sometimes a badly hardened sword looks sharp, but the inside is very fragile, and it will break after a few cuts. We are also puzzled. "

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "Although this thing of gold and iron is hard, if it is hot enough, it can soften the gold and iron, and even melt into iron juice. Our method of forging steel armor leaves is not Using the method of blowing air from the blast furnace, the refined iron can be directly melted into molten iron, and then poured into the earthen mold to form a piece of armor. Send slave, this is when you entered the Beifu army at the beginning of the year and was in the logistics camp. A blockbuster invention, I still remember it now."

Liu Yu nodded: "Looking back, it’s like yesterday. Therefore, this hot place can soften the iron, but it will be inserted in the ice and snow instantly, changing from extremely hot to extremely cold, it will make the original soft steel , Quickly becomes a fixed shape again. Although it looks hard, the inside becomes fragile because of this method of alternating between Yin and Yang. If it encounters a strong external force, it will easily break from the inside. It is the kind of front that A Zhong said Sharp and not strong anymore."

Liu Huaishen suddenly realized: "It turns out that this is also the yin and yang, the method of cold and heat, it seems that everything in this world cannot be separated from the mutual transformation of these two instruments. People can't stand it, just this gold and iron is not easy to use."

Liu Yu sighed secretly in his heart, his distant brother, although he did not understand the physics principles of later generations, but using the yin and yang, the two instruments to explain, but also secretly consistent, it seems that the wisdom of the ancients is still great, although not like Modern physics can use all kinds of clear data and concepts to define everything, but it also vaguely knows the principle of mutual generation and restraint of yin and yang, and two instruments.

If we can always provide practical services, how can it be difficult to develop a scientific system with Chinese characteristics on this basis? If I can popularize the ideal compulsory education in the world, let everyone read and write, and then explore these scientific principles, with China's human and material resources, how can China not lead the world in science and technology?

However, Liu Yu's thoughts quickly turned back to reality. He put away the smile at the corner of his mouth and said: "That's right, unless the high heat continues and it becomes extremely sunny, and the iron gate is also melted into iron. The iron juice is hard to destroy. When we strike the iron, we need to use a closed blast furnace, add vigorous blasting, and let the hot air return to the furnace to continue to send the air, so that the yang air and the hot air become higher and higher. Turning iron into juice, but here, it is impossible to make such conditions. It is impossible to make the iron door melt into iron juice completely. Therefore, find a way to make the hot and red iron door cool down quickly , It's like quenching it with a handful of ice spring water, and the result will be..."

Liu Zhong laughed: "Then the result will be this big iron gate, just like the sword that failed to quench, the yin and yang will be attacked, the internal damage will be broken, and it will collapse on its own!"

Liu Yu’s eyes flashed coldly: “Go, transport twenty buckets of ice to the front. It was originally used for the iced wine after the army’s victory. Now it’s just right to use it to attack the city and lay down Guanggu. There are some in Murongchao’s palace cellar. With these ice cubes and fine wine, I will stay drunk with everyone!"

Liu Huaishen smiled and said, "Marshal, I will do it myself, Tie Niu's head, I'm afraid I can't understand this kind of yin and yang reconciliation, but as long as it is your order, let him use his head to hit the hot spot. The iron gate, he will execute it without saying a word. Just wait for the good news."

Liu Yu nodded: "Huishen, be careful, call Brother Tie Niu and be careful, don't be too forceful."

As Liu Huaishen ran all the way down the handsome platform, Liu Muzhi looked at the battle ahead, with a fat face on his face, still with an unspeakable smile, he shook his head: "I won't say whether the iron gate can be broken, but I Almost all of the army’s rush vehicles have been burned by the enemy. The roots of the city wall have become a sea of ​​flames and will burn for a long time. Then our army can’t directly attack the city, and the ladder and siege tower can’t get close to the city wall~www.wuxiaspot .com~You can’t break the city only by shooting arrows and arrows from below the city, unless..."

Wang Miaoyin quickly took over the conversation: "Unless these black fires can be extinguished immediately, right?"

Liu Muzhi hooked the corner of his mouth: "This black demon water is a rare and rare thing. It is different from ordinary oil, saltpeter, and sulfur. If it is poured with water, the fire will be even greater. I don't know how to put it out. Wonderful sound, do you have any idea?"

Liu Yu laughed: "Fatty, fatty, don’t you claim to know humans from the top, astronomy, and geography? Didn’t you pretend that you have thousands of years of knowledge in your stomach. I don’t mean that you know half of the things in the sky. You know everything about the world. How can there be unexpected things?"

Liu Muzhi smiled bitterly: "Because all ancient books have never recorded this black demon water, I have never seen this thing, and it is impossible to study it. Maybe this thing comes from the sky or from hell. I have no way of knowing it."

Liu Yu shook his head: "If you don't know, then ask Miao, ask Her Royal Highness, how would she know?"

Liu Muzhi hooked up the corner of his mouth and looked at Wang Miaoyin with a smile: "Because she has a good sister Muronglan, she may have information exchange."

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